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Aantal resultaten: 19( DE:"rechterlijke instanties" )


Wider die Sittenwächter : Fritz Bauers Kritik am überkommenen Sexualstrafrecht der 1950er und 1960er Jahre  / Werner Renz.

samenvatting: Zeitlebens hat der Justizjurist Fritz Bauer (1903-1968) für eine Humanisierung der Rechts gekämpft. In der Reform des Strafrechts und des Strafvollzugs sah er seine Hauptaufgabe. Das auf preussischen Recht basierende Strafgesetzbuch von 1871 war ihm ein Gräuel. Die Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts einsetzenden Reformbestrebungen unterstütze der junge Stuttgarter Amtsrichter Bauer Anfang der 1930er Jahre in seiner tagtäglichen Rechtsprechung. Bereits Anfang der 1950er Jahre hat Bauer auf die Abschaffung des §175 Strafgesetzbuch gedrängt. Der "Homosexuellenparagraph" stellte allein männliche Homosexualität unter Strafe. Die von den Nationalsozialisten 1935 verschärfte Rechtsnorm galt ueingeschränkt bis 1969. Trotz die Entscheidung von Bundergerichtshof aus 1951 das gegen die "Fortgeltung der §175 StGB" von 1935 "keine Bedenken" bestünden, machte Bauer 1952, damals General-staatanwalt in Braunschweig, den Versuch, durch die Bundesverfassunggericht die Verfassungmässigkeit des §175 überprüfen zu lassen.

signatuur: cat. art. (jahrb/sex) 2017 b

Wider die Sittenwächter : Fritz Bauers Kritik am überkommenen Sexualstrafrecht der 1950er und 1960er Jahre
cat. art. (jahrb/sex) 2017 b
Werner Renz.
In: Jahrbuch Sexualitäten 2017 / Hrsg. Maria Borowski ... [et al.]. - Göttingen : Wallstein, 2016. - p. 70-92.

'The Peculiar Anomaly' : Same-Sex Infidelity in Postwar Divorce Courts  / Alison Lefkovitz.

Law and History Review, 33 (2015) 3 (aug), p. 665-701
bron: Law and History Review jaargang: 33 (2015) 3 (aug), p. 665-701
samenvatting: It was a simple tale of betrayal. In 1950, a Pennsylvania husband returned home from a business trip to find his wife - known to us today only by her initials CD - having sex with the female athletic director of a local school. This wife was only one of many women caught having sex with other women in the era following World War II. Although many closeted men and women enjoyed vibrant sexual and social lives in gay and lesbian communities, sometimes commanding officers, bosses, and police officers caught and punished men and women engaging in "deviant" sexual activity. Punishments ranged from arrests during a bar raid to a dismissal from a job. A double life in the public sphere was fragile. Scholars have paid less attention, however, to the insecure closeted lives of husbands and wives such as CD. Although certainly not all men and women who engaged in same-sex encounters entered traditional heterosexual marriages, many did. Their motivations for marrying ranged from the hope that marriage would cure same-sex desire to financial concerns. Sometimes, a husband or wife discovered his or her spouse's homosexual infidelity. A potential punitive outcome for this encounter was not an arrest, pink slip, or a dishonorable discharge; instead a spouse could end up in divorce court. Like the federal government, the military, the local police, and private employers, then, divorce courts also had to devise strategies and philosophies with which to deal with the problem of homosexuality.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (lefko/pec)

'The Peculiar Anomaly' : Same-Sex Infidelity in Postwar Divorce Courts
dgb artikelen (lefko/pec)
Alison Lefkovitz.
Law and History Review

"Warme" vor Gericht : Zu Selbst- und Fremdbildern homosexueller Männer in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus in Österreich = "Warm brothers" on trial : The image of the male homosexual as constructed by homosexuals themselves and by others during the NS period in Austria.  / Manuela Bauer ... [et al.].

Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 29 (2018) 2, p. 86-110
bron: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften jaargang: 29 (2018) 2 , p. 86-110
samenvatting: Based on the court records of 1500 men accused of homosexual conduct from the Viennese Civil Courts and Military Courts from Austria under National Socialist rule, a sample of 434 men was selected randomly and analyzed quantitatively. The article aims to provide the most comprehensive survey hitherto of the self-perceptions of male homosexuals and of the ways they were perceived by others in that period. The descriptions of identities that were used in the selected case histories by the persecuting authorities and the self-definition by the victims were collected and interpreted in accordance with international discussions that have taken place in historical gender and LGBTIQ Studies. Additionally, the social background of the persecuted men and information on the structure and extent of the persecution were analyzed.

signatuur: cat. art. (homosexualitäten/rev) b

dgb wo2

"Warme" vor Gericht : Zu Selbst- und Fremdbildern homosexueller Männer in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus in Österreich = "Warm brothers" on trial : The image of the male homosexual as constructed by homosexuals themselves and by others during the NS period in Austria.
cat. art. (homosexualitäten/rev) b dgb wo2
Manuela Bauer ... [et al.].
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften

Sexual Minorities Uganda, Plaintiff, v. Scott Lively, Defendant : Memorandum and Order Regarding Defendant's Motion For Summary Judgement (Dkt. No. 248) June 5, 2017 I.  / Michael A. Ponsor.

[Boston, MA]: United States District Court For The District of Massachusetts, 2017 - 25 p.
uitgave: [Boston, MA] : United States District Court For The District of Massachusetts, 2017 - 25 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Letter in which US federal court strongly reaffirmed the charges against evangelical pastor and homophobic American extremist Scott Lively in aiding and abetting crimes against humanity for a vicious campaign of repression and the persecution of Uganda's LGBTI community, but dismissed the case brought by Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) on a narrow jurisdictional ground.

signatuur: cat. (sexual/min)

dgb grijs

Sexual Minorities Uganda, Plaintiff, v. Scott Lively, Defendant : Memorandum and Order Regarding Defendant's Motion For Summary Judgement (Dkt. No. 248) June 5, 2017 I.
cat. (sexual/min)dgb grijs

Advisory Opinions OC-24/17 of November 24, 2017 Requested by The Republic of Costa Rica on Gender Identity, and Equality and Non-Discrimination of Same-sex couple.

[San José]: Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), 2017 - 85, 38, 10 p.
uitgave: [San José] : Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), 2017 - 85, 38, 10 p.
  1. beleid/politiek/wetgeving
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: The Inter-American Court affirmed that the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR) obliges States to guarantee the right to alteration of public records - including name, image, and sex/gender marker - to reflect an individual's self-perceived gender identity. Such rectifications of public records must be complete; confidential; cheap; and based solely on the free and informed consent of the requestor, not requiring medical interventions, such as surgical or hormonal treatments. The Court also held that States must recognize same-sex partnerships as they do heterosexual partnerships, without discrimination of any kind and with the same rights attached.

signatuur: cat. (advis/opi)

dgb grijs

Advisory Opinions OC-24/17 of November 24, 2017 Requested by The Republic of Costa Rica on Gender Identity, and Equality and Non-Discrimination of Same-sex couple.
cat. (advis/opi)dgb grijs

Looking beyond the lesbian : The intersectionality of death on Netflix's Orange is the New Black  / Ashley Ruderman-Looff.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 23 (2019) 4 (okt-dec), p. 490-503
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 23 (2019) 4 (okt-dec), p. 490-503
samenvatting: In 2016, GLAAD's "Where We Are On TV" report noted a significant rise in lesbian death. This article addresses this perpetual trend as it manifests within Netflix's Orange is the New Black by considering the deaths of Tricia Miller and Poussey Washington. I use a narrative form of intersectional analysis to argue that lesbian death initiates a powerful critique of the criminal legal system and the prison industrial complex. Specifically, lesbian death points to the way multiple modes of marginalization intersect with homophobia to buttress a system designed to administer social and premature death. My analysis of Tricia's death demonstrates how the school-to-prison pipeline prepares children to take responsibility for their behaviors, but neglects to address how their futures in the justice system are systematically produced and beyond their control. This message corresponds to Tricia's flashbacks and her suicide, which demonstrate how, under neoliberalism, Tricia's failure to "pull herself up" leads to her incarceration. In turning to Poussey, I argue that reading her death as an accident not only dismisses the "one bad apple" myth typically used to account for police brutality, it demonstrates how "accidental death" is systematically and deliberately produced within the prison industrial complex. I analyze flashbacks of both Poussey and her killer, Baxter Bayley, to draw attention to the fact that they have committed the same crimes. I demonstrate how power and criminalization are assigned on the basis of gender, race, sexuality, and class.

signatuur: ts.

Looking beyond the lesbian : The intersectionality of death on Netflix's Orange is the New Black
Ashley Ruderman-Looff.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Jurisprudence on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics: Regional human rights tribunals : Case Digest  / Bernardo de Souza Dantas Fico ; ed. by Lara Goodwin and Kseniya Kirichenko.

Geneva: ILGA World, 2019 - 20 p.
Jurisprudence on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics: Regional human rights tribunals : Case Digest
cat. (souza-d/jur)dgb grijs

United Nations Treaty Bodies' jurisprudence on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics : Case Digest  / Kseniya Kirichenko.

Geneva: ILGA World, 2019 - 98 p.
uitgave: Geneva : ILGA World, 2019 - 98 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: This publication is a compilation of views adopted by the United Nations Treaty Bodies on cases related to sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC). The digest includes summary of all SOGIESC cases reviewed by the United Nations Treaty Bodies by 7 August 2018. Each case summary presents case reference details, subject matter, substantive issues raised in the case, articles of the relevant treaty involved, facts of the case, conclusions made by the Committee, remedies, case comments and information on any follow-up developments on the case.

signatuur: cat. (kiric/uni/cas)

dgb grijs

United Nations Treaty Bodies' jurisprudence on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics : Case Digest
cat. (kiric/uni/cas)dgb grijs

LGBTQ Public History: Reports From The Field : A digital publication from the Public History Commons of the National Council on Public History  / Introd. by Nicole Belolan, ed., with Sarah Case ; Contrib. by Rebecca Hankins ... [et al.].

Indianapolis: National Council on Public History, 2019 - 54 p.: ill.
uitgave: Indianapolis : National Council on Public History, 2019 - 54 p.: ill.
  1. informatievoorziening/technologie
  2. archieven/bibliotheken/musea
  3. lhbti
samenvatting: These reports from the field complement the special May 2019 issue of The Public Historian, published in part to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of Stonewall. The essays in this electronic collection suggest, historians are collecting, preserving, and interpreting LGBTQ history not only at the best-known LGBTQ sites but also in communities across the country. These public history workers come from diverse backgrounds, and each approaches this history in different ways. All of these essays highlight the triumphs of doing LGBTQ history; they also emphasize the challenges.

signatuur: cat. (lgbtq/pub)

dgb grijs

LGBTQ Public History: Reports From The Field : A digital publication from the Public History Commons of the National Council on Public History
cat. (lgbtq/pub)dgb grijs

Justice Works: Framework for Enhanced Responses to Bias-Motivated Violence Based on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, or Gender Expression  / Jordan Thompson Long, Catherine Lena Kelly.

Washington, DC: American Bar Association (ABA), 2019 - [8], 59 p.+ bijl.
uitgave: Washington, DC : American Bar Association (ABA), 2019 - [8], 59 p.+ bijl.
  1. geweld/discriminatie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: The Framework provides practical, operational guidance for enhanced, cross-sector responses by LGBTI civil society organizations, psychosocial support service providers, and justice sector actors to bias-motivated violence. The Framework explores the events that take place after a violent incident occurs. This occurrence is the point when a person experiences violence based on SOGIE, triggering the need for as comprehensive a response as possible from CSOs, psychosocial support service providers, and justice sector actors, including police officers, prosecutors, judges, and lawyers. The Framework is organized by stages of the life cycle of the response to bias-motivated violence: immediate, intermediate, and long-term responses. It describes what constitutes an enhanced response during each phase of the life cycle, identifying the stakeholder groups that are chiefly responsible and articulating how collaboration with other groups helps ensure a survivor-centric approach in the pursuit of justice for bias-motivated violence based on SOGIE and in the prosecution of perpetrators, when applicable. It identifies concrete action points and roles for each group during each phase of response, reflecting their specific technical or substantive expertise in violence response or in working with the LGBTI community and provides case studies of approaches that have been implemented in jurisdictions throughout the world.

signatuur: cat. (justi/wor/fra)

dgb grijs

Justice Works: Framework for Enhanced Responses to Bias-Motivated Violence Based on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, or Gender Expression
cat. (justi/wor/fra)dgb grijs


( DE:"rechterlijke instanties" )

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