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Aantal resultaten: 39( DE:"prep" )


Special issue on PrEP  / Co-editors in Chief: Philip A. Bialer, Christopher A. McIntosh.

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 20 (2016) 1 jan-mar), p. 1--40
bron: Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health jaargang: 20 (2016) 1 jan-mar), p. 1--40
samenvatting: Table of contents: - The Promise of PrEP / Christopher A. McIntosh & Philip A. Bialer. - p. 1-3. - PrEP: A Review for Mental Health Professionals / Luis F. Pereira, Simona Goschin & Kenneth B. Ashley. - p.4-12. - Self-Administered Screening for Syndemic Mental Health Problems Should be Routinely Implemented Among MSM PrEP Users / Darrell H.S. Tan ...[et al.]. - p. 13-20. - Preferences for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Information Among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) at Community Outreach Settings / Roland C. Merchant ...[et al.]. - p. 21-33. - Psychological Issues and PrEP in Private Practice / David Goldenberg. - p. 34-40. [Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wglm20/20/1 ]

signatuur: ts.

Special issue on PrEP
Co-editors in Chief: Philip A. Bialer, Christopher A. McIntosh.
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health

Verbazing over uitblijven anti-hiv-pil in Europa  / Anneke Stoffelen.

Volkskrant 30-09-2014
bron: Volkskrant 30-09-2014
samenvatting: De Amerikaanse aidsonderzoeker Robert Grant vindt dat Europa haast zou moeten maken met Prep, de pil die besmetting met hiv kan voorkomen. In de VS is Prep onder de naam Truvada op de markt. De werkzame stoffen zijn dezelfde als die in hiv-remmers voor seropositieve patiënten. Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat wie de pil dagelijks inneemt, voor 92 tot 98 procent beschermd is tegen besmetting. De GGD Amsterdam gaat een proef doen met Prep onder homomannen met veel wisselende seksuele contacten.

signatuur: full_text

Verbazing over uitblijven anti-hiv-pil in Europa
Anneke Stoffelen.

Nooit meer hiv in Amsterdam  / Rob Rombouts.

Parool 17-11-2014
bron: Parool 17-11-2014
samenvatting: Bij ruim duizend mensen per jaar in Nederland wordt hiv geconstateerd, waarvan 350 in Amsterdam en ondanks veel preventieve maatregelen. Het betreft meest homomannen en migranten uit gebieden waar hiv relatief veel voorkomt. Het H-team richt zich vooral op deze groepen en verwacht veel van een proefproject met het middel PrEP (Pre Expositie Profylaxe), uitgevoerd door de GGD. De kosten zijn een kritieke factor.

signatuur: full_text

Nooit meer hiv in Amsterdam
Rob Rombouts.

High Willingness to Use HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Among Transgender Women in Argentina  / Virginia Zalazar ... [et al.].

Transgender Health, 1 2016 1, p. 266-273
bron: Transgender Health jaargang: 1 2016 1 , p. 266-273
samenvatting: In Argentina, transgender women face a disproportionately high prevalence of HIV infection (34%). Although not currently approved in Argentina, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) may offer a potential effective HIV prevention tool for this population. In this study, we assessed the willingness to use PrEP among transgenderwomen in Argentina. Methods: Data were drawn from a nationwide cross-sectional survey conducted among transgender women in 2013. Using multivariable logistic regression, we assessed the prevalence of and factors associated with willingness to use PrEP among transgender women with negative or unknown HIV status. Results: This study included 337 transgender women (278 HIV negative and 59 with unknown HIV status), most of whom had a history of sex work involvement (81.8%). Overall, 301 (89.3%) expressed willingness to use PrEP. In a multivariable analysis, having casual sexual partners was positively associated with willingness to use PrEP (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 4.26, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.73-10.51), while discrimination by healthcare workers was negatively associated (AOR = 0.33, 95% CI 0.12?0.88). Conclusion: We found high levels of willingness to use PrEP among transgender women in Argentina, suggesting that there is high perception of HIV risk in this population. However, discrimination by healthcare workers was a strong negative correlate of willingness to use PrEP, suggesting that multilevel interventions that address gender-based stigma in healthcare settings will be critical for the success of PrEP as an HIV prevention strategy in this population.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (high/wil)

High Willingness to Use HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Among Transgender Women in Argentina
dgb artikelen (high/wil)
Virginia Zalazar ... [et al.].
Transgender Health

Drie mannen aan de pil: De PrEP-ervaringen van Belgische mannen  / Mark Sergeant.

Zizo, 23 (2016) 136 (okt/nov/dec), p. 60-62
bron: Zizo jaargang: 23 (2016) 136 (okt/nov/dec), p. 60-62
samenvatting: Paul, Bart en Peter zijn drie deelnemers aan de studie Be-PrEP-ared. Ze vertellen over hoe het is om PrEP te gebruiken, de behandeling met de hiv-preventiepil en of hun seksleven veranderd is.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Drie mannen aan de pil: De PrEP-ervaringen van Belgische mannen
ts. dgb periodieken
Mark Sergeant.

Hiv-preventie nu vergoeden  / Edwin van der Aa.

Parool 06-08-2016
bron: Parool 06-08-2016
samenvatting: Zorgminister Schippers moet met spoed de pil die besmetting met hiv voorkomt (prep) in het basispakket opnemen, vinden belangenclubs en D66.

signatuur: knipsel (aids)

Hiv-preventie nu vergoeden
knipsel (aids)
Edwin van der Aa.

Exploring Gender Differences in PrEP Interest Among Individuals Testing HIV Negative in an Urban Emergency Department  / Jessica Ridgway ... [et al.].

Aids Education and Prevention, 30 (2018) 5 (oct), p. 382-392
bron: Aids Education and Prevention jaargang: 30 (2018) 5 (oct), p. 382-392
samenvatting: PrEP is greater than 90% effective at preventing HIV infection, but many people who are vulnerable to HIV choose not to take PrEP. Among women, men who have sex with women (MSW) and men who have sex with men (MSM) who tested HIV negative in our emergency department, we assessed behavioral risk factors, self-perception of HIV risk, and interest in PrEP linkage. Women had lower odds of perceiving any HIV risk versus no risk than MSM, while Whites had greater odds of perceiving themselves as high risk than Blacks. Age and self-perception of risk were not associated with PrEP interest, but patients who were objectively classified as ?at risk? had greater odds of interest in PrEP than those not at risk (p < .01). Discordance between HIV risk self-perception and objective risk demonstrates the limitation of relying on patient self-referral for PrEP based on their own subjective risk perception. Read More: https://guilfordjournals.com/doi/10.1521/aeap.2018.30.5.382

signatuur: ts.

Exploring Gender Differences in PrEP Interest Among Individuals Testing HIV Negative in an Urban Emergency Department
Jessica Ridgway ... [et al.].
Aids Education and Prevention

Am Ende von Aids? Zur Geschichte einer anfänglich fast durchweg tödlichen Infektionskrankheit. Ein persönlicher Rückblick  / Martin Reichert.

samenvatting: Seit etwas mehr als 40 Jahren is diese Infektionskrankheit in der Welt - für homosexuelle Männer, in den westlichen Ländern die Hauptbetroffenengruppe, wurde sie geradezu zu einem Bestandteil der Identität. Ein Aspekt, der ähnlich im Verschwinden begriffen zu sein scheint wie das Kondom, ein Hygieneartikel, der in Zeiten von PreEP nicht mehr notwendig mit Homosexualität amalgiert ist. Im Jahr 2018, vor der Corona-Pandemie, hat der Autor das Buch "Die Kapsel. Aids in der Bundesrepublik" veröffentlicht. Hier folgt noch einmal ein sowohl persönlicher als auch sachlicher Blick zurück - und eine kurze Bestandsaufnahme der Gegenwart.

signatuur: cat. art. (jahrb/sex) 2023 b

Am Ende von Aids? Zur Geschichte einer anfänglich fast durchweg tödlichen Infektionskrankheit. Ein persönlicher Rückblick
cat. art. (jahrb/sex) 2023 b
Martin Reichert.
In: Jahrbuch Sexualitäten 2023 / Hrsg. Jan Feddersen ... [et al.]. - Göttingen : Wallstein, 2023. - p. 17-33.

Kerk van alle pleziertjes : Club Church : Transparant, zelfbewust en op de barricaden  / Josien Wolthuizen.

Parool 23-06-2018
bron: Parool 23-06-2018
samenvatting: Club Church in de Kerkstraat viert op 23 juni feestelijk het 10-jarig bestaan en blijft het mondje roeren in het debat over homo-emancipatie. Regelmatig worden er discussie en informatie avonden georganiseerd over bijvoorbeeld het gebruik van harddrugs en PreP.

signatuur: full_text

knipsel (uitgaansleven)

Kerk van alle pleziertjes : Club Church : Transparant, zelfbewust en op de barricaden
full_text knipsel (uitgaansleven)
Josien Wolthuizen.

The relationship between Black and gay community involvement and HIV-related risk behaviors among Black men who have sex with men  / Anna L. Hotton ...[et al.].

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 30 (2018) 1 (jan-mar), p. 64-81
bron: Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 30 (2018) 1 (jan-mar), p. 64-81
samenvatting: Black gay men must navigate identities and stigmas related to being gay and Black, and report higher HIV incidence relative to their White male counterparts although they report lower rates of drug use and risky sexual behaviors. This study examined whether closeness to the gay or Black community correlated with HIV-related risk and protective behaviors. Data were drawn from uConnect, a population-based cohort study of young Black men who have sex with men (YBMSM) on Chicago's South Side. The sample consists of 618 Black MSM ranging in age from 16 to 29. Cross-sectional measures for this study include Black and gay community closeness, drug use, sexual risk behaviors, HIV testing, and health promotion behaviors. Closeness with the gay community was associated with greater pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) knowledge as well as participating in health promotion programs along with higher rates of transactional sex and having sex under the influence of substances, and increased odds of self-reported HIV seropositivity. Involvement in the Black community was associated with lower odds of reporting being HIV positive. Findings suggest that programs and initiatives are needed to help promote the positive aspects of the Black and gay communities, while minimizing the negative correlates of such involvements.

signatuur: ts.

The relationship between Black and gay community involvement and HIV-related risk behaviors among Black men who have sex with men
Anna L. Hotton ...[et al.].
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services


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