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Aantal resultaten: 19( DE:"seksuele sterilisatie" )


Dwang-sterilisaties in het Derde Rijk  / 

door Frank van Looy.Antwerpen: Het Lichtschip, 1938 - 31 p.
uitgave: Antwerpen: Het Lichtschip, 1938 - 31 p.
annotatie: Omslagtitel: Kastratie en sterilisatie als politiek dwangmiddel.

signatuur: cat. (looy/dwa) brochures kluis nl

dgb, map publicaties NL tot 1970

Dwang-sterilisaties in het Derde Rijk
cat. (looy/dwa) brochures kluis nl dgb, map publicaties NL tot 1970
door Frank van Looy.

La stérilité humaine et l'hermaphrodisme  / 

par P. Garnier.Paris: Garnier, [1891] - 556 p.: ill.
uitgave: Paris: Garnier, [1891] - 556 p.: ill.

signatuur: cat. (garni/sté) kluis b

La stérilité humaine et l'hermaphrodisme
cat. (garni/sté) kluis b
par P. Garnier.

Schwule kastriert.  / René Hornung.

Anderschume/Kontiki (aK), 18 (2002) 3 (Juni/Juli), p. 17
bron: Anderschume/Kontiki (aK) jaargang: 18 (2002) 3 (Juni/Juli), p. 17
samenvatting: Die Schweizer Psychiatriegeschichte ist kein Ruhmesblatt. Mit Anstaltseinweisungen, Sterilisationen und Kastrationen wurden lange auch Schwule verfolgt. Das Sozialdepartment der Stadt Zürich hat einzelne Fälle in einem Bericht aufarbeiten lassen.

signatuur: ts.

Schwule kastriert.
René Hornung.
Anderschume/Kontiki (aK)

Refusal to authorise transsexual to have access to gender reassignment surgery breached right to respect for private life.

[Strasbourg]: European Court of Human Rights, 2015 - 4 p.
uitgave: [Strasbourg] : European Court of Human Rights, 2015 - 4 p.
  1. transgender
  2. rechtspositie
samenvatting: In this Chamber judgment in the case of Y. Y. v. Turkey (application no. 14793/08) the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had been: a violation of Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life) of the European Convention on Human Rights The case concerned the refusal by the Turkish authorities to grant authorisation for gender reassignment surgery on the grounds that the person requesting it, a transsexual, was not permanently unable to procreate. The Court reiterated that the possibility for transsexuals to have full enjoyment of the right to personal development and physical and moral integrity could not be regarded as a controversial question. It considered that, even supposing that the denial of the applicant?s initial request for access to such surgery had been based on a relevant ground, it was not based on a sufficient ground. The resulting interference with the applicant?s right to respect for his private life could not be considered ?necessary? in a democratic society. In denying the applicant, for many years, the possibility of undergoing such an operation, the State had breached the applicant?s right to respect for his private life.

signatuur: cat. (refus/aut)

dgb grijs

Refusal to authorise transsexual to have access to gender reassignment surgery breached right to respect for private life.
cat. (refus/aut)dgb grijs

Trans people and their experience with health care and legislation in the Czech Republic : Preliminary research report.

Praag: Platforma pro rovnoprávnost uznání a diverzitu z.s., 2015 - 32 p.
uitgave: Praag : Platforma pro rovnoprávnost uznání a diverzitu z.s., 2015 - 32 p.
  1. transgender
samenvatting: The focus of this survey is on trans people as a broad category that is subject to various kinds of marginalization, which has historically been overlooked as a human rights concern in the Czech Republic. The primary purpose of the research is to examine structural inequalities on the basis of individual examples that cannot be generalized, yet still offer salient insights into the kinds of struggles faced by trans people in the Czech Republic.

signatuur: cat. (trans/peo)

dgb grijs

Trans people and their experience with health care and legislation in the Czech Republic : Preliminary research report.
cat. (trans/peo)dgb grijs

Asexualization : a follow-up study of 244 cases  / 

by Johan Bremer.New York, NY: Macmillan, 1959 - 366 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Macmillan, 1959 - 366 p.
annotatie: First published in Oslo: Oslo University Press, 1958.
samenvatting: A factual study and follow-up on 216 men and 28 women who were castrated as sex offenders through due process of law in Norway between 1935 and 1949.

signatuur: cat. (breme-j/ase) kluis b

Asexualization : a follow-up study of 244 cases
cat. (breme-j/ase) kluis b
by Johan Bremer.

The Forced Sterilization of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People in Singapore  / Vanessa Ho, Sherry Sherqueshaa, and Darius Zheng.

LGBTQ Policy Journal, 6 (2015-2016), p. 53-75
bron: LGBTQ Policy Journal jaargang: 6 (2015-2016), p. 53-75
samenvatting: Singapore?s current gender recognition law allows trans people to change the sex marker on their identification cards, only on the condition of full removal of reproductive organs. While some people are relatively satisfied, there are many trans and gender non-conforming people who feel frustrated, as they do not want or cannot afford to undergo a full sex reassignment surgery. This means they are left in a state where their identity documents are not aligned with their gender identity and expression. This paper intends to tease out the specific barriers and challenges that transgender and gender non-conforming people face in Singapore in relation to gender recognition. (Full text available at http://www.hkslgbtq.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/2016-LGBTQ.pdf

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

The Forced Sterilization of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People in Singapore
ts. dgb periodieken
Vanessa Ho, Sherry Sherqueshaa, and Darius Zheng.
LGBTQ Policy Journal

National Dialogue on the Protection and Promotion of the Human Rights of Intersex People : National Intersex Meetring Report.

[S.l.: Intersex South Africa [issa] & Iranti], 2018 - 28 p.: ill.
uitgave: [S.l. : Intersex South Africa [issa] & Iranti], 2018 - 28 p.: ill.
  1. intersekse
samenvatting: Verslag van bijeenkomst op 17 december 2017 georganiseerd door ISSA en Iranti ism Department of Justice and Constitutional Development South Africa and the Foundation for Human Rights waarin aandacht wordt gevraagd voor de rechtspositie, sigmatisering, chirurgische ingrepen zonder toestemming kind, sterilisatie, gezondheidszorg, geslachtsregistratie en betere acceptatie van interseksuelen.

signatuur: cat. (natio/dia)

dgb grijs

National Dialogue on the Protection and Promotion of the Human Rights of Intersex People : National Intersex Meetring Report.
cat. (natio/dia)dgb grijs

EHRM verbiedt sterilisatie als voorwaarde voor juridische geslachtsverandering  / Pieter Cannoot.

Juristenkrant (2017) 348 26-04-2017
bron: Juristenkrant (2017) 348 26-04-2017
samenvatting: Het EHRM heeft in een recent arrest komaf gemaakt met de voorwaarde van verplichte sterilisatie in het kader van juridische geslachtsverandering. Het Hof vond de voorwaarde een disproportionele inmenging in het individuele privéleven en oordeelde daarom dat de Franse staat artikel 8 EVRM had geschonden. Met de uitspraak zorgt het EHRM voor een juridische aardverschuiving ten aanzien van de rechten van transseksuele personen in Europa.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (canno/ehr)

EHRM verbiedt sterilisatie als voorwaarde voor juridische geslachtsverandering
dgb artikelen (canno/ehr)
Pieter Cannoot.

Sexual Deviance and "Mental Defectiveness" in Eugenics Era California  / Jess Whatcott.

Notches 14-03-2017
bron: Notches 14-03-2017
samenvatting: In 2003, California Governor Gray Davis apologized for the eugenic sterilization of over 20,000 people in the state between 1909 and 1964. Under California's "Asexualization Law," superintendents of state hospitals and state homes could choose to sterilize inmates diagnosed as "feeble-minded," those deemed to have inherited mental disease, and "those suffering from perversion or marked departures from normal mentality or from disease of a syphilitic nature." The California legislature's apology explained that the state had been empowered to sterilize anyone with "virtually any human shortcoming or illness," and that the state disproportionately targeted specific racial groups, including Mexican Americans and African Americans. The historical category of "mentally defective" doesn't map neatly onto how we might define "disabled" today. An analysis of the medical and legal discourse surrounding the practice of sterilization in California in the early twentieth century reveals that the categories of sexual deviance and disability were so interrelated that they were almost indistinct. Under the law, institutional physicians subjected girls and women to sterilization including those who were institutionalized in state psychiatric facilities (state hospitals), those in facilities for the "feeble-minded" (state homes), and those diagnosed as "mentally defective." The category of "mentally defective" included people who today might be labeled mentally or developmentally disabled, as having learning difficulties, mentally ill, physically disabled, as well as those who would likely fit into the range of "normal."

signatuur: full_text

Sexual Deviance and "Mental Defectiveness" in Eugenics Era California
Jess Whatcott.


( DE:"seksuele sterilisatie" )

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