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Aantal resultaten: 6( DE:"maatschappijvormen" )


En las fronteras del género: política y transformaciones de la no-heteronormatividad en Polinesia = Gender on the edge: The politics and transformations of non-heteronormativity in Polynesia  / Niko Besnier and Kalissa Alexeyeff.

Sociología Histórica (2017) 6, p. 27-54
bron: Sociología Histórica (2017) 6 , p. 27-54
samenvatting: In Polynesian societies, persons of non-heteronormative gender and sexuality are both deeply embedded in the structure of society and marginal to it. They form a very visible social category, but one whose boundaries are blurred, calling for a shift from an approach that seeks to isolate them as an identity category to an approach that focuses on social, cultural, and political practice. This approach begins with the history of contacts between Westerners and Islanders, which appears to have played a pivotal role in the social emergence of non-heteronormativity in the region. Eschewing simplistic models based on contrasts between 'tradition' and 'modernity' to come to grips with the complexities of the category, we seek to locate them at the convergence of local and global forces and in the interstices between different but co-occurring moralities.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (besni/ale)

En las fronteras del género: política y transformaciones de la no-heteronormatividad en Polinesia = Gender on the edge: The politics and transformations of non-heteronormativity in Polynesia
dgb artikelen (besni/ale)
Niko Besnier and Kalissa Alexeyeff.
Sociología Histórica

Sexualiteit  / Anton Constandse ... [et al.].

As: Anarcho-socialisties tijdschrift, 6 (1978) 33/34 (mei-aug), p. 1-48
bron: As: Anarcho-socialisties tijdschrift jaargang: 6 (1978) 33/34 (mei-aug), p. 1-48
samenvatting: Inhoud: - Een sexuele revolutie? / Anton Constandse. - p. 1-6. - Sexe, gezin en maatschappij / Wim van Dooren. - p. 6- 10. - Sex, minderheden en recht / Thom Holterman. - p. 11-15. - Anarcho-feminisme als alternatief/ Lenicka Roozendaal. p. 15-20. - Kinderen en sexuele moraal / Machteld Bakker. - p. 20-22. - De sexuele politiek van Wihelm Reich / Wim de Lobel. - -p. 22-27. - Anarchisten in Nederland en het sexuele vraagstuk / Hans Ramaer. - p. 27-31. - Brief aan Alexander Berkman / Emma Goldman. - p. 31-35. - Kommunes als politieke keuze / Lenicka Roozendaal. - p. 35-39.

signatuur: ts.

cassette div. ned. tss.

ts. cassette div. ned. tss.
Anton Constandse ... [et al.].
As: Anarcho-socialisties tijdschrift

From Campanella's Bragmani to Wittig's Amazons : On Sexual Kakotopias and the Idea of Potentially Infinite Sexualities  / J. Edgar Bauer.

Rupkatha : Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 3 (2011) 4, p. 600-624
bron: Rupkatha : Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities jaargang: 3 (2011) 4 , p. 600-624
samenvatting: The study focuses at first on the implementation of the binary scheme of sexual distribution in Tommaso Campanella's (1568-1639) classic utopia La Città del Sole (1502) [The City of the Sun], and Charles Beaumont's (1929-1967) "The Crooked Man," a kakotopian short story published by Playboy in 1955. Against this backdrop, the elaborations assess the contributions of Charles Fourier (1772-1837), Charles Darwin (1809-1882), and Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935) to the dissolution of dichotomous sexuality in the name of a continuous pattern of sexual diversity. Radicalizing the theoretical challenge posed by Fourier's Le nouveau monde amoureux (1817-1819) [The New World of Love], the first full-blown sexual utopia in the Western intellectual tradition, Monique Wittig's (1935-2003) utopian narratives culminate, as the final sections show, with the postulation of sexualities as diverse as the number of sexed individuals.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (bauer-j/cam)

From Campanella's Bragmani to Wittig's Amazons : On Sexual Kakotopias and the Idea of Potentially Infinite Sexualities
dgb artikelen (bauer-j/cam)
J. Edgar Bauer.
Rupkatha : Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities

David Wojnarowicz : The 'Pre-invented Existence' of Religion and the Secular 'State of Grace'  / J. Edgar Bauer.

samenvatting: As a photographer, painter, installation artist, filmmaker, musician and writer, David Wojnarowicz became a central figure in New York's East Village art scene of the 1980s. Having lived since early childhood on the margins of American society, he sought to expose the soullessness of the American societal myths propounded by organized religion, politics and the media. At the same time, he explored with unparalleled integrity and intensity the life-styles and experiences, which the fear of diversity he denounced generally represses or silences. The following considerations focus primarily on the post-religious and non-theistic conception of reality that underlies Wojnarowicz's critical views on American organized religion and eventually leads to the spirituality of human finitude he envisaged in his last years. The interpretive approach of Wojnarowicz propounded in this presentation is based on a close reading of his published oeuvre, especially the collection of essays Close to the Knives. A Memoir of Disintegration (1991) and the selection of his diaries titled In the Shadow of the American Dream. The Diaries of David Wojnarowicz.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (baue-j/dav)

David Wojnarowicz : The 'Pre-invented Existence' of Religion and the Secular 'State of Grace'
dgb artikelen (baue-j/dav)
J. Edgar Bauer.
In: The International Conference, The Center for Studies on New Religions. - Vilnius : Vilnius University, 2005. - p. 1-10.

Rethinking the Mobility (and Immobility) of Queer Rights in Southeast Asia: A Provocation  / Hendri Yulius.

Berlin: Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 2018 - 17 p.
uitgave: Berlin : Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 2018 - 17 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Abstract: Seventy years since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the UN General Assembly, what we have witnessed is that its claim of universality has been consistently challenged. While all human beings are deemed born automatically free with equal rights, the very definition of human itself in practice is not always neutral. Central to my argument is the ways in which both inclusion and exclusion of LGBT individuals is driven by specific political considerations and contestations between political actors, lurking underneath the banner of "state". Those battles subsequently push and shape the states' actions and responses in either excluding or recognizing LGBT rights, which are increasingly marked by the legalization of same-sex marriage or unions. The other central argument in this essay coalesces around the discourse of "LGBT rights" itself. Not only such discourse demands a solid subject embracing and seeing those identities as a meaningful platform for citizenship rights claiming in public realm, the "LGBT rights" are also about setting up priorities. Too often, same-sex marriage (or gay marriage) has nowadays become the main priority which glossing over other priorities of LGBT people that may not always see same-sex marriage as the ultimate answer and prefer other issues, including social and family acceptance, access to health services, anti-violence, and so on.

signatuur: cat. (yuliu/ret)

dgb grijs

Rethinking the Mobility (and Immobility) of Queer Rights in Southeast Asia: A Provocation
cat. (yuliu/ret)dgb grijs

Lecturas monstruo: Género y disidencia sexual en la cultura contemporánea  / 

Atillo Rubino, Silvina Sánchez, Facundo Saxe.Madrid: La Oveja Roja, 2021 - 325 p.
uitgave: Madrid: La Oveja Roja, 2021 - 325 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 313-325.
samenvatting: Lo monstruoso como categoría de análisis aplicada a propuestas culturales que abordan las construcciones sexo-genéricas y que dan espacio y visibilidad a las múltiples formas de disidencia sexual en la cultura contemporánea: esa es la propuesta de este ensayo. Propuesta que no solo funciona en la órbita de la teoría sino que atañe un posicionamiento político también. El monstruo como figura que desafía los binarismos y desborda las clasificaciones y etiquetas, como clave para releer expresiones culturales que desestabilizan los binarismos y el cisheteropatriarcado, para abordar representaciones en las que la monstruosidad se convierte en un espacio de resignificación de lo que la sociedad considera abyecto, enfermo, degenerado. A partir ahí se pretende dar cuenta de gestos culturales complejos que, por ejemplo, hacen de la «enfermedad» un espacio de potencialidad vital, que transgreden constantemente los límites binarios de ser varón y ser mujer. Se trata de analizar la construcción cultural de cuerpos que subvierten desde la disidencia, el feminismo, la subalternidad, la precariedad; que transgreden los límites de lo que se puede narrar y mostrar en la literatura, el cine y el cómic.

signatuur: cat. (rubin/san) b

Lecturas monstruo: Género y disidencia sexual en la cultura contemporánea
cat. (rubin/san) b
Atillo Rubino, Silvina Sánchez, Facundo Saxe.


( DE:"maatschappijvormen" )

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