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Aantal resultaten: 19( DE:"hyperseksualiteit" )


Gamiani : of twee erosatanische nachten  / 

Alfred de Musset ; [vert. uit het Frans].Amsterdam: Joachimsthal's Uitgeverijbedrijf, [ca. 1960] - 154 p.: ill.
uitgave: Amsterdam: Joachimsthal's Uitgeverijbedrijf, [ca. 1960] - 154 p.: ill.
annotatie: Op de omslag: Een Franse erotische classic . - Oorspr. titel en uitg.: Gamiani ou deux nuits d'esès. - 1833. - Werk is anoniem, echter in het algemeen toegeschreven aan Alfred de Musset.
samenvatting: "Gamiani, probably modeled after George Sand, [...] suffers from the 'sad condition of having divorced with nature', and yet her sexuality is less defined in terms of a preferred object than of a insatiability of desire and a multiplication of partners..." (The gay and lesbian literary heritage, 1995)

signatuur: cat. (musse/gam) fb

Gamiani : of twee erosatanische nachten
cat. (musse/gam) fb
Alfred de Musset ; [vert. uit het Frans].

The other side of the night  / 

Edmund Schiddel.New York, NY: Universal-Award House, cop. 1954 - 203 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Universal-Award House, cop. 1954 - 203 p.
annotatie: Award Books.
samenvatting: Come and live 24 hours in "Upper Bohemia," the home of Manhattan's thrill-seeking upper crust. You'll whirl through the byways of mid-century New York, from plush Beekman Place to Gay Street in Greenwish Village; to bars, boudoirs, and psychiatrists' couches.

signatuur: cat. (schidd/oth) fp

The other side of the night
cat. (schidd/oth) fp
Edmund Schiddel.

The flower girls  / 

Clemence Dane.New York, NY: Norton, 1955 - 629 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Norton, 1955 - 629 p.
annotatie: Clemence Dane is een pseudoniem van Winifred Ashton.
samenvatting: This novel is an anemic little yarn about an English theatrical royal family. Jacy Florister, 27, an ex-child star dangling rebelliously from maternal apron strings, has long wanted to know more about his deceased British father, whom his mother always refers to as "a moron." When poolside sex and liquor kill mother. Jacy quits Hollywood and flies to England to scratch around for his "roots." He not only digs up the Florister clan, a prolific, Barrymoreish brood whose blood lines rival the "begats," but also the girl of his dreams, a brunette witch of a first cousin named Olive, a nymphomaniac.

signatuur: cat. (dane/flo) fb

The flower girls
cat. (dane/flo) fb
Clemence Dane.

Zur Frage der sogenannten sexuellen Süchtigkeit  / Eberhard Schorsch.

samenvatting: De problematiek van de sexverslaving.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (schors/zur)

Zur Frage der sogenannten sexuellen Süchtigkeit
dgb artikelen (schors/zur)
Eberhard Schorsch.
In: Tendenzen der Sexualforschung / hrsg. von Günter Schmidt, Volkmar Sigusch und Eberhard Schorsch. - Stuttgart : Enke, 1970. - p. 88-103.

Lesbische lusten en andere perversiteiten  / 

Edward Podolsky ; [vert. uit het Amerikaans].Rotterdam: Frank, 1968 - 191 p.: ill.
uitgave: Rotterdam: Frank, 1968 - 191 p.: ill.
samenvatting: Pseudo-wetenschappelijk werkje over lesbische vrouwen, exhibitionisme, voyeurisme en nymfomanie, gelardeerd met 'case-histories'.

signatuur: cat. (podol/les) b

Lesbische lusten en andere perversiteiten
cat. (podol/les) b
Edward Podolsky ; [vert. uit het Amerikaans].

Lesbische praktijken : nimphomanie, perversie en andere sexuele afwijkingen van de vrouw  / 

Victoria Morhaim ; [voorw. door Albert Ellis ; vert. uit het Amerikaans].Ridderkerk: De Vrije Pers, 1969 - 240 p.: ill.
uitgave: Ridderkerk: De Vrije Pers, 1969 - 240 p.: ill.
samenvatting: Vier "praktijkgevallen".

signatuur: cat. (morha/les) b

Lesbische praktijken : nimphomanie, perversie en andere sexuele afwijkingen van de vrouw
cat. (morha/les) b
Victoria Morhaim ; [voorw. door Albert Ellis ; vert. uit het Amerikaans].

De femme fatale in het fin de siècle : slangen om haar nek, roofdieren aan haar voeten  / Xandra Schutte.

Homologie, 12 (1990) 2 (mrt/apr), p. 4-7
bron: Homologie jaargang: 12 (1990) 2 (mrt/apr), p. 4-7
samenvatting: De femme fatale is als cultuurfenomeen aan het einde van de 19e eeuw populair, omdat haar androgyne en sapphistische tendenzen weerstand bieden aan de bourgeoisidealen van mannelijkheid en vrouwelijkheid.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

De femme fatale in het fin de siècle : slangen om haar nek, roofdieren aan haar voeten
ts. dgb periodieken
Xandra Schutte.

Sexualwissenschaft V : Perversiones  / [Katalogbearb.: Bernard Richter].

Berlin [etc.]: Antiquariat Bernard Richter, 1995 - 125 p.
uitgave: Berlin [etc.] : Antiquariat Bernard Richter, 1995 - 125 p.
  1. # homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Op de omslag: "O, warum ist es so wenn es so nicht sein kann?". - Vijfde en laatste deel van een catalogus van een antiquariaat in Berlijn gespecialiseerd in seksuologie en seksualiteit.

signatuur: catalogi (antiquariaten)

Sexualwissenschaft V : Perversiones
catalogi (antiquariaten)

Eugenic and sexual folklores and the castration of sex offenders in the Netherlands (1938-1968)  / Theo van der Meer.

Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Science, 39 (2008) 2 (june), p. 195-204
bron: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Science jaargang: 39 (2008) 2 (june), p. 195-204
samenvatting: This contribution questions the positive/negative eugenics dichotomy that typifies the historiography on the eugenic movement in the Netherlands and the claim that this movement was mostly marginal because only positive eugenics was pursued. From 1938 to 1968 in the Netherlands, after a decade of debates, 400 sex offenders who had been committed to asylums for the criminally insane were 'voluntarily' and 'therapeutically' castrated. For political reasons debates on castration, meant to create consensus, eliminated any reference to or connotation with eugenics, yet these policies were unthinkable without them. This article shows that thinking about social and sexual problems and their solutions in the 1930s were permeated by eugenic folklore which in turn was informed by sexual folklore. Both eugenic and sexual lore, as common sense, or as ways of knowing, were about individual and collective loss of selfcontrol which was referred to with a catch-all phrase: 'hypersexuality'. Although sexual classifications used in diagnosing sex offenders suggested the existence of discrete sexual categories, homosexuality for instance was not seen as a sexual alternative or as an identity but as the extent to which an offender suffered from a form of hypersexuality that threatened the fabric of society.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (meer-t/eug)

Eugenic and sexual folklores and the castration of sex offenders in the Netherlands (1938-1968)
dgb artikelen (meer-t/eug)
Theo van der Meer.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Science

"Be Masc, Be White" : The Influence of Pornography on the Gendered and Racialised Hierarchy of Homosexual Desire By  / Sebastian Parker.

Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam [UvA], 2019 - 57 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam [UvA], 2019 - 57 p.
  1. seks mannen
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Representations of sexual and racial identities in mainstream pornography are, for the most part, produced and distributed as components of white male fantasy and desire. The consequent sexual exploitation of minorities is implicated by the porn industry to uphold the dominance of white masculinity. Men of colour in gay porn are subjected to processes of objectification, hyper-sexualisation, and desexualisation, in order to stabilise the existing hierarchy of desire which favours whiteness and heteronormative masculinity above all else. Similar processes of racial sexualisation can be evidenced within contemporary gay dating culture. This essay explores the correlation between the structures of gay sex and dating applications and pornographic representations of gay sex, to draw comparisons between both's perpetuation of racism and misogyny. Whilst a direct influence cannot be presumed without further research, this essay uncovers the significance of pornography for a hyper-sexualised gay culture and its prevailing power structures.

signatuur: cat. (parke/mas)

dgb grijs

"Be Masc, Be White" : The Influence of Pornography on the Gendered and Racialised Hierarchy of Homosexual Desire By
cat. (parke/mas)dgb grijs


( DE:"hyperseksualiteit" )

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