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Tweede seksuele revolutie eist haar tol  / S. M. de Bruijn.

Reformatorisch Dagblad 03-08-2015
bron: Reformatorisch Dagblad 03-08-2015
samenvatting: Ouders die de Gay Pride in Amsterdam bezochten, konden hun kinderen achterlaten bij de Gayground (homotuin). In deze 'homohuwelijksmarkt' konden de kinderen 'trouwen' met hun 'beste makker of makkerin'. Auteur vindt dat kinderen en tieners steeds zo nadrukkelijk geconfronteerd worden met seksualiteit, pornografie en keuzes over hun seksuele identiteit, en dat er verschuivingen zijn in opvattingen rond seksualiteit en de Gay Pride.

signatuur: full_text

Tweede seksuele revolutie eist haar tol
S. M. de Bruijn.
Reformatorisch Dagblad

Zie je mij? : Op zoek naar bevestiging via datingapps  / Maarten Dallinga.

Winq / GK (2015) 72 (nov/dec), p. 36-39
bron: Winq / GK (2015) 72 (nov/dec), p. 36-39
samenvatting: Het fenomeen van datingapps. Homomannen downloaden massaal de beschikbare datingapps, soms voor een echte date maar vaker om enkel gezien te worden. Winq hing de amateur-psycholoog uit en verdiepte zich in de zielenroerselen van datingapp-gebruikers.

signatuur: ts.

Zie je mij? : Op zoek naar bevestiging via datingapps
Maarten Dallinga.
Winq / GK

Dossier: Cyberspace  / Christina Vanlook ... [et al.].

Zizo, 24 (2017) 140 (oct/nov/dec), p. 10-34
bron: Zizo jaargang: 24 (2017) 140 (oct/nov/dec), p. 10-34
samenvatting: Inhoud: - T-spots op de wilde golven van het web: Online thuiskomen als transgender / Cristina Vanlook - p. 10-11. - Even helemaal weg, maar toch online: Gaytoerisme-expert Sven Boutsen over internetgebruik op reis / Dennis De Roover, Christina Vanlook - p. 12-15. - Komen vrouwen online aan hun trekken? p. 15 - Het gedicht / Bert Deben - p. 16. - Holebifoon anno 2017: Chat en mail zijn belangrijk, maar telefoon blijft nodig / David Schoenmaekers - p. 18-19. - Haat zonder grenzen: Wat te doen bij haatboodschappen op internet? / David Schoenmaekers - p. 20-21. - Youtube: Meer dan dolle kanten: Hoe holebi's en transgenders via vlogs een gezicht krijgen - p. 22-23. - Gratis Kortefilms - p. 25. - Sexting: pikant of riskant? : Verleiding en gevaren van geile foto's op sociale media / Nicolasa Todts - p. 26-27. - Wanneer wordt sociaal te familiair? : Privacy en (in)discretie op sociale media / Elisa Schanzer - p. 28-29. - Onlinevisitekaartje van verenigingen: Tien tips om snel een succesvolle website te bouwen / Peter De Vos - p. 30-32. - Geld voor de illusie van liefde: Gelokt via internet en live opgelicht / Thierry Hanan Scheers - p. 32-34.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Dossier: Cyberspace
ts. dgb periodieken
Christina Vanlook ... [et al.].

Law, Privacy, and Online Dating : "Revenge Porn" in Gay Online Communities  / Ari Ezra Waldman.

Law & Social Inquiry, 44 (2019) 4 (nov), p. 987-1018
bron: Law & Social Inquiry jaargang: 44 (2019) 4 (nov), p. 987-1018
samenvatting: Abstract: Nonconsensual pornography, commonly known as "revenge porn," is the dissemination of another's sexually explicit images or videos without their consent. This article explores this phenomenon in gay and bisexual male online communities. The first part reviews the current sociological and legal literature on online dating, gay culture on the Internet, and revenge porn. Then, based on a survey of gay and bisexual male dating app users, ethnographic interviews, and an analysis of platform content moderation policies, the next part makes three related points. First, it shows that gay and bisexual men who use geosocial dating apps are more frequently victims of revenge porn than both the general population and the broader lesbian, gay, and bisexual community. Second, it shows that geosocial dating apps create powerful norms of disclosure that make sharing personal information all but required. And third, it describes how gay and bisexual male users engage in privacy navigation techniques with the goal of building trust and enhancing safety. The final substantive section then shows how inadequate protections for online privacy and inadequate legal incentives for safe platform design contribute to the problem of revenge porn. The article concludes with a summary and avenues for future research.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (waldm/law)

Law, Privacy, and Online Dating : "Revenge Porn" in Gay Online Communities
dgb artikelen (waldm/law)
Ari Ezra Waldman.
Law & Social Inquiry

Staying Safe Online : Practical strategies to best support all children and young people online, including those who identify as LGBT.

London: Stonewall ; (etc), 2020 - 55 p.: ill.
uitgave: London : Stonewall ; (etc), 2020 - 55 p.: ill.
  1. onderwijs
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: This guidance will give an overview of what all school staff need to know about the lives and experiences of LGBT children and young people online, as well as advice and strategies on how to respond when things go wrong. This guidance is for teachers, educators and other professionals working directly with young people in schools and colleges. From teaching and office staff, to leadership, management and governors with safeguarding responsibilities - all adults working and contributing to school and college life have a duty of care to the children and young people they interact with.

signatuur: cat. (stayi/saf)

dgb grijs

Staying Safe Online : Practical strategies to best support all children and young people online, including those who identify as LGBT.
cat. (stayi/saf)dgb grijs

About Gay : Ratgeber für Jungs, die Jungs mögen

Graz: Stop Aids, 2019 - 23 p.: ill.
uitgave: Graz : Stop Aids, 2019 - 23 p.: ill.
  1. homoseksualiteit
  2. seks mannen
samenvatting: Hier findest du keine Geschichten, Berichte oder Artikel, sondern Antworten auf die häufigsten Fragen zur Sexualität. "About Gay" soll als Aufklärungsmedium für männliche Jugendliche dienen, die sich für andere Jungs und Männer interessieren. Direkt und ohne Umschreibungen werden Themen wie Risiken, Sex oder Partnersuche altersgerecht erklärt. Die Texte sollen keinesfalls als strikte Anleitung verstanden werden. Vielen Jugendlichen sind diese Inhalte bereits in Form einer persönlichen Beratung eine Hilfestellung gewesen.

signatuur: cat. (about/gay/rat) k

About Gay : Ratgeber für Jungs, die Jungs mögen
cat. (about/gay/rat) k

Making sex, moving difference : an ethnography of sexuality and diversity in Dutch schools  / 

Wilhelmina Johanna Paula Krebbekx.[S.l.]: [s.n.], 2018 - 215 p.
uitgave: [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2018 - 215 p.
annotatie: Doctoral dissertation, University of Amsterdam, 2018.- In English, with a summary in Dutch.
samenvatting: The Netherlands is often presented as an exemplary country for its pragmatic dealings with youth sexuality. During ethnographic research in four secondary schools in the Netherlands, with youth aged 14-17, Willemijn Krebbekx followed concerns with sexuality whenever pupils, teachers, or both, invoked them. Her dissertation presents detailed analyses of sexting, sex education, friendship, and diversity. It explores what constitutes youth sexuality in the Netherlands, and how the making of differences among youth is caught up in efforts at achieving it. Krebbekx argues that the way concerns around sexuality are dealt with do not just shape the lives of the youth in schools, but also the phenomenon of sexuality itself. Boyfriends, girlfriends, thongs, bras, six-packs, sleepovers, kissing, cheating, showing skin, school hallways, classrooms, mobile phones, pictures, popular understandings of youth, scientific notions of adolescence and sexuality: all are involved in making sex in secondary schools. In the process of making sex, differences among youth are established. These manifestations of diversity and their effects are not uniform and stable: who counts as "the same" or "different" can shift. Three common refrains about youth and sexuality are articulated: sexuality as a natural attribute of the body; sexuality as a source of problems when silenced; and sexuality as individual identity. Research outcomes and intervention practices in schools, the dissertation shows, contribute to or problematize such refrains. Krebbekx develops an approach to youth sexuality that, rather than proceeding from these refrains or exemplary standards, proposes that researchers make situated interferences in the ongoing process of making sex.

signatuur: cat. (krebbe/mak) b

Making sex, moving difference : an ethnography of sexuality and diversity in Dutch schools
cat. (krebbe/mak) b
Wilhelmina Johanna Paula Krebbekx.


( DE:"sexting" )

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