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Southern lesbian-feminist Herstory 1968-94.  / guest ed. Rose Norman and Merril Mushroom

Sinister Wisdom 2014 93 summer, p. 1-168
bron: Sinister Wisdom 2014 93 summer, p. 1-168
samenvatting: Womonwrites, a collective of southern, lesbian-feminist writers that has been meeting every year since1979, committed to collecting, gathering and preserving stories of lesbian-feminisms in the South of the USA.

signatuur: ts.

Southern lesbian-feminist Herstory 1968-94.
guest ed. Rose Norman and Merril Mushroom
Sinister Wisdom

The Bodies I Have Lived With : Keynote for 18th Lesbian Lives Conference, Brighton, England, 2011  / Joan Nestle.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 17 (2013) 3-4 (jul-dec), p. 215-239
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 17 (2013) 3-4 (jul-dec), p. 215-239
samenvatting: Nestle pays homage in ideas and images to the bodies, both familial and communal, that have informed her life's work - an exploration of the mid-twentieth-century American fem-butch community by creating an archive of primary sources, faces and words, that challenge prevailing national and sometimes communal narratives of what is history and what is absence. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10894160.2013.731858#abstract ]

signatuur: ts.

The Bodies I Have Lived With : Keynote for 18th Lesbian Lives Conference, Brighton, England, 2011
Joan Nestle.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Landykes of the South : Women's land groups and the communities of the South  / Edited by Rose Norman, Merril Mushroom, Kate Ellison.

Sinister Wisdom (2015) 98 (fall), p. 1-208
bron: Sinister Wisdom (2015) 98 (fall), p. 1-208
samenvatting: Memoirs, interviews, essays, and artifacts from the Southern Lesbian Feminist Activist Herstory Project, a project of Womonwrites, the Southeast Lesbian Writers? Conference (womonwrites.wordpress.com). For some early women?s liberationists in the first consciousness-raising groups, forming a women?s land group was an outcome of the process, putting theory into action. Some Lesbians came out in the counterculture?s back-to-the-land movement, some waking up to feminism after moving to the country with a mixed group or male partner. Our collection of Landyke stories begins in 1969 when Corky Culver?s consciousness-raising group in Florida, possibly the first Lesbian land group in the country, began to look for land. We chose to end the storytelling at the end of the twentieth century in 1998 with Maat Dompim, but the Landyke movement continues in some form to this day.

signatuur: ts.

Landykes of the South : Women's land groups and the communities of the South
Edited by Rose Norman, Merril Mushroom, Kate Ellison.
Sinister Wisdom

Body, Sex, Interface : Reckoning with Images at the Lesbian Herstory Archives  / Cait McKinney.

Radical History Review, 15 (2015) 122 (may), p. 115-128
bron: Radical History Review jaargang: 15 (2015) 122 (may), p. 115-128
samenvatting: This article investigates the creation of an online photo database at the Lesbian Herstory Archives (LHA). The status of images of sexuality in this collection presents opportunities for reflecting on the cultural politics of digitization in community archives, including the accessibility of sexual materials in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) archives as they move online. I argue that the design of this project has generated moments of reckoning with various political contexts in which the archives moves. The LHA's approach to digitization is improvisational, open to revision and critique, and willfully imperfect in its management of considerations such as metadata. Digitization presents the archives with the opportunity to consider the ways that the historical representations of sexuality it houses challenge the normative imperatives that can accompany digital media practices, including the ways that all kinds of sex practices and gendered ways of being scramble the categorical logics of structured databases.

signatuur: cat. art. (queer/arc/int) b

Body, Sex, Interface : Reckoning with Images at the Lesbian Herstory Archives
cat. art. (queer/arc/int) b
Cait McKinney.
Radical History Review

Lesbian organizing : Documenting vital work  / Elizabeth Currans.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 20 (2016) 2 (apr-jun), p. 175-179
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 20 (2016) 2 (apr-jun), p. 175-179
samenvatting: There are three key themes that emerge in the contributions to this issue of Journal of Lesbian Studies about Lesbian Organizations and Organizing: the difficulty of defining who is included and excluded in lesbian organizing, the role of community-building and maintenance, and the importance of history in understanding current organizing. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10894160.2015.1083814 ]

signatuur: ts.

Lesbian organizing : Documenting vital work
Elizabeth Currans.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Getting from then to now : Sustaining the Lesbian Herstory Archives as a lesbian organization  / Shawn(ta) Smith-Cruz ... [et al.].

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 20 (2016) 2 (apr-jun), p. 213-233
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 20 (2016) 2 (apr-jun), p. 213-233
samenvatting: This article is a compilation of six narratives written by collective members of the volunteer-run Lesbian Herstory Archives, the oldest and largest collection of lesbian material in the world. Narratives draw on a yearlong series of conversations, which culminated in a panel discussion at the 40th Anniversary celebration. Authors' narratives detail the significance of the Lesbian Herstory Archives as a successful and sustainable lesbian organization. Topics covered span four decades and include: the organization's history and practice, founding and activism, the acquisition of the current space, community engagement, and processing of special collections. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10894160.2015.1083827. ]

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (smithc/get)

Getting from then to now : Sustaining the Lesbian Herstory Archives as a lesbian organization
ts. dgb artikelen (smithc/get)
Shawn(ta) Smith-Cruz ... [et al.].
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Lesbian Histories and Futures: A Dispatch From "Gay American History @ 40"  / Rachel Hope Cleves.

Notches 18-05-2016
bron: Notches 18-05-2016
samenvatting: The fortieth-anniversary celebration of Jonathan Ned Katz?s classic document collection Gay American History convened Wednesday evening, May 4, at John Jay College in New York City, with a panel on lesbian history. Cheryl Clarke presided over comments by Caroll Smith-Rosenberg and Claire Potter to an audience that included many founders in the field including Esther Newton and Blanche Wiesen Cook. The presentations combined the personal and the historical, detailing the lesbian-feminist milieu of the 1970s that gave rise to their scholarship. The panelists? memories of passionate sexual awakenings and agonized intellectual arguments elicited laughs of recognition and groans of commiseration. Finally, the session opened to questions from the audience. One of the first came from Jen Manion, who rose to ask, how do you define lesbian?

signatuur: full_text

Lesbian Histories and Futures: A Dispatch From "Gay American History @ 40"
Rachel Hope Cleves.

Denise de Weerdt (1930-2015)  / Omar van Hoeylandt.

Ondraaglijk Besef (2015) 21 (dec), p. 3-4
bron: Ondraaglijk Besef (2015) 21 (dec), p. 3-4
samenvatting: Op 14 augustus 2015 overleed Denise De Weerdt, medeoprichtster en gedurende vijftien jaar bestuurslid van het Fonds Suzan Daniel. Voordien was Denise van 1958 tot en met 1991 actief geweest in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België, waarvan het laatste anderhalve jaar als hoofdconservator ad interim. Als historica (en doctor in de geschiedenis sinds 1968) ging haar interesse uit naar het verleden van de (socialistische) arbeidersbeweging, terwijl ze in België daarnaast ook een pionier was inzake vrouwengeschiedenis. Omar van Hoeylandt schrijft haar een afscheidsbrief.

signatuur: ts.

Denise de Weerdt (1930-2015)
Omar van Hoeylandt.
Ondraaglijk Besef

A Girl's Journey into the Well of Forbidden Knowledge  / Ann Cvetkovich with Allyson Mitchell.

GLQ : A Journal of lesbian and gay studies, 17 (2011) 4, p. 603-618
bron: GLQ : A Journal of lesbian and gay studies jaargang: 17 (2011) 4 , p. 603-618
samenvatting: The GLQ Gallery features Allyson Mitchell's 2010 installation for the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, A Girl's Journey into the Well of Forbidden Knowledge. In a plus-sized version of a sculpture gallery, two large ladies, in luminescent gold and silver, face two walls of books, attached to each other and to a giant crochet brain overhead by a crochet rope that links their crotches to the brain. Mitchell recreated a version of the Lesbian Herstory Archives reading room in Brooklyn by covering the walls of the gallery with trompe l'oeil wallpaper made from drawings of the books on the shelves. In addition to photographs of the installation, the GLQ Gallery features examples of Mitchell's original drawings. In a brief commentary on the installation, Ann Cvetkovich discusses how Mitchell brings lesbian feminist history and culture to a larger public and creates an 'archive of feelings' through the affective labor of redrawing the Lesbian Herstory Archives shelves. The Gallery also features Mitchell's Deep Lez I statement, a manifesto that calls for a return to lesbian feminist culture as a resource for contemporary queer cultures.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (cvetk/mit)

A Girl's Journey into the Well of Forbidden Knowledge
dgb artikelen (cvetk/mit)
Ann Cvetkovich with Allyson Mitchell.
GLQ : A Journal of lesbian and gay studies

Secret Years : Hungarian Lesbian Herstory, 1950s-2000s  / Anna Borgos.

Aspasia (2015) 9, p. 87-112
bron: Aspasia (2015) 9 , p. 87-112
samenvatting: The article explores the personal narratives of middle-aged and elderly Hungarian lesbian women based on oral history interviews. The stories open a window into the Kádár era from a special perspective, allowing us to get a glimpse into the women's self-recognition and coming out process; their different (sexual, professional or maternal) identities, relationships, informal social scenes, and communities; their thinking about gender roles, as well as the available representations of lesbians over the decades. The women also discuss the freedom and greater visibility - as complex as it was - that came after the democratic transition. The article contributes more detailed knowledge about the situation of LGBT people in the region during the state socialist period and around the 1989 regime change.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (borgo/sec)

Secret Years : Hungarian Lesbian Herstory, 1950s-2000s
dgb artikelen (borgo/sec)
Anna Borgos.


( DE:"herstory" )

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