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Aantal resultaten: 4( DE:"nigerianen" )


Christelijke Nigeriaanse homo krijgt na vlucht asiel in Engeland.

Trouw 04-08-2008
bron: Trouw 04-08-2008
samenvatting: Een christelijke vluchteling uit Nigeria, waar de anglicaanse kerk antihomowetgeving steunt, heeft asiel gekregen in Engeland. Hij had daar om gevraagd nadat hij met de dood was bedreigd.

signatuur: full_text

Christelijke Nigeriaanse homo krijgt na vlucht asiel in Engeland.

Bloodflowers : Rotimi Fani-Kayode, Photography, and the 1980s  / 

W. Ian Bourland.Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2019 - viii, 328 p.: ill.
uitgave: Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2019 - viii, 328 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 291-304.
samenvatting: In Bloodflowers W. Ian Bourland examines the photography of Rotimi Fani-Kayode (1955-1989), whose art is a touchstone for cultural debates surrounding questions of gender and queerness, race and diaspora, aesthetics and politics, and the enduring legacy of slavery and colonialism. Born in Nigeria, Fani-Kayode moved between artistic and cultural worlds in Washington, DC, New York, and London, where he produced the bulk of his provocative and often surrealist and homoerotic photographs of black men. Bourland situates Fani-Kayode's work in a time of global transition and traces how it exemplified and responded to profound social, cultural, and political change. In addition to his formal analyses of Fani-Kayode's portraiture, Bourland outlines the important influence that surrealism, neo-Romanticism, Yoruban religion, the AIDS crisis, experimental film, loft culture, and house and punk music had on Fani-Kayode's work. In so doing, Bourland offers new perspectives on a pivotal artist whose brief career continues to resonate with deep aesthetic and social meaning.

signatuur: cat. (bourl/blo) b

Bloodflowers : Rotimi Fani-Kayode, Photography, and the 1980s
cat. (bourl/blo) b
W. Ian Bourland.

Dear Senthuran : a black spirit memoir  / 

Akwaeke Emezi.Londen: Faber And Faber, 2021 - 232 p.
uitgave: Londen: Faber And Faber, 2021 - 232 p.
samenvatting: In letters addressed to their friends, to members of their family - both biological and chosen - and to fellow storytellers, Akwaeke describes the shape of a life lived in overlapping realities. Through heartbreak, chronic pain, intimacy with death, becoming a beast, this is embodiment as a nonhuman: outside the boundaries imposed by expectations and legibility. This book is an account of the grueling work of realignment and remaking necessary to carve out a future for oneself. The result is a Black spirit memoir: a powerful, raw unfolding of identity.

signatuur: cat. (emezi/dea) b

Dear Senthuran : a black spirit memoir
cat. (emezi/dea) b
Akwaeke Emezi.

The Nigerian closet : [Aids in Nigeria : Homosexuality in Nigeria]  / Eric Beauchemin

    Type materiaal: cdMaker: Eric BeaucheminLand: NederlandOmroep: Radio Netherlands Worldwide

Genre: actualiteitenprogramma's / interviews

samenvatting: Radio program broadcasted december 2001 about the social and human catastrophe that is taken place in Nigeria where hiv/aids may be as high as 6 % in a population of 120-140 million people. In the second part Eric Beauchemin held interviews with homosexuals from Nigeria who tell there stories. From 1991 till 2001 Eric Beauchemin was documentary-maker, producer, current affairs producer. He mades contributions to Radio Netherlands Worldwide’s daily current affairs program in English, Newsline, and other weekly programs.

signatuur: GC1151

The Nigerian closet : [Aids in Nigeria : Homosexuality in Nigeria]


( DE:"nigerianen" )

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