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Aantal resultaten: 9( DE:"volkstellingen" )


US Census to collect data on gay men and lesbians  / Jennie MacKnight.

Gay Community News, 17 (1990) 30 (feb 11), p. 3, 11;
bron: Gay Community News jaargang: 17 (1990) 30 (feb 11), p. 3, 11;
samenvatting: Bij de volkstelling worden ook homoparen geregistreerd.

signatuur: ts.

US Census to collect data on gay men and lesbians
Jennie MacKnight.
Gay Community News
(feb 11)
3, 11;

Count me out: Gays and the Census  / Charlotte Cooper.

www.rainbownetwork.com 23-03-2001
bron: www.rainbownetwork.com 23-03-2001
samenvatting: Bij de nationale volkstelling, die één keer in de tien jaar in het Verenigd Koninkrijk wordt gehouden, is die van 2001 de eerste waarbij onder de ingang 'Leden van het huishouden en hun relatie daarin' mensen van hetzelfde geslacht een het hokje 'partner' kunnen aankruisen. Veel kritiek vanuit de homo/lesbo-wereld, omdat zo alleen samenwonende homoseksuelen op de totale bevolking meegerekend worden en voor relatievormen is alleen een (hetero)huwelijkhokje beschikbaar en vallen alle homoseksuelen automatisch in de categorie 'single'. Omdat verder niet expliciet naar seksuele voorkeur gevraagd wordt, zullen er verrassend weinig homo's en lesbo's in de UK wonen.

signatuur: knipsel (datum)

Count me out: Gays and the Census
knipsel (datum)
Charlotte Cooper.

Gay & lesbian census

London: i.d. research, 2001 - 16 p.
uitgave: London : i.d. research, 2001 - 16 p.
  1. relaties/leefvormen
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Door homo/lesbisch marktonderzoeksbureau georganiseerde enquête voor homomannen, lesbische vrouwen en biseksuelen, die een duidelijk beeld moet geven van aantallen Britse homo/biseksuelen en hun levenswijze.

signatuur: cat (id/gay) k

Gay & lesbian census
cat (id/gay) k

By the numbers : census 2000 was the most accurate federal accounting of gay Americans ever -- but was it enough?  / Lee Condon.

Advocate (2001) 847 (Sep 25), p. 37-40
bron: Advocate (2001) 847 (Sep 25), p. 37-40
samenvatting: Though it dramatically undercounted gay and lesbian couples, the 2000 census was the first to try to count the number of gay and lesbian couples in America; 601,000 couples took advantage of the opportunity to declare themselves living in an "unmarried partnership" (1.2 million people). No effort was made to count single gays and lesbians.

signatuur: ts.

By the numbers : census 2000 was the most accurate federal accounting of gay Americans ever -- but was it enough?
Lee Condon.
(Sep 25)

From Multiracial to Transgender? : Assessing Attitudes toward Expanding Gender Options on the US Census  / Kristen Schilt and Jenifer Bratter.

TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2 (2015) 1 (feb), p. 77-100
bron: TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 2 (2015) 1 (feb), p. 77-100
samenvatting: In 2000, the US Census Bureau acknowledged multiracial Americans on the decennial census in an attempt to better capture racial heterogeneity and to more closely align what is publicly collected on forms with people's personal understandings of their racial identity. In this article, we start a discussion of how the census - a major source of political identity recognition and legitimation - could be more inclusive of gender variance. We ask: (1) Is there support for a transgender category on the US census? (2) Who might select a transgender option if it were provided? To answer these questions, we conducted questionnaire research at three transgender and genderqueer conferences and found strong support for the inclusion of a transgender category. Conversely, we found that many people did not currently check 'transgender' on forms when given the opportunity. As we show, the decision to check 'transgender' varies by what we term gender identity validation. In other words, people who identified as male or female and who felt others viewed them as unequivocally male or female, respectively, were less likely to check 'transgender' than people who identified as transgender or who experienced a discrepancy between their self-perceived and other-perceived gender identity. These differences suggest that - similar to the push for adding a multiracial category to the census - the expansion of sex/gender categories is most likely to come from individuals who experience themselves as constrained by the existing possibilities and/or who are stigmatized by others' conceptions of the appropriate alignment of bodies and genders.

signatuur: ts.

From Multiracial to Transgender? : Assessing Attitudes toward Expanding Gender Options on the US Census
Kristen Schilt and Jenifer Bratter.
TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly

Surveying Nepal's Third Gender : Development, Implementation, and Analysis  / Kyle G. Knight, Andrew R. Flores, Sheila J. Nezhad.

TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2 (2015) 1 (feb), p. 101-122
bron: TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 2 (2015) 1 (feb), p. 101-122
samenvatting: This article discusses research undertaken in the wake of Nepal's 2011 federal census, the world's first to include a gender category in addition to male and female. It presents the methodology and initial findings of a new survey of 1,178 sexual and gender minorities in Nepal conducted to determine inclusive and locally relevant methodologies for demographic information gathering. Nepal has legally recognized a third gender since 2007 and in 2011 added that category to the census. However, due to confusion and discrimination among census enumerators and a data entry system that only allowed for two genders, those who identified as third gender were not accurately measured. Beyond those limitations, the term third gender is contested, and by itself it may not fully represent the many sexual and gender minorities in Nepal, including people who are gender nonconforming. This article discusses the development of new survey data measuring the identity, behavioral, and attraction dimensions of gender and sexuality across different terms that are in use in Nepal. Initial findings show that seven distinct groups of respondents can be described, and this article discusses how to expand the concepts and considerations for inclusive data collection in Nepal.

signatuur: ts.

Surveying Nepal's Third Gender : Development, Implementation, and Analysis
Kyle G. Knight, Andrew R. Flores, Sheila J. Nezhad.
TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly

Het meten van seksuele oriëntatie en gender identiteit in bevolkingsstudies : Diversiteit in schattingen  / Hanneke de Graaf ... [et al.].

Utrecht: Rutgers, [2017] - [1] p.: ill.
uitgave: Utrecht : Rutgers, [2017] - [1] p.: ill.
  1. diversiteit
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Om de sociale veiligheid en de psychische en fysieke gezondheid van lesbische vrouwen, homoseksuele mannen, biseksuele mannen en vrouwen en transgender personen in kaart te brengen, is het belangrijk om in bevolkingsstudies te vragen naar seksuele oriëntatie en genderidentiteit. Daarmee krijgen we ook inzicht in het aantal lesbische, homoseksuele, biseksuele en transgender personen in Nederland, en kan het belang van aandacht voor deze groepen onderbouwd worden. In Nederlandse bevolkingsstudies wordt op verschillende manieren naar seksuele oriëntatie en genderidentiteit gevraagd en dit levert dan ook uiteenlopende schattingen op. Deze poster geeft een overzicht van deze methoden en schattingen.

signatuur: cat. (graaf/nik)

dgb grijs

Het meten van seksuele oriëntatie en gender identiteit in bevolkingsstudies : Diversiteit in schattingen
cat. (graaf/nik)dgb grijs

Population Size Estimation For Transgender People In Ukraine : Analytical Report  / Maxim Kasianczuk, Olesia Trofymenko.

Kyiv: Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2020 - 39 p.
uitgave: Kyiv : Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2020 - 39 p.
  1. genderidentiteiten
  2. transgender
samenvatting: The report contains a description of the methods and results obtained in the pilot study "Population size estimation for transgender people in Ukraine", based on empirical data from an integrated bio-behavioral study among transgender women, men and non-binary individuals, as well as a series of semi-structured interviews with transgender activists, HIV-service NGOs staff and medical institutions involved in providing assistance to transgender people.

signatuur: cat. (kasia/tro)

dgb grijs

Population Size Estimation For Transgender People In Ukraine : Analytical Report
cat. (kasia/tro)dgb grijs

Schwule sagen nein zu : Volkszählung : Rosa Listen : "Sicherheits"gesetze : bvh

1987. -
Land: BRD
nummer: C0377
Oproep de aanstaande volkstelling te boycotten.

  • Specifikaties:
    • kleur: blauw/rood

  • homo/lesbische beweging
Schwule sagen nein zu : Volkszählung : Rosa Listen : "Sicherheits"gesetze : bvh


( DE:"volkstellingen" )

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