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Aantal resultaten: 16( DE:"heteromeiden" )


Waar ben je?  / 

James Lecesne ; vert. [uit het Engels] door Annelies Jorna.Amsterdam: Pimento, 2008 - 335 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam: Pimento, 2008 - 335 p.
annotatie: 13+. - Oorspr. titel en uitg.: Absolute brightness. - [New York : Harper Teen], 2008. - Dit boek is eerder verschenen bij Pimento onder de titel: Het geheim van Leonard Pelkey.
samenvatting: Phoebes (15, ik-figuur) saaie, voorspelbare leventje wordt op z'n kop gezet als haar excentrieke neef Leonard zijn intrede doet. In het conservatieve stadje Neptune in New Jersey valt hij op door zijn vreemde hobby's en kleding. Phoebe moet aanvankelijk niets van hem hebben, maar langzaam bloeit er een vriendschap op tussen de twee. Dan wordt Leonard vermist en begint Phoebes verontrustende zoektocht naar wie haar neef nu eigenlijk echt was. {Auteur is oprichter van de Trevor Foundation voor homoseksuele jongeren.}

signatuur: cat. (leces/waa) fb

Waar ben je?
cat. (leces/waa) fb
James Lecesne ; vert. [uit het Engels] door Annelies Jorna.

Absolute brightness  / 

James Lecesne.New York, NY: HarperTeen, 2008 - 472 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: HarperTeen, 2008 - 472 p.
annotatie: "Laura Geringer books." - With the author's autograph.
samenvatting: In the beach town of Neptune, New Jersey, Phoebe's life is changed irrevocably when her gay cousin, Leonard, moves into her house and soon afterward he is found dead. Unraveling the mystery of his murder becomes Phoebe's obsession.

signatuur: cat. (leces/abs) fb

Absolute brightness
cat. (leces/abs) fb
James Lecesne.

Sexual behavior of the American college girl  / 

Benjamin Morse.New York, NY: Lancer, 1963 - 174 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Lancer, 1963 - 174 p.
samenvatting: Lesbianisme komt m.n. ter sprake in de hoofdstukken Special problems of the college for women (p. 60-73) en Lesbianism (p. 116-129)

signatuur: cat. (morse/sex) b

Sexual behavior of the American college girl
cat. (morse/sex) b
Benjamin Morse.

Meisjes in de puberteit en adolescentie  / 

A.M.L Rogier.Haarlem: de Toorts, [ca. 1970] - 275 p.: ill.
uitgave: Haarlem: de Toorts, [ca. 1970] - 275 p.: ill.
samenvatting: Verslag van een onderzoek onder Nederlandse meisjes tussen de 12 en ca. 22 jaar naar meningen en gevoelens over het dagelijks leven, gezin, school, seksegenoten, jongens, werk etc.

signatuur: cat. (rogie/mei) b

Meisjes in de puberteit en adolescentie
cat. (rogie/mei) b
A.M.L Rogier.

Meisjes : emanciperende seksuele voorlichting  / 

Antje Kunstmann ; vert. en bew. [uit het Duits] Ria Sikkes ;Den Haag: Bakker, cop. 1973 - 86 p.: ill.
uitgave: Den Haag: Bakker, cop. 1973 - 86 p.: ill.
annotatie: Oorspr. titel en uitg.: Mädchen. - Starnberg : Raith, cop. 1972.
samenvatting: Homoseksualiteit op p. 32.

signatuur: cat. (kunstm/mei) b

Meisjes : emanciperende seksuele voorlichting
cat. (kunstm/mei) b
Antje Kunstmann ; vert. en bew. [uit het Duits] Ria Sikkes ;

"Het gaat allemaal vanzelf" : meisjes over seksualiteit

Amsterdam: SUA, cop. 1981 - 132 p.: ill.
uitgave: Amsterdam: SUA, cop. 1981 - 132 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 130-132. - Gebaseerd op een onderzoeksverslag (gesprekken met meisjes van 12 tot 17 jaar) van 3de-jaars pedagogiekstudentes van de UvA.
samenvatting: Op p. 64-67 wordt aandacht besteed aan lesbisch zijn en aan angst voor lesbisch te worden aangezien.

signatuur: cat. (madam/het) b

"Het gaat allemaal vanzelf" : meisjes over seksualiteit
cat. (madam/het) b

Benefits of cross-sexual orientation friendships among adolescent females  / M. Paz Galupo, Sarah St John.

Journal of Adolescence, 24 (2001) 1, p. 83-94
bron: Journal of Adolescence jaargang: 24 (2001) 1 , p. 83-94
samenvatting: The present study investigates benefits of cross-sexual orientation friendships in adolescent girls. Interviews were conducted with 20 participants in close friendships pairs. Participants included 10 heterosexual, five lesbian and five bisexual individuals. Participants ranged in age from 19-25 at the time of the interview and 12-23 at the onset of their friendship. Results of this study indicate that cross-sexual orientation friendships function similarly in comparison to other friendships, and that issues of sexual orientation can impact friendship development in positive ways. Overall benefits of cross-sexual orientation friendships are discussed, as are benefits that are unique to both heterosexual and lesbian/bisexual youth.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (galup/joh)

Benefits of cross-sexual orientation friendships among adolescent females
dgb artikelen (galup/joh)
M. Paz Galupo, Sarah St John.
Journal of Adolescence

'Bent u een lesbisch?'  / Patty van Egmond.

Zij aan Zij, 11 (2002) 1 (jan), p. 35
bron: Zij aan Zij jaargang: 11 (2002) 1 (jan), p. 35
samenvatting: De voorzitter van de Rotterdamse homojongerenvereniging Apollo slaagde erin om vriendschap te sluiten met enkele Marokkaanse meiden.

signatuur: ts.

'Bent u een lesbisch?'
Patty van Egmond.
Zij aan Zij

Mental Health Service Contacts Among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Girls in Boston Public High Schools  / Jeremy D. Kidd, J. Lee White, Renee M. Johnson.

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 16 (2012) 2 (april-june), p. 111-123
bron: Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health jaargang: 16 (2012) 2 (april-june), p. 111-123
samenvatting: Although sexual minority (SM) adolescent girls are at high risk for suicidal behavior, little is known about their use of mental health services (MHS). Therefore, we examined survey data from a sample of Boston high school students to compare the prevalence of MHS use among SM and heterosexual girls.We used chi-square tests to assess the statistical significance of group differences. To test whether SM status moderated the association between MHS use and mental health need (i.e., whether the student reported self-harm, suicidal ideation, or a suicide attempt in the past year), we entered mental health need, SM status, and the interaction term of the two into a regression model that predicted past 12-month MHS use.SM girls (n = 89) were significantly more likely than heterosexual girls (n = 800) to report suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and self-harm. SM girls were also more likely to have reported a past 12-month MHS contact (54% vs. 26%, p < 0.0001); this finding held for those with and without a high level of mental health need. The interaction term was not statistically significant, indicating that SM status does not moderate the effect of mental health need on MHS use. These results indicate that SM girls, particularly those experiencing suicidality, are likely to report a MHS contact. Future research is needed to elucidate when/how SM girls come to use MHS and what types of services they are receiving. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19359705.2012.653907#.VDuq5xbQv3A ]

signatuur: ts.

Mental Health Service Contacts Among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Girls in Boston Public High Schools
Jeremy D. Kidd, J. Lee White, Renee M. Johnson.
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health

Do Bisexual Girls Report Higher Rates of Substance Use than Heterosexual Girls? : A Failure to Replicate with Incarcerated and Detained Youth  / Michael H. Bernstein and L. A. R. Stein.

Journal of Bisexuality, 15 (2015) 4 (oct-dec), p. 498-508
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 15 (2015) 4 (oct-dec), p. 498-508
samenvatting: Prior research suggests that sexual minority females, particularly bisexuals, report greater rates of substance use than heterosexuals. However, to the authors? knowledge, no study has compared alcohol/drug use between bisexual and heterosexual incarcerated or detained female youth. This study pools data from three prior treatment studies with incarcerated or detained adolescent girls that self-identify as bisexual or heterosexual (N = 86). Hierarchical regression models were conducted to determine whether 12-month prevalence of alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, or other drug use differed between bisexual and heterosexual participants. In contrast to most prior work, no differences were observed. Findings are considered in light of the recruitment setting, which drew a sample with high levels of substance use prevalence. (Copies available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15299716.2015.1057889)

signatuur: ts.

Do Bisexual Girls Report Higher Rates of Substance Use than Heterosexual Girls? : A Failure to Replicate with Incarcerated and Detained Youth
Michael H. Bernstein and L. A. R. Stein.
Journal of Bisexuality


( DE:"heteromeiden" )

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