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LGBT studies  / [comp. by Kelly Wooten].

[Durham, NC]: Duke Libraries, 2014 - 17 p.: ill.
uitgave: [Durham, NC] : Duke Libraries, 2014 - 17 p.: ill.
  1. gender/seksualiteit studies
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Introductory guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) resources at Duke Libraries. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) studies is an emerging, rapidly-growing field of scholarship. The sources listed in this guide offer an entry point to resources that focus primarily on various aspects of LGBT studies. However, because this is an interdisciplinary area of research, relevant materials can be found in a wide range of reference sources which do not have a LGBT studies focus.

signatuur: cat. (lgbt/stu/duk)

dgb grijs

LGBT studies
cat. (lgbt/stu/duk)dgb grijs

Towards Full Citizenship : A Preliminary Checklist of Hong Kong Gay/Lesbian-Related Works  / Alex Spence, Kwok Kwai Wing.

Hong Kong: Banshan, 2019 - [9], viii, 485 p.
uitgave: Hong Kong : Banshan, 2019 - [9], viii, 485 p.
  1. informatievoorziening/technologie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: This document gathers works about the Hong Kong tongzhi (lgbtq) situation. It includes references over a wide variety of subjects and in several formats and notes works supportive of the lesbian/gay/bisexual/trans/queer community, but also publications of groups resisting social change. It will (perhaps) be of some use to those who want to increase their familiarity with the breadth of Hong Kong activity in this significant area of social evolution.

signatuur: cat. (spence/kwo) 2019

dgb grijs

Towards Full Citizenship : A Preliminary Checklist of Hong Kong Gay/Lesbian-Related Works
cat. (spence/kwo) 2019dgb grijs

Towards Full Citizenship : A Preliminary Checklist of Hong Kong Gay/Lesbian-Related Works  / Alex Spence, Kwok Kwai Wing.

Hong Kong: Banshan, 2016 - [9], vii, 410 p.
uitgave: Hong Kong : Banshan, 2016 - [9], vii, 410 p.
  1. informatievoorziening/technologie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: This document gathers works about the Hong Kong tongzhi (lgbtq) situation. It includes references over a wide variety of subjects and in several formats and notes works supportive of the lesbian/gay/bisexual/trans/queer community, but also publications of groups resisting social change. It will (perhaps) be of some use to those who want to increase their familiarity with the breadth of Hong Kong activity in this significant area of social evolution.

signatuur: cat. (spence/kwo) 2016

dgb grijs

Towards Full Citizenship : A Preliminary Checklist of Hong Kong Gay/Lesbian-Related Works
cat. (spence/kwo) 2016dgb grijs

LGBTQ Legal Resource Guide : Resources on Laws, Procedures, and Rights  / Charlie McNabb.

[Chicago]: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT), Resources Committee, 2015 - 319 p.
uitgave: [Chicago] : Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT), Resources Committee, 2015 - 319 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people navigate a complicated and quickly-changing legal milieu. Legal rights and laws vary by geographic location, and certain legal procedures are unique to this population. This guide provides resources for LGBTQ individuals to discover laws, procedures, and rights impacting them. The guide begins with current reference books, followed by websites for national organizations that advocate for LGBTQ rights. The bulk of the guide is dedicated to state-specific resources organized by topic. Resources in this section are all Internet URLs and include government and nonprofit organizations. In most cases, links are provided without commentary on current law or procedure because they are likely to change. Following the link will allow the reader to discover the legal landscape at that moment. Some links are common to most or all states; they remain organized this way to be accessible to folks only wanting to scroll through their state.

signatuur: cat. (mcnab/lgb)

dgb grijs

LGBTQ Legal Resource Guide : Resources on Laws, Procedures, and Rights
cat. (mcnab/lgb)dgb grijs

Brief on Violence Against Sexual and Gender Minority Women : Violence Against Women and Girls Resource Guide  / Written by Phil Crehan and Jennifer McCleary-Sills ; ed. by Diana Arango ... [et al.].

Washington, DC: Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), World Bank, 2015 - 28 bl.: ill.
uitgave: Washington, DC : Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), World Bank, 2015 - 28 bl.: ill.
  1. geweld/discriminatie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: This Sector Brief provides guidance to help development professionals understand how Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) affects programming in their sector on gender minority (LBT) women, and offer suggestions for integrating VAWG prevention and response activities within each sector at the policy, institutional, and community level.

signatuur: cat. (creha/mcc)

dgb grijs

Brief on Violence Against Sexual and Gender Minority Women : Violence Against Women and Girls Resource Guide
cat. (creha/mcc)dgb grijs

The Pride Guide: An Interactive Workbook for Exploring Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer (LGBTQ) History and Places : Derived from LGBTQ America: A Theme Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer History  / Contrib. by: Mark Meinke ... [et al.].

Washington, DC: National Park Service [NPS], U.S. Department of the Interior, 2019 - 76 bl.
uitgave: Washington, DC : National Park Service [NPS], U.S. Department of the Interior, 2019 - 76 bl.
  1. informatievoorziening/technologie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: The Pride Guide is an interactive resource for exploring LGBTQ history and places in the United States. It provides a brief summary of each chapter of 'LGBTQ America: A Theme Study of LGBTQ History' (a theme study to explore the legacy and history of LGBTQ people and places that is published in 2016), along with discussion questions and activities. Dozens of different LGBTQ historians and preservationists wrote chapters for the theme study. These chapters cover all different kind of topics, including health, art, law, religion, sports, and the military. Some also talk about specific LGBTQ communities, such as African American and Latino/a. Other chapters explore the LGBTQ presence in cities such as New York, Chicago, and Miami. The theme study covers a wide variety of topics relating to the significance of LGBTQ heritage. Intended for teenagers and gay-straight alliances, this resource can also be used by adults and communities interested in learning more about the topic material. The Pride Guide may also be used by teachers to meet state standards and requirements for inclusive curricula.

signatuur: cat. (pride/gui/int)

dgb grijs

The Pride Guide: An Interactive Workbook for Exploring Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer (LGBTQ) History and Places : Derived from LGBTQ America: A Theme Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer History
cat. (pride/gui/int)dgb grijs

Oorlogsbronnen en seksuele diversiteit  / Judith Schuyf.

judithschuyf.nl 04-10-2019
bron: judithschuyf.nl 04-10-2019
samenvatting: Kritische kijk naar oorlogsbronnen en wat deze kunnen zeggen over seksuele diversiteit, met speciale aandacht aan Jaap van Leeuwen bibliotheek, Arie Addicks, de Stijkels groep en Marie Annde Tellegen. Tekst uitgesproken bij de overdracht van 800 dokumenten van IHLIA aan het Netwerk Oorlogsbronnen NOB op 2 oktober 2019 in de OBA Amsterdam.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (schuy/oor)

Oorlogsbronnen en seksuele diversiteit
dgb artikelen (schuy/oor)
Judith Schuyf.

Overcoming the Barriers : Improving Access to LGBTQ Content in Collections  / Walter "Cat" Walker.

Los Angeles: Loyola Marymount University, 2016 - [26] p.
uitgave: Los Angeles : Loyola Marymount University, 2016 - [26] p.
  1. archieven/bibliotheken/musea
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: "This paper will explore some of the barriers to identifying LGBTQ+ content in collections, including the lack of metadata identifying particular resources as gay-, lesbian-, bisexual-, or transgender-related, and problems matching the terminology of users with the terminology of the resources and attached metadata. Recent changes in the application of metadata to resource records will then be discussed, including the new thesaurus of Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT) describing the intended audiences of resources and the creators and contributors to those resources. If LGBT-related creator/contributor characteristics were added to authority records for LGBT individual persons, and these characteristics were then searchable and linked to bibliographic records related to those individuals, many more resources could then be identified and potentially retrieved as LGBT." (from lgbtqalms.co.uk)

signatuur: cat. (walke/ove)

dgb grijs

Overcoming the Barriers : Improving Access to LGBTQ Content in Collections
cat. (walke/ove)dgb grijs

Progressive LGBTQ reference: Coming out in the 21st century  / Bharat Mehra, Donna Braquet.

Reference Services Review, 39 (2011) 3 (aug), p. 401-422
bron: Reference Services Review jaargang: 39 (2011) 3 (aug), p. 401-422
samenvatting: Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present an exploratory practice-based framework that identifies strategic goals, objectives, and activities for each of the five areas of modern-day reference, namely - access to electronic resources, user instruction, library commons, outreach liaison, and virtual reference - with a focus on meeting the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and questioning (LGBTQ) individuals during the coming out process. Design/methodology/approach: The paper highlights findings for progressive reference services in the twenty-first century based on qualitative studies and action research conducted by two openly gay library and information science professionals in the University of Tennessee-Knoxville during the period 2005-2011. Findings: Findings reveal elements of the proposed framework geared towards meeting the needs of LGBTQ patrons during the five phases of coming out - self-recognition, sharing with other LGBTQ people, telling close friends/family, positive self-identification, and integration of LGBTQ identity. Originality/value - Minimal research has been done involving reference services for LGBTQ patrons. This paper's original value is in its extended vision of traditional reference that focused solely on information provision to a more encompassing conceptualization and implementation that designs, delivers, and assesses reference services in a community engagement context to develop fair and equitable services for LGBTQ patrons.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (mehra/bra/pro)

Progressive LGBTQ reference: Coming out in the 21st century
dgb artikelen (mehra/bra/pro)
Bharat Mehra, Donna Braquet.
Reference Services Review

Towards Full Citizenship : A Preliminary Checklist of Hong Kong Gay/Lesbian-Related Works  / Alex Spence, Kwok Kwai Wing.

Hong Kong: Banshan, 2021 - [9], vii, 555 p.
uitgave: Hong Kong : Banshan, 2021 - [9], vii, 555 p.
  1. informatievoorziening/technologie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: This document gathers works about the Hong Kong tongzhi (lgbtq) situation. It includes references over a wide variety of subjects and in several formats and notes works supportive of the lesbian/gay/bisexual/trans/queer community, but also publications of groups resisting social change. It will (perhaps) be of some use to those who want to increase their familiarity with the breadth of Hong Kong activity in this significant area of social evolution.

signatuur: cat. (spence/kwo) 2021

dgb grijs

Towards Full Citizenship : A Preliminary Checklist of Hong Kong Gay/Lesbian-Related Works
cat. (spence/kwo) 2021dgb grijs


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