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Aantal resultaten: 6( DE:"sociaal-culturele evolutie" )


Turn the Beat Around : Sadomasochism, Temporality, History  / Elizabeth Freeman.

Differences : A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, 19 (2008) 1, p. 32-70
bron: Differences : A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies jaargang: 19 (2008) 1 , p. 32-70
samenvatting: Sexual minorities have in many ways been produced by, or at least emerged in tandem with, a sense of "modern" temporality. By this I mean to describe more than just the way that gay men, lesbians, and other "perverts" have served as figures of either civilization's decline or a sublimely futuristic release from nature. Instead, I mean that far from merely functioning as analogies for temporal catastrophe, dissident sexual communities and the erotic practices defining them are historically tied to the emergence of a kind of time - slow time.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (freem-e/tur)

Turn the Beat Around : Sadomasochism, Temporality, History
dgb artikelen (freem-e/tur)
Elizabeth Freeman.
Differences : A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies

'Together we will make a new world' : Sexual and Political Utopianism  / Judy Greenway.

[S.l.: s.n.], 2003 - 10 p.
uitgave: [S.l. : s.n.], 2003 - 10 p.
  1. geschiedenis
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: How did ideas about free love and sexual liberation change among anarchists and libertarians between the 1880s and the 1970s? In this paper Judy Greenway used examples from her research on anarchism, gender and sexuality in Britain from the 1880s onwards, to discuss changing concepts of free love and the relationship between sexual freedom and social transformation, especially for women.

signatuur: cat. (green-j/tog)

dgb grijs

'Together we will make a new world' : Sexual and Political Utopianism
cat. (green-j/tog)dgb grijs

Promotion of LGBTI Rights Overseas: An Overview of EU and US Experiences  / Artem Patalakh.

Janus.net, 8 (2017) 2 (jul), p. 70-87
bron: Janus.net jaargang: 8 (2017) 2 (jul), p. 70-87
samenvatting: Abstract: The essay problematizes the incorporation of LGBTI rights promotion into the US and EU foreign policies. First, the paper examines the two actors' key documents, speeches, and policies devoted to the promotion of LGBTI rights abroad, the similarities and differences between the two actors' approaches, attending to the tendencies of their evolution and the ongoing development. Second, the article discusses the internal conditions in target countries that are conducive to the success and failure of international support of LGBTI rights. Finally, the study makes a critical overview of the measures that are argued to be necessary to increase the efficiency of LGBTI rights promotion in countries with most negative current trends in and/or poorest records on LGBTI rights.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (patal/pro)

Promotion of LGBTI Rights Overseas: An Overview of EU and US Experiences
dgb artikelen (patal/pro)
Artem Patalakh.

Same-Sex Marriage and the Role of Transnational Law : Changes in the European Landscape  / Massimo Fichera.

German Law Journal, 17 (2016) 3 (jun), p. 383-420
bron: German Law Journal jaargang: 17 (2016) 3 (jun), p. 383-420
samenvatting: Abstract: This Article has a twofold aim. First, it focuses on a particular case study, which has attracted the interest of several scholars from an interdisciplinary perspective: the legalization of same-sex marriage. The Article aims to show how changes in one specific socio-cultural landscape may spill into other contexts as a result of a ripple effect. The idea is to demonstrate how the emergence of a social fact - the increasing demands made by homosexual couples for their union to be recognized in one way or another - may make the process of institutionalization natural. A legal system may sometimes be bound to recognize social facts, and transnational law may enhance this phenomenon. The second aim of the Article is to claim is that, when analyzing change, legal deterministic theories should be dismissed, as they are based upon easy assumptions that do not correspond to empirical observations. Instead, as shown by constructivist approaches, the combined effect of structure and agency in some specific circumstances contributes to social and legal change. However, constructivists perhaps underestimate the relevance of unpredictable events and the (positive or negative) influence that transnational frameworks may have in forming discourses of power. In particular, the EU and the ECtHR systems may facilitate the diffusion of ideas and norms deriving directly from the liberal paradigm that inspire them. However, the liberal paradigm is contradictory, as it does not necessarily provide an incentive for change.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (fiche/sam)

Same-Sex Marriage and the Role of Transnational Law : Changes in the European Landscape
dgb artikelen (fiche/sam)
Massimo Fichera.
German Law Journal

Norms and Reform: Legalizing Homosexuality Improves Attitudes  / Charles Kenny, Dev Patel.

Washington, DC: Center for Global Development, 2017 - [2], 15 p.
uitgave: Washington, DC : Center for Global Development, 2017 - [2], 15 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Abstract: This analysis examines the relationship between legal reform and social norms surrounding homosexuality. We document three main findings. First, about a fifth of the variation in individual preferences can be explained at a country level. Second, using a difference-in-differences strategy, legalizing homosexuality improves how individuals view the tone of their communities. Third, we provide further evidence supporting a legal origins argument by examining former colonies. Countries that were colonized by the British Empire have significantly worse legal rights for samesex couples than those under other colonial powers. We conclude that adopting legal reform can improve societal attitudes.

signatuur: cat. (kenny/pat)

dgb grijs

Norms and Reform: Legalizing Homosexuality Improves Attitudes
cat. (kenny/pat)dgb grijs

Sexual culture in Germany in the 1970s : A golden age for queers?  / 

Janin Afken, Benedikt Wolf, editors.Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020 - xv, 295 p.: ill.
uitgave: Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020 - xv, 295 p.: ill.
annotatie: Includes quotations in German, some with English translation.- Contents: Chronology 1968-1982 / Janin Afken & Benedikt Wolf -- Introduction: Constructing and Revisiting the Golden Age of Queer Sexual Culture in Germany / Janin Afken & Benedikt Wolf -- 'We Were So Turned On'. Reflections on Queer(ing) Past and Memory / Susanne Hochreiter -- Queer Fictions of Berlin. Gender Trouble in Cabaret (1971) and Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001) / Andreas Krass -- Perversion of Society. Rosa von Praunheim and Martin Dannecker's Film It Is Not the Homosexual Who Is Perverse, But the Society in Which He Lives (1971) as the Initiation of the Golden Age of the Radical Left Gay Movement in West Germany / Patrick Henze -- From Sisters' Skin to Womb Ego. Temporality, Solidarity and Corporeality in Verena Stefan's Shedding (1975) /Janin Afken -- Hubert Fichte's Language of Desire. From 'the Impure' to 'Oymeln' in the Hamburg Novels / Benedikt Wolf -- From West Berlin without Love. The Magazine Die Schwarze Botin and the Promise of Revolution / Vojin Sasa Vukadinovic -- Racial Seeing and Sexual Desire: 1 Berlin Harlem and Auf den Zweiten Blick / Simon Dickel & Anne Potjans -- Wolfgang Jöhling: a GDR citizen in the 'Promised Land' of Poland /Krzysztof Zablocki -- How to Remember Invisibility. Documentary Projects on Lesbians in the German Democratic Republic as Archives of Feelings / Maria Bühner -- The 1970s in Retrospect and the HIV/AIDS Incision. Re-Reading Napoleon Seyfarth's Schweine müssen nackt sein (1991) / Sebastian Zilles.
samenvatting: This book is the first attempt to present a comprehensive picture of LGBT culture in the two German states in the 1970s. Starting from the common view of the decade between the moderation of the German anti-sodomy law in 1968 (East) and 1969 (West) and the first documented case of AIDS (1982) as a "golden age" for queer politics and culture, this edited collection traces the way this impression has been shaped by cultural production. The chapters ask: What exactly made the 1970s a 'legendary decade'? What was its revolutionary potential and what were its path-breaking political and aesthetic strategies? Which elements, movements and memories had to be marginalized in order to facilitate the historical construction of the 'legendary decade'? Exploring the complex picture of gay, lesbian and - to a lesser extent - trans cultures from this time, the volume provides fascinating insights into both canonized and marginalized texts and films from and about the decade.

signatuur: cat. (sexual/cul/ger) b


Sexual culture in Germany in the 1970s : A golden age for queers?
cat. (sexual/cul/ger) b ODE3
Janin Afken, Benedikt Wolf, editors.


( DE:"sociaal-culturele evolutie" )

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