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Aantal resultaten: 21( DE:"islamofobie" )


Implications of Queer Theory for the Study of Religion and Gender : Entering the Third Decade  / Claudia Schippert.

Religion and Gender, 1 (2011) 1, p. 66-84
bron: Religion and Gender jaargang: 1 (2011) 1 , p. 66-84
samenvatting: This essay explores the conceptual and contextual shifts in queer theoretical work as it is entering into its third decade of articulation. The essay reviews important recent themes in, and examines implications of, queer theoretical scholarship for the study of religion and gender. I suggest that among the implications are a (more) undisciplined study of religion (and secularism) that takes seriously shifts resulting from transnational and diasporic queer scholarship, shifts in conceptions of agency and resistance resulting from analyses and critique of homonormative positions, and can critically intervene in homonationalism and Islamophobia.

signatuur: full_text

dgb artikelen (schip/imp)

Implications of Queer Theory for the Study of Religion and Gender : Entering the Third Decade
full_text dgb artikelen (schip/imp)
Claudia Schippert.
Religion and Gender

Gay Imperialism : Gender and Sexuality Discourse in the "War on Terror"  / Jin Haritaworn, Tamsila Tauqir, Esra Erdem.

samenvatting: In this chapter, the authors present an analysis of how ideologies regarding gender oppression and homophobia can be mobilised to feed a self-image of western democracies as the harbingers of gender equality and sexual liberation by deploying anti-Muslim racist discourses identifying Islam as the cradle of sexism and homophobia. The claims that Islam condones the oppression of women and legitimises violence towards homosexuals have played a significant role in justifying the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and more generally the 'war on terror' in all its political, legal and cultural manifestations. In their analysis, the authors criticise (among others) some publications and political actions by Peter Tatchell and the activist group OutRage!

signatuur: dgb artikelen (harit/gay)

Gay Imperialism : Gender and Sexuality Discourse in the "War on Terror"
dgb artikelen (harit/gay)
Jin Haritaworn, Tamsila Tauqir, Esra Erdem.
In: Out of Place : Interrogating Silences in Queerness/Raciality / ed. by Adi Kuntsman and Esperanza Miyake. - York : Raw Nerve Books, 2008. - p. 71-95.

Homophobie und Islamophobie : Intersektionale Diskriminierungen am Beispiel binationaler schwuler Paare in Berlin  / 

Zülfukar Çetin.Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012 - 421 p.
uitgave: Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012 - 421 p.
samenvatting: Dieser profunde Beitrag zur Erforschung der Mehrfachdiskriminierung in den städtischen liberalen Milieus der Mehrheitsgesellschaft untersucht binationale schwule Paare in Berlin, die zugleich mit Homophobie und Islamophobie konfrontiert sind. Zülfukar Çetin zeichnet die Geschichte und historische Entwicklung der Diskriminierung plausibel nach und zeigt, dass die Homophobie aus den Prämissen der Heteronormativität und den daraus folgenden Normalisierungsprozessen resultiert. Die Studie macht deutlich, dass die untersuchten Diskriminierungsbegriffe eng mit der Macht des Diskurses verbunden sind.

signatuur: cat. (cetin/hom) b

Homophobie und Islamophobie : Intersektionale Diskriminierungen am Beispiel binationaler schwuler Paare in Berlin
cat. (cetin/hom) b
Zülfukar Çetin.

Living out Islam : Voices of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims  / 

Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle.New York, NY [etc.]: New York University Press, 2014 - x, 265 p.
uitgave: New York, NY [etc.]: New York University Press, 2014 - x, 265 p.
samenvatting: Muhsin is one of the organizers of Al-Fitra Foundation, a South African support group for lesbian, transgender, and gay Muslims. Islam and homosexuality are seen by many as deeply incompatible. This, according to Muhsin, is why he had to act. "I realized that I'm not alone - these people are going through the very same things that I'm going through. But I've managed, because of my in-depth relationship with God, to reconcile the two. I was completely comfortable saying to the world that I'm gay and I'm Muslim. I wanted to help other people to get there. So that's how I became an activist." Living Out Islam documents the rarely-heard voices of Muslims who live in secular democratic countries and who are gay, lesbian, and transgender. It weaves original interviews with Muslim activists into a compelling composite picture which showcases the importance of the solidarity of support groups in the effort to change social relationships and achieve justice. This nascent movement is not about being "out" as opposed to being "in the closet." Rather, as the voices of these activists demonstrate, it is about finding ways to live out Islam with dignity and integrity, reconciling their sexuality and gender with their faith and reclaiming Islam as their own. Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle is Associate Professor in the Department of Middle East and South Asian Studies at Emory University. His previous books include Rebel between Spirit and Law: Ahmad Zarruq, Juridical Sainthood and Authority in Islam; Sufis and Saints' Bodies: Mysticism, Corporeality and Sacred Power in Islamic Culture; and Homosexuality in Islam: Critical Reflection on Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims.

signatuur: cat. (kugle/liv) b


Living out Islam : Voices of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims
cat. (kugle/liv) b ODE3
Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle.

Homonationalisme et impérialsime sexuel : politiques néolibérales de l'hégémonie  / Gianfranco Rebucini.

Raisons Politiques (2013) 49 (jan), p. 75-93
bron: Raisons Politiques (2013) 49 (jan), p. 75-93
samenvatting: This paper, based on Jasbir Puar's 2007 book Terrorist Assemblages, recently but partly translated into French, seeks to stress and put into perspective some new theoretical tools used to describe new forms of cultural imperialism. New concepts such as homonationalism and sexual exceptionalism will be analyzed and discussed in the light of recent national and transnational phenomena of the new imperialism. Through a materialist reading, it will also discuss how homonationalism and American politics of inclusion and exclusion respectively concerning white queer subjectivities and racialized subjects, especially Arab and/or Muslim (queer or not), are part of a broader struggle for hegemony underlying the neoliberal politics of globalized capitalism. There is therefore a new stage of imperialism, which now, and increasingly, uses sexual politics as a strategy of capital accumulation. Copies available at [http://www.cairn-int.info/abstract-E_RAI_049_0075--homonationalism-and-sexual-imperialism.htm ]

signatuur: cat. art. (national/sex) b

Homonationalisme et impérialsime sexuel : politiques néolibérales de l'hégémonie
cat. art. (national/sex) b
Gianfranco Rebucini.
Raisons Politiques

Moslimhomo  / Dino Suhonic.

Winq / GK (2015) 67 (jan/feb), p. 40-41
bron: Winq / GK (2015) 67 (jan/feb), p. 40-41
samenvatting: Opiniestuk over islamofobie en homofobie in Nederland nadat de auteur door NOS kort geinterviewd werd over homo-emancipatie binnen de moslimgemeenschap. Suhonic is oprichter van Stichting Maruf, een organisatie die zich inzet voor betere positie van moslim LHBT-ers in Nederland.

signatuur: ts.

Dino Suhonic.
Winq / GK

Queer Lovers and Hateful Others : Regenerating Violent Times and Places  / 

Jin Haritaworn.London: Pluto Press, 2015 - ix, 203 p.: ill.
uitgave: London: Pluto Press, 2015 - ix, 203 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 173-192.
samenvatting: Since 9/11, gay men and women have experienced relative liberation in parts of the Western world. Coinciding with queer and transgender mobilisations, contemporary queer identity is changing, homosexuality has become acceptable within the army and the police, and (heavily de-sexualised) images of same-sex affection have become mainstream. In Queer Lovers and Hateful Others, however, Jin Haritaworn challenges this progression by exposing what happens to this discourse when sexuality and the racial or religious 'Other' collide. He discusses how the sexual understanding of 'terror' has become increasingly prevalent across the globe in a destructive and overarching ideology. For example, he discusses how gendered images of Islam such as the veil and 'honour crimes' are circulated, largely unchallenged. He looks at movements on the ground, such as how anti-Islam activists have been able to mobilise existing notions of 'Muslim sexism' in order to mainstream a new discourse on 'Muslim homophobia'. Important, timely and innovative, this book provides an engagement with pressing political issues regarding current trends within sexual and gender politics in the neo-colonial world order.

signatuur: cat. (harit/que) b


Queer Lovers and Hateful Others : Regenerating Violent Times and Places
cat. (harit/que) b ODE3
Jin Haritaworn.

Queer Muslim voices : performing identity in I Am Gay and Muslim and A Jihad for Love  / Jelte Zonneveld.

Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2014 - 47 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2014 - 47 p.
  1. film
  2. islam
  3. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Drawing on queer theory and identity politics, this study explores the intersectional location of queer Muslims by examining Chris Belloni?s I Am Gay and Muslim and Parvez Sharma?s A Jihad for Love. Both documentary filmmakers argue against the irreconcilability of homosexuality and Islam, presupposed in homophobic and Islamophobic, ?eastern? and ?western? discourse, but occupy a different ?location? as from which side of the western/eastern dialectic they are representing their queer Muslim subjects. Using Bill Nichols? concept of documentary voice, this study argues how the dialectic performatively produces the filmmakers? identities as well as their different representations of queer Muslim identity. Finally, the study will offer a ?quare? rearticulation of queer theory, making way for an intersectional approach to theorizing queer Muslim identity.

signatuur: cat. (zonne/que)

dgb grijs

Queer Muslim voices : performing identity in I Am Gay and Muslim and A Jihad for Love
cat. (zonne/que)dgb grijs

Karriere eines konstruierten Gegensatzes : Zehn Jahre "Muslime versus Schwule" : Sexualpolitiken seit dem 11. September 2001  / 

Koray Yilmaz-Günay (Hg.).Münster: edition assemblage, 2014 - 215 p.: ill.
uitgave: Münster: edition assemblage, 2014 - 215 p.: ill.
samenvatting: Der von Koray Yilmaz-Günay herausgegebene Sammelband mit Beiträgen in- und ausländischer Wissenschaftler_innen, Publizist_innen und Aktivist_innen blickt zurück auf die letzte Dekade und schaut auf die Überlappungen von feministischen und lesbisch-schwulen Debatten mit den Entwicklungen in der Mehrheitsgesellschaft. Er geht der Frage nach, ob/wie die relativen Erfolge der Frauen- und Homosexuellen-Emanzipation unter anderem durch rassistische Rückschritte erkauft wurden. Mit Beiträgen von: Hilal Sezgin, Jin Haritaworn, Georg Klauda, Esra Erdem, Salih Alexander Wolter, Zülfukar Çetin, Markus Bernhardt u.a.

signatuur: cat. (karri/kon) b

Karriere eines konstruierten Gegensatzes : Zehn Jahre "Muslime versus Schwule" : Sexualpolitiken seit dem 11. September 2001
cat. (karri/kon) b
Koray Yilmaz-Günay (Hg.).

Wilders preekt voor Republikeinse parochie  / Karlijn van Houwelingen.

Parool 20-07-2016
bron: Parool 20-07-2016
samenvatting: Tijdens de Republikeinse Conventie werd door Trump-aanhangers een LGBT-feestje georganiseerd waar Geert Wilders spreker was. Volgens Wilders is de islam een bedreiging voor de vrijheid van onder meer de homogemeenschap.

signatuur: knipsel (datum)

Wilders preekt voor Republikeinse parochie
knipsel (datum)
Karlijn van Houwelingen.


( DE:"islamofobie" )

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