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Aantal resultaten: 27( DE:"wijzigingen in de geboorteakte" )


License to be yourself : Laws and advocacy for legal gender recognition of trans people  / Ed. by David Scamell and Sebastian Krueger.

New York, NY: Open Society Foundations, 2014 - 54 p.
uitgave: New York, NY : Open Society Foundations, 2014 - 54 p.
  1. transgender
samenvatting: Resource of progressive and rights-based laws and policies for activists working on human rights issues for trans people and for policy makers who are considering developing laws, policys, or regulations on legal gender recognition that uphold the rights of trans people.

signatuur: cat. (licen/to)

dgb grijs

License to be yourself : Laws and advocacy for legal gender recognition of trans people
cat. (licen/to)dgb grijs

Advancing trans* movements worldwide : lessons from a dialogue between funders & activists working on gender diversity : conference report - December 3 & 4, 2013 - Berlin, Germany  / David Scarnell ... [et al.].

Washington, DC: Global Action for Trans Equality [GATE], 2013 - 28 p.
uitgave: Washington, DC : Global Action for Trans Equality [GATE], 2013 - 28 p.
  1. transgender
  2. rechtspositie
samenvatting: While learning and networking were key objectives, the meeting was designed to reach some concrete next steps towards improving and increasing funding for trans* and intersex movements.

signatuur: cat. (advanci/tra)

dgb grijs

Advancing trans* movements worldwide : lessons from a dialogue between funders & activists working on gender diversity : conference report - December 3 & 4, 2013 - Berlin, Germany
cat. (advanci/tra)dgb grijs

Gender identity issues : from the Rees case to the Christine Goodwin case.

[Strasbourg]: European Court of Human Rights, 2015 - 7 p.
uitgave: [Strasbourg] : European Court of Human Rights, 2015 - 7 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. transgender
samenvatting: Overzicht van de belangrijkste rechtzaken en uitspraken van het Europees Hof voor de rechten van de mens ten aanzien van zaken aangespannen door transgenders tegen de eigen staat.

signatuur: cat. (gende/ide/iss)

dgb grijs

Gender identity issues : from the Rees case to the Christine Goodwin case.
cat. (gende/ide/iss)dgb grijs

LGBTIQ Discrimination in Legislation : legal registration of sex and gender and laws relating to sex and gender reassignment  / by Sarah Moulds ; with the assistance of David Plater.

Adelaide: South Australian Law Reform Institute, 2016 - 64 p.
uitgave: Adelaide : South Australian Law Reform Institute, 2016 - 64 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. transgender
samenvatting: SALRI?s most significant recommendation is that the Sexual Reassignment Act 1988 (SA) should be repealed and a process for changing a person?s registered sex and/or gender be included in a new Part 4A of the Births Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 (SA). For adults, this would be a direct application process based on the existing change of name provisions and would allow for a person?s gender or sex to be described as ?male?, ?female?, ?Other, please specify?, with an option to provide a further self-describing gender identity such as ?trans?. This third option, based on the principle of self-identification, would align with relevant human rights statements and be consistent with the Australian Bureau of Statistics proposed new Sex and Gender Identity Standard. Should the prospect of permitting applicants to self-describe their gender identity give rise to insurmountable administrative difficulties, alternative suggestions for describing the third option are ?non-binary? or ?unspecified?.

signatuur: cat. (mould/lgb)

dgb grijs

LGBTIQ Discrimination in Legislation : legal registration of sex and gender and laws relating to sex and gender reassignment
cat. (mould/lgb)dgb grijs

"We mogen niet op onze lauweren rusten!" : Zuhal Demir gretig in de weer voor Gelijke Kansen  / Dennis De Roover ; Zuhal Demir.

Zizo, 24 (2017) 139 (jul/aug/sep), p. 40-42
bron: Zizo jaargang: 24 (2017) 139 (jul/aug/sep), p. 40-42
samenvatting: Een gesprek met staatssecretaris voor Gelijke Kansen Zuhal Demir (N-VA) over de nieuwe Transgenderwet met betrekking tot geslachtsregistratie- wijziging en haar scherpe kritiek aan het interfederaal gelijkecentrum Unia.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

"We mogen niet op onze lauweren rusten!" : Zuhal Demir gretig in de weer voor Gelijke Kansen
ts. dgb periodieken
Dennis De Roover ; Zuhal Demir.

Meer transgenders in Nederland na wetswijziging.

Parool 09-05-2017
bron: Parool 09-05-2017
samenvatting: Nederland telt meer transgenders. Het aantal mensen dat hun officiële geslachtsregistratie heeft laten wijzigen, is sterk gestegen.

signatuur: full_text

Meer transgenders in Nederland na wetswijziging.

Trans Rights Europe Map 2018.

[Berlin]: Transgender Europe [TGEU] ; [etc.], 2018 - [1] p.: ill.
uitgave: [Berlin] : Transgender Europe [TGEU] ; [etc.], 2018 - [1] p.: ill.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. transgender
samenvatting: The Trans Rights Europe Map reflects the requirement for a mental health diagnosis in gender recognition procedures in Europe. 34 countries in Europe require a mental health diagnosis before adapting identity documents.

signatuur: cat. (trans/rig/eur) 2018 dgb grijs

Trans Rights Europe Map 2018.
cat. (trans/rig/eur) 2018 dgb grijs

Legal Gender Recognition in Thailand : a Legal and Policy Review  / authors: Nada Chaiyajit and Wannapong Yodmuang ; contributing authors: Suparnee (Jay) Pongruengphant and Jensen Byrne.

Bangkok: UNDP, MSDHS, 2018 - 79 p.
uitgave: Bangkok : UNDP, MSDHS, 2018 - 79 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. transgender
samenvatting: Captures and explores the small number of laws, regulations and policies in Thailand that include transgender people within their scope and which may be relevant to legal gender recognition.

signatuur: cat. (chaiy/yod) dgb grijs

Legal Gender Recognition in Thailand : a Legal and Policy Review
cat. (chaiy/yod) dgb grijs

LGBTTTI Coalition of Latin America and the Caribbean Congratulates the Inter-American Court for Recognizing Right to the Identity of Transgender People and the Rights of Same Sex Couples.

[S.l.]: LGBTTTI Coalition of Latin America and the Caribbean, 2018 - 10 p.
uitgave: [S.l.] : LGBTTTI Coalition of Latin America and the Caribbean, 2018 - 10 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: The Coalition of LGBTTTI Organizations of Latin America and the Caribbean that work within the framework of the OAS, composed of the undersigned organizations, commend the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for the recognition of the human rights of transgender persons and same-sex couples, as affirmed in its Advisory Opinion 24/17 dated November 24, 2017 and published on January 9, 2018. With list of lgbtiq-organizations of 53 latin-american countries

signatuur: cat. (lgbttt/coa) dgb grijs

LGBTTTI Coalition of Latin America and the Caribbean Congratulates the Inter-American Court for Recognizing Right to the Identity of Transgender People and the Rights of Same Sex Couples.
cat. (lgbttt/coa) dgb grijs

Protecting Intersex People In Europe: A Toolkit For Law and Policymakers : With Digital Appendix and Checklist  / Dan Christian Ghattas ; foreword by Dan Christian Ghattas, Evelyne Paradis.

Brussels: ILGA Europe ; [etc.], 2019 - 44 p.
uitgave: Brussels : ILGA Europe ; [etc.], 2019 - 44 p.
  1. intersekse
  2. transgender
samenvatting: This toolkit describes the areas of life in which intersex people are most vulnerable to violations on the basis of their sex characteristics, and provides detailed guidance on what to do to minimise or eliminate these violations. Throughout the main toolkit, references to specific legal instruments that exemplify the current best practice related to sex characteristics are highlighted. Additionally, central concepts such as personal, prior, free, and fully-informed consent and expert-sensitive counselling are explained. In some cases, common pitfalls in legal language that should be avoided are also detailed.

signatuur: cat. (ghatt/pro)

dgb grijs

Protecting Intersex People In Europe: A Toolkit For Law and Policymakers : With Digital Appendix and Checklist
cat. (ghatt/pro)dgb grijs


( DE:"wijzigingen in de geboorteakte" )

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