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Aantal resultaten: 239( DE:"sociale uitsluiting" )


Zwischen Turnschuh und Stöckelschuh : die Entwicklung lesbischer Identität im Sport  / 

Birgit Palzkill.Bielefeld: AJZ, 1990 - 199 p.
uitgave: Bielefeld: AJZ, 1990 - 199 p.
annotatie: Handelsed. van proefschr. Oldenburg 1989. - Bibliogr.: blz.: 189-199.
samenvatting: Nieuwe visie op de ontwikkeling van een lesbische identiteit, gebaseerd op interviews met 19 lesbiennes in prestatiesporten.

signatuur: cat. (palzk/tur) b

Zwischen Turnschuh und Stöckelschuh : die Entwicklung lesbischer Identität im Sport
cat. (palzk/tur) b
Birgit Palzkill.

Randgruppen der spätmittelalterlichen Gesellschaft : ein Hand- und Studienbuch  / 

Hrsg. von Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller.Warendorf: Fahlbusch, 1990 - xvi, 365 p.: ill.
uitgave: Warendorf: Fahlbusch, 1990 - xvi, 365 p.: ill.
samenvatting: Ook sodomieten komen aan de orde.

signatuur: cat. (randg/spa) b

Randgruppen der spätmittelalterlichen Gesellschaft : ein Hand- und Studienbuch
cat. (randg/spa) b
Hrsg. von Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller.

Invisible lives : the erasure of transsexual and transgendered people  / 

Viviane K. Namaste.Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2000 - xiii, 340 p.
uitgave: Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2000 - xiii, 340 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 313-332.
samenvatting: Through combined theoretical and empirical study, Viviane K. Namaste argues that transgendered people are not so much produced by medicine or psychiatry as they are erased, or made invisible, in a variety of institutional and cultural settings. Namaste begins her work by analyzing two theoretical perspectives on transgendered people--queer theory and the social sciences--displaying how neither of these has adequately addressed the issues most relevant to sex change: everything from employment to health care to identity papers. Namaste then examines some of the rhetorical and semiotic inscriptions of transgendered figures in culture, including studies of early punk and glam rock subcultures, to illustrate how the effacement of transgendered people is organized in different cultural sites. Invisible Lives concludes with new research on some of the day-to-day concerns of transgendered people, offering case studies in violence, health care, gender identity clinics, and the law. Canadees onderzoek waarin de auteur betoogt dat transseksuelen niet zo zeer geproduceerd worden door de geneeskunde en de psychiatrie, als wel uitgevlakt worden, onzichtbaar gemaakt in diverse institutionele en culturele settings.

signatuur: cat. (namas/inv) b


Invisible lives : the erasure of transsexual and transgendered people
cat. (namas/inv) b ODE3
Viviane K. Namaste.

Excluded : Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive  / 

Julia Serano.Berkeley, CA: Seal Press, 2013 - 327 p.
uitgave: Berkeley, CA: Seal Press, 2013 - 327 p.
samenvatting: While many feminist and queer movements are designed to challenge sexism, they often simultaneously police gender and sexuality--sometimes just as fiercely as the straight, male-centric mainstream does. Among LGBTQ activists, there is a long history of lesbians and gay men dismissing bisexuals, transgender people, and other gender and sexual minorities. In each case, exclusion is based on the premise that certain ways of being gendered or sexual are more legitimate, natural, or righteous than others. As a trans woman, bisexual, and femme activist, Julia Serano has spent much of the last ten years challenging various forms of exclusion within feminist and queer/LGBTQ movements. In Excluded, she chronicles many of these instances of exclusion and argues that marginalizing others often stems from a handful of assumptions that are routinely made about gender and sexuality. These false assumptions infect theories, activism, organizations, and communities--and worse, they enable people to vigorously protest certain forms of sexism while simultaneously ignoring and even perpetuating others. Serano advocates for a new approach to fighting sexism that avoids these pitfalls and offers new ways of thinking about gender, sexuality, and sexism that foster inclusivity rather than exclusivity.

signatuur: cat. (seran/exc) b


Excluded : Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive
cat. (seran/exc) b ODE3
Julia Serano.

Access to HIV Prevention and Treatment for Men Who Have Sex with Men : Findings from the 2012 Global Men's Health and Rights Study (GMHR)  / Principal authors: Sonya Arreola ... [et al.] ; Contributors: Tri D. Do ... [et al.].

Oakland, CA: The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF), 2012 - 36 p.
uitgave: Oakland, CA : The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF), 2012 - 36 p.
  1. hiv/aids
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: In 2012, the Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF) conducted the second biennal global men's health and rights study (GMHR). Including both a global online survey component and focus group discussion component, the GMHR aimed to a. identify barriers and facilitators that affect access to HIV services for men who have sex with men (MSM) and b. place access to HIV services in the broader context of sexual health and lived experiences of MSM globally. Results indicate that homophobia, provider stigma, and negative consequences for being out as MSM are significantly associated with reduced access to service.

signatuur: cat. (acces/hiv)

dgb grijs

Access to HIV Prevention and Treatment for Men Who Have Sex with Men : Findings from the 2012 Global Men's Health and Rights Study (GMHR)
cat. (acces/hiv)dgb grijs

Beyond Invisibility : Great East Japan Disaster and LGBT in Northeast Japan  / Azusa Yamashita.

Focus, 69 (2012) (sep)
bron: Focus jaargang: 69 (2012)(sep)
samenvatting: The Great East Japan Disaster on 11 March 2011 caused death to an incredible number of people with many more still missing, destroyed a huge amount of properties, and displaced numerous communities. On top of this there were gender-insensitive and gender-unequal evacuations, relief and reconstruction processes that added further damage. But equally shocking was the dearth of information about and voices of different groups of so-called social minorities such as people with disabilities, non-Japanese speaking residents, children, the elderly, and those who are lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender (LGBT). Among them, the LGBT people are probably the most invisible. Having been born and raised in Iwate prefecture, one of the prefectures affected by the disaster, I know that my prefecture is not an inclusive place for people of diverse communities. The fact that we hardly hear anything from LGBT survivors in coastal towns in the prefecture even after having established Iwate's first LGBT group is appalling. The disaster highlighted the invisibility of LGBT survivors and the difficulties they have faced in Japan's rural towns. The disaster made the invisibility, marginalization, silent prejudice and stigmatization suffered by LGBT people visible.

signatuur: full_text

Beyond Invisibility : Great East Japan Disaster and LGBT in Northeast Japan
Azusa Yamashita.

Transgender Women and HIV : A Footnote to the Epidemic  / Abigail Groves.

HIV Australia, 9 (2012) 4, p. 30-32
bron: HIV Australia jaargang: 9 (2012) 4 , p. 30-32

signatuur: ts.

Transgender Women and HIV : A Footnote to the Epidemic
Abigail Groves.
HIV Australia

La Exclusión Social Basada en la Orientación Sexual no Heterosexual en Guatemala  / Rubén Mayorga, María Antonieta Rodrígez Leerayes.

Guatemala: Sistema de Naciones Unidas, 2001 - 30 p.
uitgave: Guatemala : Sistema de Naciones Unidas, 2001 - 30 p.
  1. attituden/opinies
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Este documento es un primer análisis de exclusión social basada en la orientación sexual no heterosexual en Guatemala.

signatuur: cat. (mayor/lee) g

La Exclusión Social Basada en la Orientación Sexual no Heterosexual en Guatemala
cat. (mayor/lee) g

Raport mbi fenomenin e homoseksualitetit ne shqiperi = Report on homosexuality in Albania.

Tirana: [Grupi Shqiptar i të Drejtave të Njeriut, 2003 - 96 p.: ill.
uitgave: Tirana : [Grupi Shqiptar i të Drejtave të Njeriut, 2003 - 96 p.: ill.
  1. attituden/opinies
  2. homoseksualiteit
  3. lhb
samenvatting: The Albanian society is very excluding with regard to the phenomenon of homosexuality; in fact, it considers the phenomenon itself a social anomaly. As a consequence, sensitizing the public opnion is one of the greatest problems set in front of the civil society. In the continuous discussions in the media, or in different meetings, the issues of homosexuality is as delicate, as it is negligible. This has led the Albanian Human Rights Group, beside the necessity to come to the assistance of the gay community, to choose an 8-month period to analyze and address th cases and events related to this community, as seen from the viewpoint of human rights. In collaboration with the Swedish Helsinki Committee, this project that lasted for only several months, has been helpful in addressing this problem. The project was considered from different aspects: that of assembling and addressing the cases of complaints by homosexuals with regard to the violation of their rights, the training of the most outstanding representatives of the gay organization in Albania, a detailed report on the situation of homosexuals in the country, the results of a survey on this problem, which is done through questionnaires.

signatuur: cat. (rapor/mbi) k

Raport mbi fenomenin e homoseksualitetit ne shqiperi = Report on homosexuality in Albania.
cat. (rapor/mbi) k

Not safe at home : violence and discrimination against LGBT people in Jamaica.

[New York, NY]: Human Rights Watch, 2014 - iii, 86 p.+ bijl.
uitgave: [New York, NY] : Human Rights Watch, 2014 - iii, 86 p.+ bijl.
  1. geweld/discriminatie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: This report builds on previous research published by Human Rights Watch in 2004, 'Hated to Death : Homophobia, Violence and Jamaica's HIV/AIDS epidemic'. Documenting human rights violations carried out against LGBT persons in Jamaica between 2006 and 2013, it focuses on the intolerable level of violence, psysical and sexual, perpetrated based on actual or percieved sexual orientation or gender identity. Second, it documents discrimination LGBT people face from government institutions, including health care facilities, as well as in private sector. The report then turns to the state's responsibility for this abuse, considering legislation that facilitates abuses by private and pubvlic actors (such as buggery laws that outlaw anal sex and male homosexual coduct), and government efforts to protect the rights of LGBT persons, including police investigation of homophobic and transphobic violence.

signatuur: cat. (not/saf)

dgb grijs

Not safe at home : violence and discrimination against LGBT people in Jamaica.
cat. (not/saf)dgb grijs


( DE:"sociale uitsluiting" )

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