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Aantal resultaten: 1( ID:N302199 )


Homomonument as Queer Micropublic : An Emotional Geography of Sexual Citizenship  / Martin Zebracki.

Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 108 (2017) 3 (july), p. 345-355
bron: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie jaargang: 108 (2017) 3 (july), p. 345-355
samenvatting: Emotions have remained under-addressed in scholarship on public memorial art, particularly with sexuality content. This case study on the Amsterdam-based Homomonument attends to this gap by differentiating emotions according to multi-scalar, multi-temporal and multi-semiotic dimensions of everyday lived experiences of sexual citizenship. Based on discourse analysis of secondary materials and social media coverage, supplemented with auto-ethnographic experience, the study explores how present-day feelings of respect, agitation and celebration around Homomonument are mediated at intersecting levels of the body, local community, broader society and especially emergent virtual community spaces. Such understanding requires critical interfaces with reminiscences, contemporary values and normativities, and future imaginaries. Specifically, this paper puts in perspective how Homomonument operates as queer micropublic: a space for intercultural encounter and 'queerying' sexual difference. This appears to be a multifaceted meaningful process, too: Homomonument ambiguously holds contesting, reconciling, indifferent and empathic sentiments alongside belongings and sexual identity expressions in quotidian life.

signatuur: cat. art. (geogr/sex) b

dgb artikelen (zebra/hom)

Homomonument as Queer Micropublic : An Emotional Geography of Sexual Citizenship
cat. art. (geogr/sex) b dgb artikelen (zebra/hom)
Martin Zebracki.
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie


( ID:N302199 )

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