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Aantal resultaten: 45( DE:"malawi" )


Gay rights way to fight AIDS in Malawi-official.

Reuters 15-09-2009
bron: Reuters 15-09-2009
samenvatting: Malawi must recognise the rights of its gay population to be able to step up its fight against AIDS, a senior government official said on Tuesday.

signatuur: full_text

Gay rights way to fight AIDS in Malawi-official.

Queer Malawi : untold stories  / [stories ed. by Patricia Watson].

[S.l.: s.n.], [2010] - 74 p.: ill.
uitgave: [S.l. : s.n.], [2010] - 74 p.: ill.
  1. biografieën/memoires
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: A unique and groundbreaking new book offering vivid portraits of the lives of gay men and women in Malawi is launched in South Africa by Gay and Lesbian Memory in Action (GALA) and the Centre for the Development of People (CEDEP). The accounts in the book portray the joys of love and the heartache of rejection, the dangers posed by homophobia and hatred in communities, and the sublime comfort of close friends and relatives. The twelve life stories are "intended to invoke compassion and support for the rights of African LGBTI people to live freely and harmoniously alongside their heterosexual counterparts in Malawi and beyond her borders". Dr. Patricia Watson, an expert in oral history practice in South Africa, designed and facilitated oral history workshops in Malawi during which most of the 12 participants' experiences were recounted, recorded and translated into English. Watson then worked with the transcripts to compose stories that were as close to the authors' own words as was grammatically possible. The inspiring experiences in Queer Malawi are complemented by striking and intimate photographs of the 12 participants by the renowned and award winning lesbian photographer Zanele Muholi who agreed to do portraits of each of the authors.

signatuur: cat. (queer/mal) k

Queer Malawi : untold stories
cat. (queer/mal) k

Homostel opgepakt in Malawi.

NRC 29-12-2009
bron: NRC 29-12-2009
samenvatting: Het eerste homoseksuele paar dat openlijk het 'ja-woord' gaf tijdens een traditionele, symbolisch bedoelde trouwerij in Malawi, is gearresteerd en aangeklaagd vanwege ,,schennis van de eerbaarheid". Homoseksualiteit is in Malawi verboden en kan bestraft worden met veertien jaar celstraf.

signatuur: full_text

Homostel opgepakt in Malawi.

Verhagen: vonnis homopaar Malawi 'meer dan afschuwelijk'.

Volkskrant 20-05-2010
bron: Volkskrant 20-05-2010
samenvatting: Reactie van Demissionair minister Maxime Verhagen (Buitenlandse Zaken) en Stichting Vrienden van de Gay Krant op het vonnis in Malawi waar de rechtbank een homopaar tot de maximale straf van veertien jaar cel heeft veroordeeld wegens ?grove obsceniteit en onnatuurlijke daden?.

signatuur: full_text

Verhagen: vonnis homopaar Malawi 'meer dan afschuwelijk'.

Draconische straf voor twee homoseksuelen.

Trouw 25-05-2010
bron: Trouw 25-05-2010
samenvatting: De presbyteriaanse kerk van de Afrikaanse staat Malawi is zeer tevreden over een draconische straf voor twee homo's. Het duo kreeg veertien jaar gevangenis nadat het een verlovingsceremonie had gehouden. Mensenrechtenorganisaties hebben ontsteld gereageerd.

signatuur: full_text

Draconische straf voor twee homoseksuelen.

Reformatorisch Dagblad: president Malawi te snel door de knieën.

Volkskrant 31-05-2010
bron: Volkskrant 31-05-2010
samenvatting: Het Reformatorisch Dagblad heeft zich in een hoofdredactioneel commentaar teleurgesteld getoond dat de president van Malawi snel is overgegaan tot het verlenen van gratie aan een veroordeeld homopaar.

signatuur: full_text

Reformatorisch Dagblad: president Malawi te snel door de knieën.

'Krant vliegt uit de bocht met homostuk'  / Gerrit-Jan KleinJan.

Trouw 02-06-2010
bron: Trouw 02-06-2010
samenvatting: Progressieve theologen in Nederland zijn boos op het Reformatorisch Dagblad. De krant gaat volgens hen over de schreef door te schrijven dat het jammer is dat Malawi twee homo's heeft vrijgelaten.

signatuur: full_text

'Krant vliegt uit de bocht met homostuk'
Gerrit-Jan KleinJan.

Cameron's Africa LGBT rights comments are rhetoric and could backfire  / Paul Canning.

LGBT Asylum News 22-06-2011
bron: LGBT Asylum News 22-06-2011
samenvatting: At an event for LGBT Pride Month the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, picked on the UK's lobbying of African government's on LGBT human rights as an issue to showcase his government's credentials. He specifically singled out Malawi for mention in his remarks, delivered to a Downing Street reception to which many of Britain's gay and lesbian great and the good were invited. Britain is the biggest donor to Malawi however LGBT human rights issues have been only one small part of the 'carrot-and-stick' tactics used by Western donors on an increasingly repressive government. Far more important have been serious concerns about Malawian President Mutharika's crackdown on media and civil society. In a warning about how delicate these issues of using aid, especially when it comes with rhetoric like "moral authority, are, and despite LGBT issues being minor in the game being played with Malawi's government, they have used supposed pressure on LGBT issues to play to the local anti-gay gallery and to the 'African sovereignty' gallery and to divert attention from the real reasons aid might be diverted or even withheld. President Museveni has used similar tactics, as have other anti-gay players in Uganda and elsewhere in Africa.

signatuur: full_text

Cameron's Africa LGBT rights comments are rhetoric and could backfire
Paul Canning.
LGBT Asylum News

Somewhere in the Double Rainbow : Representations of Bisexuality in Post-Apartheid Novels

Scottsville: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2007 - xvi, 307 p.
uitgave: Scottsville: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2007 - xvi, 307 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 279-297.
samenvatting: Bisexuality has been explored in increasing numbers of South African novels published since 1994. In a society previously dominated by an either/or mindset, what does this development signify? The innovative 'Somewhere in the Double Rainbow' answers this question by examining a number of these novels in depth, looking at South African literature, the nation and citizenship in a new light. She argues that Damon Galgut's In a Strange Room: Three Journeys portrays bisexual characters in terms of stereotypes; however, other novels, by authors across a range of subject positions, are more open and accepting of sexual fluidity. The ones which the author discusses are Fred Khumalo's Seven Steps to Heaven, Zukiswa Wanner's Men of the South, Zinaid Meeran's Saracen at the Gates and Sarah Lotz's Exhibit A and Tooth and Nailed.

signatuur: cat. (stobi/som) b


Somewhere in the Double Rainbow : Representations of Bisexuality in Post-Apartheid Novels
cat. (stobi/som) b ODE3

Reading Bisexualities From a South African Perspective-Revisited  / Cheryl Stobie.

Journal of Bisexuality, 11 (2011) 4 (oct-dec), p. 480-487
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 11 (2011) 4 (oct-dec), p. 480-487
samenvatting: This article begins with a brief overview of my original article published in Journal of Bisexuality (2003, vol. 3, issue 1), and a discussion of its personal implications for the author. The author then proceeds to update her research by examining the climate of opinion toward variant homosexualities in selected African countries, including South Africa. She mentions specific cases of homophobia in Malawi and Uganda, a gap between the progressive provisions of the South African Bill of Rights that guarantee human rights in terms of sexuality, and a reluctance on the part of the South African government to raise this issue with other African Union states. The author also highlights the role of activist organizations in Malawi, Uganda and South Africa. She then turns to an analysis of cultural productions in South Africa, beginning with a discussion of homophobia in Spud: The Movie. After a brief overview of her book, Somewhere in the Double Rainbow: Representations of Bisexuality in Post-Apartheid Novels, published in 2007, the author examines a number of more recent authors' treatments of bisexuality. She argues that Damon Galgut's In a Strange Room: Three Journeys portrays bisexual characters in terms of stereotypes; however, other novels, by authors across a range of subject positions, are more open and accepting of sexual fluidity. The ones which the author discusses are Fred Khumalo's Seven Steps to Heaven, Zukiswa Wanner's Men of the South, Zinaid Meeran's Saracen at the Gates and Sarah Lotz's Exhibit A and Tooth and Nailed. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Reading Bisexualities From a South African Perspective-Revisited
Cheryl Stobie.
Journal of Bisexuality


( DE:"malawi" )

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