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Aantal resultaten: 25( DE:"oude culturen" )


Celtic pederasty in pre-roman Gaul  / Eric Pontalley.

Paidika, 2 (1990) 2 (herfst), p. 32-40
bron: Paidika jaargang: 2 (1990) 2 (herfst), p. 32-40

signatuur: ts.

Celtic pederasty in pre-roman Gaul
Eric Pontalley.

Sex in history  / 

Reay Tannahill.London: Hamilton, 1980 - 480 p.: ill.
uitgave: London: Hamilton, 1980 - 480 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr. p. 427-444.
samenvatting: Kaleidoskoop van seksualiteit door de eeuwen en culturen heen, met ook aandacht voor homoseksualiteit.

signatuur: cat. (tanna/sex) b

Sex in history
cat. (tanna/sex) b
Reay Tannahill.

An enigmatic Indo-European rite : Paederasty  / Jan Bremmer.


signatuur: cat. art. (studi/hom/i) cb


dgb artikelen (cbremm/eni)

An enigmatic Indo-European rite : Paederasty
cat. art. (studi/hom/i) cb ODE3 dgb artikelen (cbremm/eni)
Jan Bremmer.
In: Homosexuality in the Ancient World / ed. with introd. by Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson. - New York, NY : Garland, 1992. - p. 49-68.

Die guten alten Zeiten? : Männliche Homosexualität in der Antike  / Jürgen Ostler-Ganzmüller.

Lambda Nachrichten, 19 (1997) 1 (Jan/März), p. 52-56
bron: Lambda Nachrichten jaargang: 19 (1997) 1 (Jan/März), p. 52-56
samenvatting: Sinds de romantiek overheerst de opvatting dat de antieke oudheid een paradijs was voor homo's. Deze opvatting wordt hier weerlegd door er op te wijzen dat de maatschappelijke positie van homo's in Griekenland en Rome, niet zo rooskleurig was als doorgaans wordt voorgesteld. Tevens wordt er een kort uitstapje gemaakt naar Egypte, Mesopotamië, en de Keltische en Germaanse volken. Daarnaast wordt het hele (moderne westerse) begrip homoseksualiteit sowieso niet van toepassing geacht op de oudheid, daar dit begrip een negentiende-eeuwse konstruktie is.

signatuur: ts.

Die guten alten Zeiten? : Männliche Homosexualität in der Antike
Jürgen Ostler-Ganzmüller.
Lambda Nachrichten

The Hippocratic 'Airs, waters, places' on cross-dressing eunuchs : "natural" yet also "divine"  / Elinor Lieber.

samenvatting: In het Griekse `Corpus Hippocraticum' en in het werk van o.a. Herodotus worden `Anarieis' of `Enarees' genaamde, Scythische eunuchen beschreven, die in vrouwenkleren gehuld waarzegden in naam van Aphrodite. Aan de hand van de antieke beschrijvingen toont Lieber aan dat deze eunuchen hun eunuchoïde conditie verkregen als gevolg van een erfelijke aandoening die een vermeerderde opname van ijzer teweegbrengt.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (lieber/hip)

The Hippocratic 'Airs, waters, places' on cross-dressing eunuchs : "natural" yet also "divine"
dgb artikelen (lieber/hip)
Elinor Lieber.
In: Hippokratische Medizin und antike Philosophie / hrsg. von Renate Wittern, Pierre Pellegrin. - Hildesheim : Olms-Weidmann, 1996. - (Medizin der Antike ; 1). - p. 451-476.

Homoseksualiteit in de archaïsche culturen  / Koenraad Logghe.

Uitkomst, 6 (1995) 4 (jul/aug), p. 32-36
bron: Uitkomst jaargang: 6 (1995) 4 (jul/aug), p. 32-36
samenvatting: Beknopte wetenschappelijke uiteenzetting van homoseksualiteit in historische culturen.

signatuur: ts.

Homoseksualiteit in de archaïsche culturen
Koenraad Logghe.

Vurige klassieken : de erotische representatie van de klassieke oudheid in de negentiende eeuw  / Maaike Wilting.

Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2013 - 70 p.: ill.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2013 - 70 p.: ill.
  1. beeldende kunsten
samenvatting: De nadruk in deze scriptie ligt op literaire representaties van de klassieke oudheid uit de negentiende eeuw. Om beter te begrijpen welke rol de klassieke oudheid speelde voor negentiende-eeuwse kunstenaars en geletterden zijn de cultuurhistorische werken van schrijvers zoals Gilbert Highet, William Gaunt en Terence Spencer van belang. Deze schrijvers onderzochten de invloed van klassieke geschriften en beeldhouwwerken op de Westerse literatuur en kunst en hoe dit een plek vond in de verschillende kunststromingen. In deze scriptie zullen dergelijke filhellenistische stromingen onderzocht worden aan de hand van negentiende-eeuwse werken. Er zal een verband worden gezocht tussen het negentiende-eeuwse besef van seksualiteit en de weergave van de klassieke oudheid in literaire werken en stromingen.

signatuur: cat. (wilti/vur)

dgb grijs

Vurige klassieken : de erotische representatie van de klassieke oudheid in de negentiende eeuw
cat. (wilti/vur)dgb grijs

Tracing the Antinous Cult : Explaining the Success and Spread of the Cult of Hadrian's Favorite  / Carl Verbruggen.

Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2014 - 60 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2014 - 60 p.
  1. geschiedenis
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: The face of Antinous is still as recognizable today as it was in the second century CE, when his fame was spread throughout the Roman Empire. The eromenos of the emperor Hadrian, who died in the Nile in 130 CE, became a deity, an event of epic proportions unprecedented in Roman history for persons outside of the imperial family. From Antinoopolis in Egypt, a new city founded in his honor, his cult spread quickly throughout the eastern part of the empire, with especially strong presences in Bithynion, the Pontic hometown of Antinous, and Mantineia, its mother city in Greece. As a credit to his popularity, his likeness is only the third most commonly encountered among ancient statues in our own age (with the emperors Augustus and Hadrian filling the respective first and second places). Besides statues and busts, his likeness can be encountered on coins, cameos, amulets and even his name became a popular choice to give to children, by parents who were apparently inspired by the young Bithynian. Furthermore, games and mysteries were devoted to Antinous in several places, such as in Athens and Argos. Perhaps the most striking evidence for the popularity of Antinous? cult is its longevity: whereas most of the cults connected with the imperial house disappeared after the death of its recipient, the cult of the young ephebe very likely outlived that of Hadrian himself, ending only in the fourth century CE as one of paganism's last great symbols in the struggle with Christianity. In the West, however, a very different picture emerges. With the exception of Rome, there are hardly any remains to be found of cults dedicated to Antinous. This fact often surfaces in the secondary literature regarding the history of Hadrian and Antinous, yet it is never fully explained. Often, the focus is on a single peculiarity of one of these two ancient celebrities, such as the disputed nature Hadrian?s pro-Hellenic policies, his harsh treatment of the Jews, Antinous as the champion of paganism in Late Antiquity and, of special interest, the exceptional relationship between Hadrian and Antinous, and its status within Roman culture. Yet though often mentioned, a thorough explanation for the unequal spread of the Antinous cult is never fully explained. The main goal of this investigation will thus be to analyze the extent of the Antinous cult in the Roman Empire, comparing its presence in the two halves of the empire, in order to answer the question why his cult appears to have been much more widespread in the eastern than in the western part.

signatuur: cat. (verbr/tra)

dgb grijs

Tracing the Antinous Cult : Explaining the Success and Spread of the Cult of Hadrian's Favorite
cat. (verbr/tra)dgb grijs

Sappho's Shifting Fortunes from Antiquity to the Early Renaissance  / Walter Penrose.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 18 (2014) 4 (oct-dec), p. 415-436
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 18 (2014) 4 (oct-dec), p. 415-436
samenvatting: Although Sappho was revered as the greatest woman poet of all time by the Greeks, in later antiquity and the Middle Ages, her love of women was considered shameful and overshadowed her excellent reputation. She was also called a prostitute, and fictional accounts of her affairs with men further 'tarnished' her reputation. Dual representations of Sappho existed within two centuries of her death. On the one hand, she was a role model for other poets to follow in their quest for fame, on the other she was the quintessential representation of female vice, which, at least by the Roman period, brought her infamy. Late antique and medieval Christian authors inherited this latter view, and vilified Sappho's sexuality, while church authorities, at least according to legend, had her works publicly burned. In the initial stages of the Renaissance, then, the humanist desire to reconnect with the pagan past had to proceed in the context of late medieval Christianity. Sappho's homoeroticism was erased, ultimately, in order that her skill could be lauded to fight misogyny. Hence, the humanists 'rehabilitated' Sappho's virtue in a Christian context where same-sex love was considered an 'unmentionable' vice. In order to argue that women were smart and capable, the humanists needed Sappho. She was perhaps the most famous, and most skilled, woman who had ever lived, and her example was used in an attempt to improve the lot of women in the early Renaissance. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10894160.2014.897922 ]

signatuur: ts.

Sappho's Shifting Fortunes from Antiquity to the Early Renaissance
Walter Penrose.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Queering Hippolytus : Asexuality and Ancient Greece  / Chris Mowat.

Notches 17-05-2018
bron: Notches 17-05-2018
samenvatting: Myth was a great tool with which the ancient Greeks were able to think about themselves and their place in the world, and this is something that continues to the present day. There is something about finding yourself, or even just a part of yourself, in a story, and especially in a story that has been told over and again for thousands of years. It can help you think through yourself and your identity, the good bits and the bad. When it comes to studies of identity, especially sexuality, Classical discussions often get caught between that problematic binary of social constructionism vs essentialism - can we use terms like "homosexual" and "asexual" for ancient identities? It is possible to categorise ancient people in our terms at all? But Classics can still be useful for thinking through modern identities, how we see ourselves and others, regardless of how Euripides, say, would identify his Hippolytus.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (mowat/que)

Queering Hippolytus : Asexuality and Ancient Greece
dgb artikelen (mowat/que)
Chris Mowat.


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