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Aantal resultaten: 127( DE:"heteroseksuelen" )


Effe naar links kijken  / Marcel Crompvoets.

Verkeerde Krant (1986) 28 (okt), p. 16-18
bron: Verkeerde Krant (1986) 28 (okt), p. 16-18
samenvatting: Hoe reageren de linkse hetero's in het Jeugdcentrum Effenaar (Eindhoven) op flikkers en potten?

signatuur: ts.

Effe naar links kijken
Marcel Crompvoets.
Verkeerde Krant

'Ik moet er niet aan denken, ik met een lesbiese maatschappelijke werkster' : wat betekent het om binnen een traditionele maatschappelijke werkinstelling een lesbiese hulpverleenster te zijn.  / Myra ter Meulen.

[Amsterdam]: IVABO, 1981 - 35 p.
uitgave: [Amsterdam] : IVABO, 1981 - 35 p.
  1. zorg/hulpverlening
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Eindskriptie 'Vrouwen en welzijnswerk'

signatuur: cat. (meulen-m/ik) g

'Ik moet er niet aan denken, ik met een lesbiese maatschappelijke werkster' : wat betekent het om binnen een traditionele maatschappelijke werkinstelling een lesbiese hulpverleenster te zijn.
cat. (meulen-m/ik) g

Heterosexuals' attitudes toward bisexual men and women in the United States  / Gregory M. Herek.

Journal of Sex Research, 39 (2002) 4, p. 264-274
bron: Journal of Sex Research jaargang: 39 (2002) 4 , p. 264-274
samenvatting: This paper examines heterosexual adults? attitudes toward bisexual men and women using data from a 1999 national RDD survey (N = 1,335). Ratings on 101?point feeling thermometers were lower (less favorable) for bisexual men and bisexual women than for all other groups assessed?including religious, racial, ethnic, and political groups?except injecting drug users. More negative attitudes toward bisexuals were associated with higher age, less education, lower annual income, residence in the South and rural areas, higher religiosity, political conservatism, traditional values concerning gender and sexual behavior, authoritarianism, and lack of contact with gay men or lesbians. White heterosexual women expressed significantly more favorable attitudes than other women and all men. A gender difference was observed in attitudes toward bisexuals and homosexuals: Heterosexual women rated bisexuals significantly less favorably than they rated homosexuals, regardless of gender, whereas heterosexual men rated male targets less favorably than female targets, regardless of whether the target was bisexual or homosexual.

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (herek/het)

Heterosexuals' attitudes toward bisexual men and women in the United States
ts. dgb artikelen (herek/het)
Gregory M. Herek.
Journal of Sex Research

All Clear : Lesbians, Gays, & Bisexuals at Work  / 

[samengesteld door] Anette Sjödin ... [et al.].Stockholm: Fritt Fram, 2006 - 62 p.+ 1 cd-rom.: ill.
uitgave: Stockholm: Fritt Fram, 2006 - 62 p.+ 1 cd-rom.: ill.
samenvatting: All Clear is a training tool to help us create open places of work where everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, is welcome and respected. We all share the responsibility - as managers, trade union representatives and colleagues - to create an open and non-discriminating working environment in which everyone shares the same rights. To achive this, we need tools and methods. We all need to work together to create open workplaces with equal opportunities for all. All Clear will help you get going!

signatuur: cat. (all/cle) b

All Clear : Lesbians, Gays, & Bisexuals at Work
cat. (all/cle) b
[samengesteld door] Anette Sjödin ... [et al.].

Straight Allies: how to help create gay-friendly workplaces  / Written by Nathanael Miles.

[London]: Stonewall, 2011 - 45 p.
uitgave: [London] : Stonewall, 2011 - 45 p.
  1. arbeid/inkomen
  2. homoseksualiteit
  3. lhb
samenvatting: Guide showing what straight people can do to make their workplaces more gay-friendly.

signatuur: cat. (miles-n/str)

dgb grijs

Straight Allies: how to help create gay-friendly workplaces
cat. (miles-n/str)dgb grijs

Sense of Belonging in Secondary Schools: A Survey of LGB and Heterosexual Students in Flanders  / Saskia Aerts ... [et al.].

Journal of Homosexuality, 59 (2012) 1 (jan), p. 90-113
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 59 (2012) 1 (jan), p. 90-113
samenvatting: This study focuses on differences in sense of belonging between lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) and heterosexual students. Data from 1,745 secondary school students were collected with an online survey. Step-wise multiple regression analyses was used to investigate the relationship between sexual orientation and sense of school belonging. The results show that sexual orientation has an impact on sense of belonging for girls, but not for boys. Perceived discrimination and LGB friendliness of the school appeared to be important indicators of sense of belonging for all the respondents, irrespective of their sexual orientation. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2012.638548#.VNNK0KLYjrw ]

signatuur: ts.

Sense of Belonging in Secondary Schools: A Survey of LGB and Heterosexual Students in Flanders
Saskia Aerts ... [et al.].
Journal of Homosexuality

Gay Officers In Their Midst : Heterosexual Police Employees' Anticipation of the Consequences for Coworkers Who Come Out  / Mary Bernstein, Paul Swartwout.

Journal of Homosexuality, 59 (2012) 8 (sep), p. 1145-1166
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 59 (2012) 8 (sep), p. 1145-1166
samenvatting: While fear among gay men and lesbians about being out in a masculinist environment is not surprising, this article examines what heterosexuals expect will happen when gay men and lesbians come out. We draw on a unique dataset from a police department in the southwest United States to examine the consequences anticipated by heterosexual police department employees if a gay or lesbian officer's sexual orientation became known in the workplace. We test four main sets of factors: individual-level demographic characteristics and religious background; homophobia; organizational tolerance for discrimination; and intergroup contact theory to explain how heterosexuals expect gay and lesbian coworkers to be treated. Using ordinary least squares regression, we find that characteristics of workplaces, measured by tolerance of discrimination, as well as contact with gay men and lesbians on the job are more significant predictors of anticipated outcomes than are individual-level traits and homophobic attitudes. We conclude by discussing the policy implications of our research. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2012.673945#.VJLonaLYjrw ]

signatuur: ts.

Gay Officers In Their Midst : Heterosexual Police Employees' Anticipation of the Consequences for Coworkers Who Come Out
Mary Bernstein, Paul Swartwout.
Journal of Homosexuality

Confronting Hate : Heterosexuals' Responses to Anti-Gay Comments  / Cheryl L. Dickter.

Journal of Homosexuality, 59 (2012) 8 (sep), p. 1113-1130
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 59 (2012) 8 (sep), p. 1113-1130
samenvatting: An online diary study was used to examine the individual and situational variables that influence non-targets' verbal and nonverbal reactions and responses to sexually prejudiced remarks. Results indicated that anti-gay comments were extremely prevalent in a college setting and resulted in a range of reactions and behaviors. Confrontation of the perpetrator was predicted by the perceived offensiveness of the comment, perceived social pressure to confront, and the number of close same-sex attracted friends. Additionally, those who confronted felt more satisfied with their responses than those who did not confront. Implications for future research and prejudice reduction strategies are discussed. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2012.712817#.VJLgEaLYjrw ]

signatuur: ts.

Confronting Hate : Heterosexuals' Responses to Anti-Gay Comments
Cheryl L. Dickter.
Journal of Homosexuality

Heterosexual College Student Sexual Experiences, Feminist Identity, and Attitudes Toward LGBT Individuals  / Meredith G. F. Worthen.

Journal of LGBT Youth, 9 (2012) 2 (apr-june), p. 77-113
bron: Journal of LGBT Youth jaargang: 9 (2012) 2 (apr-june), p. 77-113
samenvatting: Although sexual experiences among college students have been well documented, few studies have explored how sexual activity may be related to attitudes concerning sex and sexuality. Limited research suggests there may be an important relationship between sexual experiences, feminist self-identification, and supportive attitudes toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals. Using a college sample of heterosexual students (n = 735) from a large southern university, this article explores sexual activity, feminism, and perspectives toward LGBT individuals. Overall, results suggest that measures of sexual experience are unrelated to attitudes toward LGBT individuals, unless coupled with feminist ideology. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19361653.2012.649613#.VEEPPKI_jrw ]

signatuur: ts.

Heterosexual College Student Sexual Experiences, Feminist Identity, and Attitudes Toward LGBT Individuals
Meredith G. F. Worthen.
Journal of LGBT Youth

Attitudes Toward Gay Men and Lesbians and Their Relationship with Gender Role Beliefs in a Sample of Chilean University Students  / Manuel Cárdenas ... [et al.].

International Journal of Sexual Health, 24 (2012) 3 (jul-sep), p. 226-236
bron: International Journal of Sexual Health jaargang: 24 (2012) 3 (jul-sep), p. 226-236
samenvatting: This paper analyzes the relation between gender role beliefs and prejudice toward gay men and lesbians in Chile. Participants were Chilean university students (N = 283). Results indicate that men are more prejudiced than women and religious people are more prejudiced than non-religious people. On the other hand, gender role beliefs mediate sex differences in prejudice. The participants' more traditional gender role beliefs hold more negative attitudes toward gay men and lesbians. Men are more prejudiced than women, particularly in their attitudes toward gay men. In addition, sex differences in attitudes toward lesbians and gay men are mediated by gender role beliefs. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19317611.2012.700687#.VHxM7le0jm0 ]

signatuur: ts.

Attitudes Toward Gay Men and Lesbians and Their Relationship with Gender Role Beliefs in a Sample of Chilean University Students
Manuel Cárdenas ... [et al.].
International Journal of Sexual Health


( DE:"heteroseksuelen" )

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