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Aantal resultaten: 6( DE:"zwart feminisme" )


Ecologies Elsewhere: Flyness, Fill, and Black Women's Fugitive Matter(s)  / Marisa Solomon.

GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 28 (2022) 4 (oct), p. 567-587
bron: GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies jaargang: 28 (2022) 4 (oct), p. 567-587
samenvatting: This article shifts our attention elsewhere, to the places where living is predicated on knowing with, through, and sometimes as waste. Coming out of a larger project detailing the anti-Black geographies of "long-distance" waste management, the author argues that waste infrastructure holds together white property value and produces absented spaces of Black condemnation, the material "fill" to construct white propertied futures. Against white property, the author follows Betty, a Black sex worker in the Tidewater Region of Virginia, who teaches how stealing, swiping, salvaging, telling, and laboring waste are themselves critiques of how property orders earth, and they are ecological modes forged elsewhere. Through the analytics of flyness, becoming fill, and queer Black geometries of relationality, Betty shows us that living as and proximate to waste refracts fugitive articulations of gender on the move. Always moving at the intersection of Blackness as "a waste of space" and becoming waste object herself, Betty's flyness opens an ecological horizon for rethinking the matter that matters.

signatuur: ts.

Ecologies Elsewhere: Flyness, Fill, and Black Women's Fugitive Matter(s)
Marisa Solomon.
GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies

Standing at the Crossroads : The Black, Migrant & Refugee Women's Movement in the Netherlands  / Nancy Jouwe.

Historica (2016) 3, p. 3-8
bron: Historica (2016) 3 , p. 3-8
samenvatting: A renewed interest in Black feminism in the Netherlands has surfaced recently. This interest goes hand in hand with a recurrence of feminism and the Dutch "Black Pete is Racism' campaign, which now has evolved into a second wave anti-racist movement. These unique dynamics give space to a revaluation of the Black, Migrant, Refugee (BMR) women's movement in a Dutch context. In this article I want to concentrate on Dutch Black feminists and feminists of colour and position them as the Dutch intellectuals, organisers, and activists who, as a movement and as individuals, have been the key to developing an intersectional theory and praxis. Early on, these feminists developed the inclusive term Black, Migrant, Refugee womens movement (BMR) to encompass and'celebrate the very diverse backgrounds of the women involved. They placed the politics of difference at the heart of their collective endeavour.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (jouwe/sta)

Standing at the Crossroads : The Black, Migrant & Refugee Women's Movement in the Netherlands
dgb artikelen (jouwe/sta)
Nancy Jouwe.

Genderview Glora Wekker: Vaderlandse geschiedenis creëert "Witte onschuld  / Greetje Bijl.

Historica, 46 (2023) 1, p. 22-26
bron: Historica jaargang: 46 (2023) 1 , p. 22-26
samenvatting: Gloria Wekker is emerita hoogleraar Gender en Etniciteit aan de faculteit Geesteswetenschappen van de Universiteit Utrecht. Als sociaal en cultureel antropoloog is ze gespecialiseerd in genderstudies en Caribische studies. Wekker is bekend om haar onderzoek naar seksualiteit, "ras"/etniciteit en intersectioneel denken binnen het feminisme. Samen met Maayke Botman en Nancy Jouwe stelde Wekker in 2001 Caleidoscopische visies: de zwarte, migranten- vluchtelingenvrouwenbeweging in Nederland samen, dat intersectioneel denken in de Nederlandstalige context introduceerde. In haar recentste boek Witte Onschuld: Paradoxen van kolonialisme en ras (2016/2017) ontleedt Wekker koloniale denkpatronen en racisme in Nederland.

signatuur: ts. dgb

dgb artikelen

Genderview Glora Wekker: Vaderlandse geschiedenis creëert "Witte onschuld
ts. dgb dgb artikelen
Greetje Bijl.

Fabrication of selves : girls of color coming of age  / Babs Boter.

Amsterdam: s.n., 2005 - 461 p.: ill.
uitgave: Amsterdam : s.n., 2005 - 461 p.: ill.
  1. vrouwenemancipatie
  2. etnische groepen
  3. lhbti
samenvatting: Onderzoek naar de presentatie van de constructie van de eigen identiteit, 'het zelf', door Noord-Amerikaanse gekleurde meisjes, in het corpus van 'coming-of-ages narratives'. Gekeken wordt naar de manieren waarop de jonge vrouwelijke hoofdpersonen opgroeien in de marges van de witte Amerikaanse cultuur en hun identiteit construeren te midden van tegenstrijdige boodschappen. Bij dit constructieproces spelen de categorieën van gender, ras, etniciteit en klasse een cruciale rol, volgens de auteur. Geanalyseerde werken zijn o.a. Amy Tans 'The Joy Luck Club' (1989), Maxine Hong Kingstons 'The woman Warrior' (1976), twee Caraïbisch-Amerikaanse teksten, 'Zami: A new spelling of my name' (1982) van Audre Lorde, 'Brown girl, brownstones' van Paule Marshall (1959), en Nicholasa Mohrs 'Nilda' (1973).

signatuur: cat. (boter-b/fab) b

Fabrication of selves : girls of color coming of age
cat. (boter-b/fab) b

There's a Disco Ball Between Us : A Theory of Black Gay Life  / 

Jafari S. Allen.Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2022 - 415 p.: ill.
uitgave: Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2022 - 415 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 379-402.
samenvatting: In There's a Disco Ball Between Us, Jafari S. Allen offers a sweeping and lively ethnographic and intellectual history of what he calls "Black gay habits of mind." In conversational and lyrical language, Allen locates this sensibility as it emerged from radical Black lesbian activism and writing during the long 1980s. He traverses multiple temporalities and locations, drawing on research and fieldwork conducted across the globe, from Nairobi, London, and Paris to Toronto, Miami, and Trinidad and Tobago. In these locations and archives, Allen traces the genealogies of Black gay politics and cultures in the visual art, poetry, film, Black feminist theory, historiography, and activism of thinkers and artists such as Audre Lorde, Marsha P. Johnson, Essex Hemphill, Colin Robinson, Marlon Riggs, Pat Parker, and Joseph Beam. Throughout, Allen renarrates Black queer history while cultivating a Black gay method of thinking and writing. In so doing, he speaks to the urgent contemporary struggles for social justice while calling on Black studies to pursue scholarship, art, and policy derived from the lived experience and fantasies of Black people throughout the world.

signatuur: cat. (allen/the) b


There's a Disco Ball Between Us : A Theory of Black Gay Life
cat. (allen/the) b ODE3
Jafari S. Allen.

Schwarze Gottinnen

1998 - engels duits
    Type materiaal: vhsLand: usaJaar van productie: 1998Kleur: kl.Omroep: Westdeutsche Rundfunk

Genre: documentaires

samenvatting: Drie afleveringen van de Schwarze Gottinnen over de succesvolle zwarte zangeressen en toneelspelers in de jaren 20 tot de 60e jaren. Uitgelichte vrouwen: Billy Holiday, Josphine Baker, Dianna Ross, Ella Fitzgerald, Ethel Waters, Avi Anderson, Mary Anderson, Lina Horn, Hasel Scot en Eartha Kit.

signatuur: 6384

Schwarze Gottinnen


( DE:"zwart feminisme" )

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