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Volmaakte mannen  / 

Rudolf Geel.Maastricht [etc.]: Azulpress, 2013 - 332 p.
uitgave: Maastricht [etc.]: Azulpress, 2013 - 332 p.
samenvatting: Verhaal waarbij de levens van vijf mannen verteld worden, waaronder homomannen. De mannen komen emotioneel steeds nader tot elkaar.

signatuur: cat. (geel/vol) fb


Volmaakte mannen
cat. (geel/vol) fb hvat
Rudolf Geel.

If the World Hate You  / 

Anonymous [S.R. Williams]Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2021 - 502 p.
uitgave: Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2021 - 502 p.
samenvatting: In 2018, a play encouraged this author to synthesize experiences and thoughts stretching across the past 40 years of his life. This book is the result. Beginning in a remote and socially conservative village, the life described here is later molded by educational privilege and inhibited by expectations that question the place of gay men in schools. It is a life shaped by social pressures, informed by literature, challenged by politics and finding solace in great thinkers. It is a life governed by queer libido, transformed by illicit sex and valued by what many have come to call 'God'. As such, this is a chronicle that affirms queer life, advocates a queer politics, articulates a queer Christianity. It endorses the varied ways in which queer identity is individually expressed within the rainbow culture. It seeks to legitimize pornography and celebrate transgressive sex. This narrative insists that even when, in retrospect, a life looks damaged, poorly lived and worthy of existential regret, it can still be a life confidently celebrated for its authenticity and value. This work is not biographical. The author was born in Wales, educated at both Oxford and Cambridge and spent much of his professional life in elite education. He identifies as queer and counts himself a Christian. To be any more specific than that would be to mislead, for a great fiction has been built around these basic facts.

signatuur: cat. (world/hat) fb

If the World Hate You
cat. (world/hat) fb
Anonymous [S.R. Williams]

The uninvited dilemma : a question of gender  / 

Kim Elizabeth Stuart.Portland, OR: Metamorphous Press, 1991 - xii, 173 p.
uitgave: Portland, OR: Metamorphous Press, 1991 - xii, 173 p.
annotatie: Ondertitel op omslag: A Researched Look Into The Myths & Real-Life Experience of Transsexuality.
samenvatting: A wide range of subjects which are relevant to transsexualism is covered. Various words and terms used in connection with the subject are explained, gender and sexuality are discussed, and various relationships transsexuals have throughout their lives (including family, spouses, and children) are explored, as well as how their conditions affect those relationships. The years transsexuals spent in school and how transsexuals' conditions affect careers are dealt with; childhood and the feelings transsexuals experience are explored, as well as how the condition affects persons as they become adults. Many of the problems transsexuals have to cope with are examined, and the medical, surgical, and psychiatric care of transsexuals are all looked at. What happens to transsexuals after they have surgery is probed and the subject of androgyny as it may relate to transsexualism is explored. Finally the possible causes of transsexualism and how transsexuals and their loved ones can possibly find some common ground to understand each other are dealt with. Throughout the book the attitudes and feelings transsexuals have, are discussed, as well as how they are viewed by society and why. The study is based on two years of research involving carefully structured, in-depth personal interviews with seventy-five transsexuals, consultations with members of the medical and mental health communities, and conversations with loved ones of transsexuals.

signatuur: cat. (stuar-k/uni) b

The uninvited dilemma : a question of gender
cat. (stuar-k/uni) b
Kim Elizabeth Stuart.

Sexuality across the life course  / 

edited by Alice S. Rossi.Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1994 - xvii, 418 p.: ill.
uitgave: Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1994 - xvii, 418 p.: ill.
annotatie: Contents: Eros and caritas : a biopsychosocial approach to human sexuality and reproduction / Alice S. Rossi -- Human sexuality, life histories, and evolutionary ecology / Jane B. Lancaster -- Attitudes toward sexual permissiveness : trends, correlates, and behavioral connections / Tom W. Smith -- Sexuality among African-American women / Claire Sterk-Elifson -- African-American male sexuality through the early life course / Benjamin P. Bowser -- Single worlds and homosexual lifestyles : patterns of sexuality and intimacy / Martha R. Fowlkes -- Getting started on sexual behavior / J. Richard Udry and Benjamin C. Campbell -- Changing lives, changing genres : teenage girls' narratives about sex and romance, 1978-1986 / Sharon Thompson -- Sexuality, marriage, and well-being : the middle years / John N. Edwards and Alan Booth.
samenvatting: This volume on sexual behavior across the life course covers adolescence through old age and addresses such groups as singles, married couples, and homosexuals. Using mostly American research, it is organized into four sections: 1. a biopsychosocial approach to human sexuality and reproduction; 2. the diversity of perspectives on sexuality as a function of history, culture, opportunity and sexual orientation; 3. sexuality at selected phases of the life course: adolescence, middle years and old age; 4. health related issues in sexuality: the effect of chronic disease and medication, the nature of sexual problems and the varieties of therapies used to deal with them, and a life course perspective on sexual offending and victimization.

signatuur: cat. (sexuality/acc) b

Sexuality across the life course
cat. (sexuality/acc) b
edited by Alice S. Rossi.

Messer im Traum : Transexuelle in Deutschland  / 

Holde-Barbara Ulrich; Thorsten Karsten.Tübingen: Konkursbuch Verlag Claudia Gehrke, 1994 - 176 p.
uitgave: Tübingen: Konkursbuch Verlag Claudia Gehrke, 1994 - 176 p.
samenvatting: Die Autorin Holde-Barbara Ulrich und der Fotograf Thomas Karsten porträtieren auf knapp 170 Seiten 13 transsexuelle Menschen, 10 Transfrauen und 3 Transmänner, im Alter von 24 bis 64 Jahren.

signatuur: cat. (ulric/mes) bb

Messer im Traum : Transexuelle in Deutschland
cat. (ulric/mes) bb
Holde-Barbara Ulrich; Thorsten Karsten.

Identity Satisfaction Over the Life Course in Sexual Minorities  / Mark Henrickson, Stephen Neville.

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 24 (2012) 1 (jan-mar), p. 80-95
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 24 (2012) 1 (jan-mar), p. 80-95
samenvatting: A variety of models have been proposed to understand the process of coming to terms with a sexual minority identity. What has not been so clearly explored is how an individual's satisfaction with his or her sexual identity develops over the life course. This article explores satisfaction with sexual identity in a large cohort (N = 2,269) of self-identified lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals, and considers satisfaction not only from a chronos (life span) but also from a chairos (stage of development) framework. Data show a clear relationship between age group and increased satisfaction with a sexual minority identity. Resilience may be an important contributor to increased satisfaction. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Identity Satisfaction Over the Life Course in Sexual Minorities
Mark Henrickson, Stephen Neville.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services

Gender Identity Conflict/Affirmation and Major Depression Across the Life Course of Transgender Women  / Larry Nuttbrock ... [et al.].

International Journal of Transgenderism, 13 (2012) 3, p. 91-103
bron: International Journal of Transgenderism jaargang: 13 (2012) 3 , p. 91-103
samenvatting: Using the Life Chart Interview, a validated instrument for the collection of biographical data, lifetime information about transgender experiences was collected in a community-based sample of 571 transgender women from the New York metropolitan area. Disclosures of transgender identity in different types of relationships, responses of relationship partners indicative of gender identity conflict or affirmation, and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, major depression were assessed within and across five stages of the life course. Gender identity conflict/affirmation was associated with major depression within stages of the life course (contemporaneous analysis) and predictive of changes in major depression across stages of the life course (lagged analysis). [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15532739.2011.657979#.VHRPJ8mzZco ]

signatuur: dgb artikelen (nuttb/gen)

Gender Identity Conflict/Affirmation and Major Depression Across the Life Course of Transgender Women
dgb artikelen (nuttb/gen)
Larry Nuttbrock ... [et al.].
International Journal of Transgenderism

Krachten bundelen : de toekomst van LHBT-ouderen in Amsterdam  / Mariëtte Hermans.

Amsterdam: Platform Mokum Roze voor Roze Senioren, [2015] - 8 p.: ill.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Platform Mokum Roze voor Roze Senioren, [2015] - 8 p.: ill.
  1. ouderen
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Verslag van een bijeenkomst 14 december 2014 in het LLoyd Hotel waarin de toekomst van roze ouderen in Amsterdam centraal staat. Aan bod komen onderwerpen als zorg, eenzaamheid, hiv, gezondheid, mobiliteit, en afhankelijkheid van anderen.

signatuur: cat. (hermans-m/kra) dgb grijs

Krachten bundelen : de toekomst van LHBT-ouderen in Amsterdam
cat. (hermans-m/kra) dgb grijs

Disenfranchised Grief Among Lesbian and Gay Bereaved Individuals  / Bryan McNutt, Oksana Yakushko.

Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 7 (2013) 1 (jan-mar), p. 87-116
bron: Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling jaargang: 7 (2013) 1 (jan-mar), p. 87-116
samenvatting: Experiences of grief among lesbian and gay (LG) individuals who have encountered the death of their partner remain invisible within the larger culture and within the counseling literature. This contribution provides a conceptual review of literature regarding the bereavement process of individuals who identify as sexual minorities. Special focus is given to the concept of disenfranchised grief and its impact on LG individuals. Two clinical vignettes are presented to illustrate the distinct experiences of older LG individuals who face end-of-life issues in their caregiver roles, as well as middle-aged LG persons who may encounter the death of a partner.

signatuur: ts.

Disenfranchised Grief Among Lesbian and Gay Bereaved Individuals
Bryan McNutt, Oksana Yakushko.
Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling

Housing options for older LGBT people in Scotland : Housing and support services for older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Scotland

Edinburgh: Communities Scotland, 2005 - 60 p.: ill.
uitgave: Edinburgh : Communities Scotland, 2005 - 60 p.: ill.
  1. ouderen
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Booklet for older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people living in Scotland. It gives information on rights in owning or renting a property, and in using and housing support services. It also explains where to get help if not satisfied with the recieved services. With list of addresses.

signatuur: cat. (housi/opt) g

Housing options for older LGBT people in Scotland : Housing and support services for older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Scotland
cat. (housi/opt) g


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