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Aantal resultaten: 6( DE:"polyseksualiteit" )


Nonsequential Task Model of Bi/Pan/Polysexual Identity Development  / Amney J. Harper & Renae Swanson.

Journal of Bisexuality, 19 (2019) 3 (jul-sep), p. 337-360
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 19 (2019) 3 (jul-sep), p. 337-360
samenvatting: There are several existing bisexual identity development models, however, there are still gaps in fully understanding the identity development of individuals who are bisexual, pansexual, and polysexual. This article seeks to describe the importance of specific labels in the process of identity formation and the differences that exist within these nonmonosexual identities. The authors introduce a model that also addresses intersecting identity developmental processes and oppressions, the person in a sociopolitical context, and the importance of community/political identity to individuals' identity development. First, the article reviews several bisexual identity development models and their limitations. Then, the authors propose a combined task and process model to address these limitations. This model will serve as a guide for conceptualizing the unique pathways that bi/pan/polysexual individuals experience in their identity development.

signatuur: ts.

Nonsequential Task Model of Bi/Pan/Polysexual Identity Development
Amney J. Harper & Renae Swanson.
Journal of Bisexuality

Bisexuality/Plurisexuality in Romantic Relationships: Making Space for Bisexuality/Plurisexuality?  / Emiel Maliepaard.

Journal of Bisexuality, 21 (2021) 4 (oct-dec), p. 560-580
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 21 (2021) 4 (oct-dec), p. 560-580
samenvatting: This article - originally published in a Dutch peer-reviewed journal but updated with extra theoretical discussions - is a tentative exploration of the positions that bisexuality/plurisexuality can occupy in romantic relationships. On the basis of interviews with 31 bisexual/plurisexual people (21 women, 10 men), I discuss how bisexuality is experienced in romantic relationships. Romantic relationships are not just an agreement between partners, but are also constituted by networks of emotions, feelings, and meanings from oneself, one's partner(s), the social environment, and the wider social world. This article discusses the experiences of bisexual/plurisexual people's in romantic relationships and reveals the importance of antibisexual stereotypes, mononormativity, and the institutionalization of monogamy as contextual factors but also interpersonal and intrapsychic factors in negotiations of bisexuality/plurisexuality in relations. Partners are, as the experiences of the participants show, not just "passive actors" but may also proactively create space for bisexuality/plurisexuality in romantic relationships.

signatuur: ts.

Bisexuality/Plurisexuality in Romantic Relationships: Making Space for Bisexuality/Plurisexuality?
Emiel Maliepaard.
Journal of Bisexuality

The Refusal to Refuse: Bisexuality Trouble and the Hegemony of Monosexuality  / Hannah McCann.

Journal of Bisexuality, 22 (2022) 1 (jan-mar), p. 71-89
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 22 (2022) 1 (jan-mar), p. 71-89
samenvatting: This paper both revisits and productively draws on Judith Butler's theory of sexuality offered in Gender Trouble, to consider how this foundational queer theory text inadvertently works to contain and bracket plurisexualities such as bisexuality. I consider how Butler at once rejects the idea of originary bisexuality provoked by psychoanalytic discourse on polymorphous perversity yet subsumes bisexual oppression into that of homosexuality. I interrogate Butler's monosexual presumptions to extend their notion of the heterosexual matrix to account for an operational hetero/homo binary that both excludes plurisexuality as its Other and obscures this exclusion. Following this theoretical line, I consider how the asymmetric hetero/homo binary has been coded along the lines of comedy/tragedy in culture, and in contrast how bisexuality and other plurisexualities are often rendered impossible. I suggest that plurisexualities, representing a refusal to refuse the originary prohibition, ?haunt? both straight and queer contexts alike.

signatuur: ts.

The Refusal to Refuse: Bisexuality Trouble and the Hegemony of Monosexuality
Hannah McCann.
Journal of Bisexuality

De integere slet : Handboek polyamorie  / 

Dossie Easton, Janet W. Hardy.Utrecht: Ten Have, 2021 - 432 p.
uitgave: Utrecht: Ten Have, 2021 - 432 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 419-423. - Vertaling van: The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships, and Other Freedoms in Sex and Love.
samenvatting: 'We claimen het woord slet terug als een geuzennaam, die een zekere genegenheid uitdrukt. Voor ons is een slet iemand van elk mogelijk gender die van seks houdt vanuit de radicale stellingname dat seks fijn is en dat genot goed voor je is. Als trotse sletten geloven we dat seks en seksuele liefde fundamentele krachten van het goede zijn, activiteiten die het potentieel hebben om intieme banden te versterken, levens te verrijken, spiritueel bewustzijn te wekken en zelfs de wereld te verbeteren.' 'De integere slet' is een cultklassieker op het gebied van polyamorie. Van de Engelse editie zijn meer dan 200.000 exemplaren verkocht. De auteurs laten zien hoe je op een moreel verantwoorde manier meerdere geliefden tegelijkertijd kunt hebben. Hun boek geeft antwoord op alle mogelijke vragen over de polyamoreuze levensstijl, en biedt handreikingen voor de bijbehorende uitdagingen, zoals jaloezie en oordelen uit de omgeving.

signatuur: cat. (easto/int) b


De integere slet : Handboek polyamorie
cat. (easto/int) b ODE3
Dossie Easton, Janet W. Hardy.

Hegemonic Monosexuality  / Angelos Bollas.

Journal of Bisexuality, 23 (2023) 4 (oct-dec), p. 441-455
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 23 (2023) 4 (oct-dec), p. 441-455
samenvatting: Recent scholarly work has focused on the erasure and mistreatment of bisexuality in histories of sexuality. Such erasure is not only observed in academic work but also in the lived experiences of people who identify as plurisexuals. The present paper brings together studies on bisexuality, hegemony, and sexual politics to explain the discursively produced demarcation between sexualities and forms of sexual expression, and it supports a focus on monosexuality as a theoretical construct that productively addresses issues of discrimination and marginalization that people identifying as plurisexuals endure. What is put forward and challenged through this paper is the functional potential of monosexuality to maintain a sociodicy whereby the nuclear family and its contingent material implications remain not only unchallenged and normative but also inevitable.

signatuur: ts.

Hegemonic Monosexuality
Angelos Bollas.
Journal of Bisexuality

Button Polyseksueel vlag

2022. - M02307
beschrijving: Button met drie strepen in de kleuren van boven naar beneden: roze, groen, blauw Een polyseksueel persoon is iemand die zich seksueel en/of romantisch aangetrokken voelt tot meerdere geslachten. De polyseksuele vlag is gemaakt door Tumblr-gebruiker Tomlin in 2012. De polyseksuele vlag heeft drie kleuren: roze staat voor een aantrekkingskracht op vrouwen, groen staat voor een aantrekkingskracht op niet-binaire mensen en blauw staat voor een aantrekkingskracht op mannen.
trefwoord: zaanpride - zaanstreek - vos, frank - vlaggen - stichting de zaanse regenboog
organisatie: Stichting De Zaanse Regenboog
formaat/maat Doorsnee: 3,8
land: nederland

Button Polyseksueel vlag


( DE:"polyseksualiteit" )

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