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Aantal resultaten: 26( DE:"massamedia" )


Broadcasting it : an encyclopedia of homosexuality on film, radio and tv in the UK, 1923-1993  / 

Keith Howes ; foreword by Ned Sherrin.London: Cassell, cop. 1993 - [xxi], 960 p.
uitgave: London: Cassell, cop. 1993 - [xxi], 960 p.
samenvatting: Alfabetisch geordend op acteur, serie of film, radioprogramma, maar ook op trefwoorden (bv.: advertising revenue).

signatuur: cat. (howes/bro) cb


Broadcasting it : an encyclopedia of homosexuality on film, radio and tv in the UK, 1923-1993
cat. (howes/bro) cb ODE3 NASLAG
Keith Howes ; foreword by Ned Sherrin.

Global sex  / 

Dennis Altman.Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2001 - xii, 216 p.
uitgave: Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2001 - xii, 216 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 167-204.
samenvatting: "Global Sex is the first major work to take the issues of globalization and sexuality head on. Dennis Altman looks at how pleasures of the body are framed, shaped, commercialized, and even commodified in our new global economy, exploring the impact of globalization on gender relations, political power, public health, migration, and the ways in which we imagine our own sense of self and place. Ranging from U.N. debates over abortion, to the advent of cybersex, to the rapid spread of AIDS in Africa, to the sex scandals that rocked both Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and President Bill Clinton, Global Sex sheds new light on how the personal and the political are now, more than ever, indistinguishable."

signatuur: cat. (altma-d/glo) b

Global sex
cat. (altma-d/glo) b
Dennis Altman.

Intimate Activism : The Struggle for Sexual Rights in Postrevolutionary Nicaragua  / 

Cymene Howe.Durham, NC [etc.]: Duke University Press, 2013 - xii, 256 p.: ill.
uitgave: Durham, NC [etc.]: Duke University Press, 2013 - xii, 256 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 197-219.
samenvatting: Intimate Activism tells the story of Nicaraguan sexual-rights activists who helped to overturn the most repressive antisodomy law in the Americas. The law was passed shortly after the Sandinistas lost power in 1990 and, to the surprise of many, was repealed in 2007. In this vivid ethnography, Cymene Howe analyzes how local activists balanced global discourses regarding human rights and identity politics with the contingencies of daily life in Nicaragua. Though they were initially spurred by the antisodomy measure, activists sought to change not only the law but also culture. Howe emphasizes the different levels of intervention where activism occurs, from mass-media outlets and public protests to meetings of clandestine consciousness-raising groups. She follows the travails of queer characters in a hugely successful telenovela, traces the ideological tensions within the struggle for sexual rights, and conveys the voices of those engaged in "becoming" lesbianas and homosexuales in contemporary Nicaragua.

signatuur: cat. (howe/int) b


Intimate Activism : The Struggle for Sexual Rights in Postrevolutionary Nicaragua
cat. (howe/int) b ODE3
Cymene Howe.

Sexual Diversity in Africa : Politics, Theory, and Citizenship  / 

Ed. by S.N. Nyeck and Marc Epprecht.Montreal [etc.]: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2013 - vi, 302 p.
uitgave: Montreal [etc.]: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2013 - vi, 302 p.
samenvatting: How does one address homophobia without threatening majority rule democracy and freedoms of speech and faith? How does one "Africanize" sexuality research, empirically and theoretically, in an environment that is not necessarily welcoming to African scholars? In Sexual Diversity in Africa, contributors critically engage with current debates about sexuality and gender identity, as well as with contentious issues relating to methodology, epistemology, ethics, and pedagogy. They present a tapestry of issues that testify to the complex nature of sexuality, sexual practices, and gender performance in Africa. Essays examine topics such as the well-established same-sex networks in Accra and Bamako, African "traditions" defined by European observers, and the bizarre mix of faith, pharmaceuticals, and pseudo-science used to "cure" homosexual men. Their evidence also demonstrates the indefensibility of over-simplified constructions of homosexuality versus heterosexuality, modern versus traditional, Africa versus the West, and progress from the African closet towards Western models of out politics, all of which have tainted research on same-sex practices and scientific studies of HIV/AIDS. Asserting that the study of sexuality is intellectually and politically sustainable in Africa, Sexual Diversity in Africa contributes to the theorization of sexualities by presenting a more sensitive and knowledgeable study of African experiences and perspectives. Contributors include Olajide Akanji, Christophe Broqua, Cheryl Cooky, Serena Owusua Dankwa, Shari L. Dworkin, Marc Epprecht, Melissa Hackman, Notisha Massaquoi, Crystal Munthree, Kathleen O'Mara, Stella Nyanzi, S.N.Nyeck, Vasu Reddy, Amanda Lock Swarr, and Lisa Wiebesiek.

signatuur: cat. (sexual/div) b


Sexual Diversity in Africa : Politics, Theory, and Citizenship
cat. (sexual/div) b ODE3
Ed. by S.N. Nyeck and Marc Epprecht.

Disidentifications : Queers Of Color And The Performance Of Politics  / 

José Esteban Muñoz.Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1999 - 248 p.: ill.
uitgave: Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1999 - 248 p.: ill.
samenvatting: From Publishers Weekly: In eight essays (six of them previously published), Muñoz, an assistant professor of performance studies at NYU, explores the political and social impact of black, Latino and Asian performance artists on mainstream culture. Drawing on a wide range of examples - from Jean-Michel Basquiat's painting and his relationship with Andy Warhol to filmmaker Isaac Julian's response to Robert Mapplethorpe's photographs of African-American men, to the camp performance work of Cubana artists Ela Troyano and Carmelita Tropicana - Munoz outlines a process he calls "disidentification," in which an artist works inside the dominant culture while at the same time critiquing it. His insights into the complex ways that race, sexual difference, ethnicity, class and "professionalization" influence each artist's work can be startling, as when he compares mainstream drag films like To Wong Foo... to the work of transgressive drag performers like Vaginal Creme Davis, or when he reveals how Superman comics can be understood as a response to anti-Semitism. However, when he explores the work of the late Pedro Zamora (of MTV's The Real World) and claims that the Cubano star with AIDS "used MTV more then it used him," or when he discusses Magic Johnson's AIDS education work yet overlooks the gender politics of his message, his analysis can come off as naive. While these essays are consistently enlightening and provocative, their dependence on academic rhetoric makes them resistant to casual reading.

signatuur: cat. (munoz/dis) b

Disidentifications : Queers Of Color And The Performance Of Politics
cat. (munoz/dis) b
José Esteban Muñoz.

"Aufstand der Perversen" : Zur Rezeption von Rosa von Praunheims Nicht der Homosexuelle ist pervers, sondern die Situation, in der er lebt in Medienberichten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland  / Sophie Kühnlenz.

samenvatting: Die Unterdrückung der Schwulen ist selbstverschuldet - so die These Rosa von Praunheims, die er den "ängstlichen, spießigen, angepassten und unpolitischen [Schwulen], die sich doch ganz nett in ihrem Versteck und Schwulenghetto eingerichtet [hatten]", entgegenschleuderte. Der Titel des Films richtete sich an die Mehrheitsgesellschaft, der Inhalt an die Schwulen selbst: Die Macher des Films wollten die Situation von Schwulen in einem repressiven gesellschaftlichen Umfeld offenlegen. Wut, Empörung und verbale wie physische Angriffe waren die Folge, aber auch Bewegung und Aktion, Solidarität und die Entwicklung eines schwulen Selbstbewusstseins. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht zum einen die Reaktionen auf den Film in den "Mainstreammedien", zum andern anhand von Kommentaren in der schwulen Presse und Erkenntnissen aus Zeitzeugeninterviews mit Schwulen-Aktivisten der 1970er Jahre die Kontroversen innerhalb der schwulen Szene. Dabei geht es u.a. um die Fragen, warum dieser Film derartig provozieren konnte, welche Wirkung er auf die Schwulenbewegung der 1970er Jahre hatte und inwieweit er tatsächlich ein notwendiger "Stein des Anstoßes? für eine - auch innerhalb der schwulen Community - überfällige Auseinandersetzung mit der Bedeutung der Homosexualität in der Gesellschaft gewesen ist.

signatuur: cat. art. (invert/jah) xvi b

dgb wo2

"Aufstand der Perversen" : Zur Rezeption von Rosa von Praunheims Nicht der Homosexuelle ist pervers, sondern die Situation, in der er lebt in Medienberichten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
cat. art. (invert/jah) xvi b dgb wo2
Sophie Kühnlenz.
In: Invertito, Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Homosexualitäten: 16. Jahrgang, 2014. - p. 125-152.

Still Trapped in the U.S. Media?s Closet : Representations of Gender-Variant, Pre-Adolescent Children  / Tony Kelso.

Journal of Homosexuality, 62 (2015) 8 (august), p. 1058-1097
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 62 (2015) 8 (august), p. 1058-1097
samenvatting: Many studies have examined representations of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in the U.S. media. Yet they have centered on portrayals of adults or teenagers. This investigation considered a potential LGBT population that has been neglected in media research, namely gender-variant, preadolescent children. Surveying the U.S. media at large but with an emphasis on television, the article reveals that gender-creative youth are nearly invisible. When depictions of gender-variant kids do appear, they often focus on either children who express extreme gender dysphoria or in some way signify the 'tragic queer'motif (or both). The implications of these findings are discussed. [Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2015.1021634)

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (kelso/sti)

Still Trapped in the U.S. Media?s Closet : Representations of Gender-Variant, Pre-Adolescent Children
ts. dgb artikelen (kelso/sti)
Tony Kelso.
Journal of Homosexuality

The Parable of Kitty Genovese, the New York Times, and the Erasure of Lesbianism  / Marcia M. Gallo.

Journal of the History of Sexuality, 23 (2014) 2 (may), p. 273-294
bron: Journal of the History of Sexuality jaargang: 23 (2014) 2 (may), p. 273-294
samenvatting: The 1964 rape and murder of Catherine 'Kitty' Genovese in New York City shocked the city, the nation, and the world, but not because a young white woman had been viciously assaulted in public. Media attention instead focused immediately on 'thirty-eight witnesses' 'men and women living nearby in seemingly safe, semi-suburban Kew Gardens', who allegedly did not want to 'get involved' by going to her aid. The New York Times reported that, despite their awareness of the brutal assault that took place just outside their apartment windows, no one called the police. In subsequent articles from the Times the failure of these witnesses to act became symptomatic of a city in a crisis of apathy and an example of a psychic illness threatening the body politic. Unlike other contemporaneous tales of urban crime that offered detailed descriptions of the young women involved, the victim in this case - a twenty-eight-year-old Italian American bar manager who lived in Queens with her female lover - was reduced rhetorically to a chalk outline on the sidewalk: editor A. M. Rosenthal?s accounts in the New York Times erased her from the story.

signatuur: ts.

The Parable of Kitty Genovese, the New York Times, and the Erasure of Lesbianism
Marcia M. Gallo.
Journal of the History of Sexuality

'Re-crisis' : Barebacking, sex panic and the logic of epidemic  / Dion Kagan.

Sexualities, 18 (2015) 7 (oct), p. 817-837
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 18 (2015) 7 (oct), p. 817-837
samenvatting: Since the 'AIDS Crisis' of the 1980s and early 1990s, the combination of sex between men and epidemic disease has been fertile territory for the production of sex panic. This essay examines a 2007 outburst of Australian news media sex panic surrounding a case of the alleged reckless infection of persons with HIV/AIDS and the controversial practices of anal sex without condoms, or ?barebacking?. The rhetorical inflations surrounding these sexual spectacles may be understood via a model of biopolitical governmentality that Linda Singer (1993) called 'the logic of epidemic'. I draw on both Singer's model and work on sex panic to describe this news coverage as an instance of what I call 're-crisis'. 'Re-crisis' involves the revivification of the discourses of an earlier moment of AIDS representation in the service of new cultural and institutional modes of managing HIV/AIDS under neoliberal conditions and in the transformed contexts of HIV/AIDS 'post crisis', which has evolved since the advent of antiretrovirals (c. 1996).

signatuur: ts.

'Re-crisis' : Barebacking, sex panic and the logic of epidemic
Dion Kagan.

A global history of sexuality : the modern era  / 

edited by Robert M. Buffington, Eithne Luibhéid, and Donna J. Guy.Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014 - viii, 277 p.: ill.
uitgave: Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014 - viii, 277 p.: ill.
annotatie: Contents: Introduction / Robert m. buffington -- Sexuality and the nation state / Sabine Fruhstuck -- Sexuality and modern imperialism / Mytheli Sreenivas -- Sex and disease from syphilis to aids / Laura J. McGough and Katherine E. Bliss -- Sexuality and international migration / Eithne Luibheid -- Sex trafficking / Robert M. Buffington and Donna J. Guy -- Sexuality and mass media / Hai Ren -- Sexuality and the contemporary world : globalization and sexual rights / Richard Parker, Jonathan Garcia and Robert M. Buffington
samenvatting: A Global History of Sexuality provides a introduction to the history of sexuality from the late eighteenth century to the present day. Contributions written by prominent historians, sociologists, anthropologists, and sexuality studies scholars combine to provide most recent research into what sexuality has meant in the everyday lives of individuals in modern times. Chapters are organized around four interrelated processes: the formation of sexual identities, the regulation of sexuality by societal norms, the regulation of sexuality by institutions, and the intersection of sexuality with global/transnational processes. Within these areas they address a range of topics including sexuality and the nation-state; sexuality and modern imperialism; sexuality and the contemporary world; sex and disease; sexuality and international migration; sex trafficking; and sexuality and mass media. Each chapter takes a world view, exploring global processes and including explicit comparisons between countries and regions. Grounded in the latest research on the history of sexuality in the modern world, and using specific case studies to illuminate broader trends, the book is written in an accessible style suitable for general readers, including undergraduate university students.

signatuur: cat. (globa/his/sex) b

A global history of sexuality : the modern era
cat. (globa/his/sex) b
edited by Robert M. Buffington, Eithne Luibhéid, and Donna J. Guy.


( DE:"massamedia" )

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