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Aantal resultaten: 6( DE:"seksuele autonomie" )


Homojongeren over seks en grenzen  / Marianne Cense en Lieke van Dijk.

Utrecht: Rutgers WPF, 2011 - 56 p.
uitgave: Utrecht : Rutgers WPF, 2011 - 56 p.
  1. jongeren
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: In 2010 verscheen het rapport Niet zomaar seks, waarin de opvattingen over en ervaringen met grensoverschrijdend gedrag van heteroseksuele jongeren is beschreven. Dit onderzoek is een vervolg op dat rapport, waarbij ditmaal de focus ligt op de belevingswereld van homoseksuele en biseksuele jongeren. In dit kwalitatieve onderzoek zijn 19 jongeren tussen de 16 en 25 jaar bevraagd over de betekenis die zij hechten aan seksualiteit, de context waarin die betekenisgeving tot stand komt en hun motivatie voor seks. Daarnaast lag de focus met name op hun opvattingen over wanneer seks goed en fout is, hun eigen ervaringen met grensoverschrijdend gedrag en de gevolgen daarvan. Met name de verschillen met heteroseksuele jongeren zijn beschreven. Ook is er gekeken naar eventuele verschillen binnen de groep homoseksuele en biseksuele jongeren zelf.

signatuur: cat. (cense/hom)

dgb grijs

Homojongeren over seks en grenzen
cat. (cense/hom)dgb grijs

Sexual rights in Uganda and the struggle for meaning in community  / Tushabe wa Tushabe.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 21 (2017) 2 (apr-may), p. 169-185
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 21 (2017) 2 (apr-may), p. 169-185
samenvatting: Drawing on lessons from the experiences of women who exchange same-sex erotic energies, this article suggests that advocates of same-sex human rights should take into account epistemic erasures colonized people experience when activism and policies regarding sexual freedom ignore various linguistic and community structures that create spaces for diverse ways of knowing and being. Since the late 1990s, the discourse on homosexuality in Uganda has motivated important debates concerning human values of sovereignty, rights, and family, and has expanded freedoms of sexual expression while at the same time conditioning these freedoms to be experienced in colonial ways of self-knowledge. The language that frames these debates continues to locate human rights for Ugandans who exchange same-sex erotic energies outside the locales' family, history, and language?of intelligible episteme for them. To make sense of this claim, I draw 'exchange of same-sex erotic energies' from a saying in Rukiga language spoken by in southwestern Uganda, okugira omukago mukika nikwokunywaana oruganda, to think about family and community in which same-sex erotic energies are lived and experienced. This article attempts to redirect attention from colonial constructions of homosexuality to indigenous and decolonial perspectives in relation to women in Uganda who exchange same-sex erotic energies in their struggle for meaning in community. I argue for pedagogies and epistemologies of place and memory in the struggle for human rights and sexual rights.

signatuur: ts.

Sexual rights in Uganda and the struggle for meaning in community
Tushabe wa Tushabe.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Multikulturalismus queer gelesen : Zwangsheirat und gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe in pluralen Gesellschaften  / 

Sabine Strasser, Elisabeth Holzleithner (Hg.).Frankfurt am Main [etc.]: Campus, 2010 - 370 p.
uitgave: Frankfurt am Main [etc.]: Campus, 2010 - 370 p.
samenvatting: In den letzten Jahren ist Multikulturalismus als Theorie und Politik der Anerkennung von Gruppenrechten unter Druck geraten. Verantwortlich dafür ist auch eine zunehmende Wahrnehmung problematischer Praktiken ethnischer und religiöser Gruppen, wie etwa der Zwangsheirat. Sexuelle Kontrolle findet sich aber nicht nur hier, sondern zeigt sich auch im Ausschluss gleichgeschlechtlicher Paare von der Ehe. Die Autorinnen und Autoren untersuchen diese Problematiken aus juristischer wie aus sozialanthropologischer Perspektive für Österreich, Großbritannien und die Türkei und zeigen die Notwendigkeit auf, die Debatten um kulturelle Unterschiede, Geschlechtergleichheit und sexuelle Autonomie zusammenzuführen.

signatuur: cat. (multi/que) b

Multikulturalismus queer gelesen : Zwangsheirat und gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe in pluralen Gesellschaften
cat. (multi/que) b
Sabine Strasser, Elisabeth Holzleithner (Hg.).

Religious/secular discourses and practices of good sex  / Lieke L. Schrijvers and Jelle Wiering.

Culture and Religion, 19 (2018) 2, p. 139-159
bron: Culture and Religion jaargang: 19 (2018) 2 , p. 139-159
samenvatting: This article focuses on the triangulation of sexuality, religion and secularity in Dutch society by analysing two contemporary case studies. We focus on sexual experiences and practices rather than sexual identities to further understand the constructions of what constitutes 'good' sex. The empirical research is situated in the Netherlands, where the binary of religion and sexual regulation versus secularity and sexual freedom has been dominant in both public and political discourse for a long time. Exploring sexual practices and narratives as central to the constitution of both religious and secular selves, we noted these to be fluctuating, inconsistent and subject to discourses. Our first case study discusses sexual experiences of non-heterosexual Protestant women, whereas the second explores the frequently considered 'neutral' notions of secularity in sexual education. Applying insights from both religious studies and queer studies, we bring the empirical study of sexuality together with the theoretical debates about the conceptualisation of the secular and the religious in contemporary Western Europe. This comparative approach to sexuality not only undermines the culturally presumed exclusive opposition of the secular and the religious but it also provides new empirical contributions for understanding the interactions between sexual practices and sexual discourses.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (schrij/rel)

Religious/secular discourses and practices of good sex
dgb artikelen (schrij/rel)
Lieke L. Schrijvers and Jelle Wiering.
Culture and Religion

A New Politics of Sexuality  / June Jordan.

Progressive (1991) (jul), p. 12-13
bron: Progressive (1991)(jul), p. 12-13
samenvatting: "What tyranny could exceed a tyranny that dictates to the human heart, and that attempts to dictate the pubic career of an honest human body? Freedom is indivisible; the Politics of Sexuality is not some optional 'special interest' concern for serious, progressive folk." June Jordan believes that the analogy for bisexuality is interracial or multiracial identity, a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multiracial world view and that bisexuality follows from such a perspective and leads to it, as well. This column was adapted from her keynote address to the Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Student Association at Stanford University on April 29, 1991.

signatuur: knipsel (biseksualiteit)

A New Politics of Sexuality
knipsel (biseksualiteit)
June Jordan.

La doble transición  / 

Raúl Solís Galván; [Prólogo de] Mónica Oltra Jarque.Madrid: Libros.com, 2019 - 147 p.: ill.
uitgave: Madrid: Libros.com, 2019 - 147 p.: ill.
samenvatting: La doble transición aborda la necesidad de contar, con mirada humana y cercana, la vida de mujeres transexuales que con heroicidades cotidianas han conquistado libertades y derechos que hoy son patrimonio colectivo de nuestro país. Petróleo, Salvaora, Silvia, Miryam, Soraya, Mar, María José o Manolita son mujeres que se burlaron de la dictadura en su cara, que subvirtieron todos los tratados religiosos y morales de la España en blanco y negro, que dieron con sus huesos en la cárcel por ser libres; pero también fueron capaces de sortear las limitaciones del régimen y encontrar espacios para respirar. Estas son sus historias, y juntas componen la apertura de puertas de un país a su libertad sexual.

signatuur: cat. (solís/dob) b


La doble transición
cat. (solís/dob) b ODE3
Raúl Solís Galván; [Prólogo de] Mónica Oltra Jarque.


( DE:"seksuele autonomie" )

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