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Aantal resultaten: 33( DE:"georgië" )


Concerns in Europe : November 1991 - April 1992 : summary

London: Amnesty International, 1992 - [4], 118 p.
uitgave: London : Amnesty International, 1992 - [4], 118 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Opsomming per land van de zaken waar AI zich mee bezig houdt. In Georgië, Kazachstan, Kirgiezië, Oekraïne, Oezbekistan en Rusland is homosexualiteit strafbaar, maar alleen uit de laatste drie landen kwamen berichten van uitvoering van de wet. Op het eiland Man werd homosexualiteit gelegaliseerd.

signatuur: cat. (amnes/con)

dgb grijs

Concerns in Europe : November 1991 - April 1992 : summary
cat. (amnes/con)dgb grijs

Violations of the human rights of homosexuals : extracts from Amnesty International action materials  / Amnesty International.

London: Amnesty International, 1994 - [6], 38 p.
uitgave: London : Amnesty International, 1994 - [6], 38 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Per land geeft AI aan wat de status van homosexualiteit in de wet is en bekende gevallen van schendingen van de mensenrechten.

signatuur: cat. (amnes/vio)

dgb grijs

Violations of the human rights of homosexuals : extracts from Amnesty International action materials
cat. (amnes/vio)dgb grijs

Pak slaag in parlement.

NRC 06-05-2003
bron: NRC 06-05-2003
samenvatting: De vice-voorzitter van het parlement van Georgië is gisteren door parlementariërs in elkaar geslagen nadat hij openlijk had gezegd homoseksueel te zijn. Een ruzie in de wandelgangen liep voor Vachtang Rcheoesjvili, tevens leider van de socialistische partij, uit op een pak slaag, dat in het parlementsgebouw begon en buiten werd voortgezet. De aanvallers waren leden van de oppositionele Verenigde Democraten. Zij zeiden later Rcheoesjvili niet te hebben mishandeld omdat hij homo is, maar omdat hij hen had uitgescholden en weigerde excuses te maken. De vice-voorzitter liep hoofdletsel op.

signatuur: full_text

Pak slaag in parlement.

LGBT communities in South Caucasus : Overcoming fear  / Maxim Anmeghichean.

ILGA-Europe Newsletter, 6 (2006) 1 (spring), p. 4
bron: ILGA-Europe Newsletter jaargang: 6 (2006) 1 (spring), p. 4
samenvatting: De situatie mbt. homoseksualiteit in Armenië, Georgië en Azerbeidzjan.

signatuur: ts.

dgb perdiodieken

LGBT communities in South Caucasus : Overcoming fear
ts. dgb perdiodieken
Maxim Anmeghichean.
ILGA-Europe Newsletter

'We are ordinary men' : MSM identity categories in Tbilisi, Georgia  / William Meyer ... [et al.].

Culture, Health and Sexuality, 12 (2010) 8 (nov), p. 955-971
bron: Culture, Health and Sexuality jaargang: 12 (2010) 8 (nov), p. 955-971
samenvatting: Men who have sex with men remain largely absent from the health statistics of many Eastern European countries. This relative dearth compared to other parts of the world may be attributed to the generally hidden nature of this population. The tendency to employ Western sexual identity labels, rather than locally meaningful categories of identity, may also make it difficult to identify men who have sex with other men. In a pilot study of HIV risk in Tbilisi (Georgia), we used a suite of qualitative techniques - focus groups, individual semi-structured interviews and pile-sort exercises - to probe the opinions, knowledge and experiences of 65 Georgian men. We identified locally meaningful men-who-have-sex-with-men types, demonstrating a complex intersectionality of sexual preference, socio-economic status, behaviour and geography. Positioning within these types appeared to impact a man's exposure to the social stigma of homosexuality; the sexual, physical and mental health risks that he faced; and his access to treatment and counselling. Our results suggest the use of imported identity categories limits researchers' ability to identify men who have sex with other men in Georgia and that further research aimed at elucidating locally meaningful categories is needed - research likely to lead to more-effective group interventions and facilitate a better understanding of holistic individual health needs.

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (meyer-w/we)

'We are ordinary men' : MSM identity categories in Tbilisi, Georgia
ts. dgb artikelen (meyer-w/we)
William Meyer ... [et al.].
Culture, Health and Sexuality

Post-Soviet Georgia : Bastion of Intolerance  / Lizaveta Zhahanina.

Gay & Lesbian Review, 18 (2011) 1 (jan-feb), p. 23
bron: Gay & Lesbian Review jaargang: 18 (2011) 1 (jan-feb), p. 23
samenvatting: This article discusses the treatment of LGBT people in Georgia. It states that the said post-Soviet country remains intolerant to same-sex relations despite its ratification of Article 14, Protocol 12, of the European Convention of Human Rights, which bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. It adds that LGBT persons, such as Dato Gabunia, has to move abroad to practice his sexual preference and to avoid discrimination.

signatuur: ts.

Post-Soviet Georgia : Bastion of Intolerance
Lizaveta Zhahanina.
Gay & Lesbian Review

Regional network against homophobia - 1 : LGBT Network in the Middle East, the Balkans and Caucasia  / 

[comp.] by: Nevin Öztop & Umut Güner.Ankara: Kaos GL, 2011 - 92 p.
uitgave: Ankara: Kaos GL, 2011 - 92 p.
samenvatting: The book deeply investigates the goals of LGBT activists and people against homophobia from Middle East, the Balkans and Caucasia and at the same time deals with the political and social developments from the participants' own localities. With the participation of activists from Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Greece, Montenegro, Macedonia, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran, Georgia, Armenia and Turkey details regarding the current local politics, how countries in the region approach to the LGBT reality, the manifestation of nationalism and conservatism on the axis of homophobia and transphobia and common problems are discussed in the book. The book also presents the framework of LGBT movement in Turkey. From military to laws regarding LGBTs in Turkey, from homophobia and transphobia in the media to trans people being forced to construct a victim identity, from queer discussions in Turkey to the Ahmet Yildiz trial, many issues are addressed in the book.

signatuur: cat. (regio/net) b


dgb grijs

Regional network against homophobia - 1 : LGBT Network in the Middle East, the Balkans and Caucasia
cat. (regio/net) b ODE3 dgb grijs
[comp.] by: Nevin Öztop & Umut Güner.

Violations of the Human Rights of LGBTI Persons : Excerpts from the Communications Reports of the UN Special Procedures September 2011 to September 2014

[Geneva]: UN Human Rights Council, 2014 - 9 p.
uitgave: [Geneva] : UN Human Rights Council, 2014 - 9 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Overzicht van aan de UN gerapporteerde mensenrechtenschendingen van LHBT-ers in de periode 2011-2014.

signatuur: cat. (viola/hum)

dgb grijs

Violations of the Human Rights of LGBTI Persons : Excerpts from the Communications Reports of the UN Special Procedures September 2011 to September 2014
cat. (viola/hum)dgb grijs

Homo-activisten aangevallen in Georgië en Sint Petersburg.

Parool 18-05-2013
bron: Parool 18-05-2013
samenvatting: Bij een betoging op de Internationale Dag tegen Homofobie is geweld gebruikt tegen betogende homo's in de Georgische hoofdstad Tbilisi. Georgisch-orthodoxe christenen, aangevoerd door priesters, gooiden stenen naar de demonstranten. Er raakten 28 mensen gewond. De Georgische premier heeft het geweld veroordeeld en opgeroepen tot tolerantie.

signatuur: full_text

Homo-activisten aangevallen in Georgië en Sint Petersburg.

Case of Identoba and others v. Georgia : Judgement.

Strasbourg: Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights, 2015 - 36 p.
uitgave: Strasbourg : Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights, 2015 - 36 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. transgender
samenvatting: PROCEDURE 1. The case originated in an application (no. 73235/12) against Georgia lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (?the Convention?) by Identoba, a non-governmental organisation, and fourteen Georgian nationals on 17 November 2012. The applicants are listed in the attached annex. 2. The applicants were represented by Mr L. Asatiani and Mrs N. Bolkvadze, lawyers practising in Tbilisi. The Georgian Government (?the Government?) were represented by their Agent, Mr L. Meskhoradze, of the Ministry of Justice. 3. The applicants alleged, in particular, that the violence perpetrated against them by private individuals and the lack of police protection during the peaceful demonstration of 17 May 2012 had constituted a breach of their various rights under Articles 3, 10, 11 and 14 of the Convention. 4. On 18 December 2013 notice of the application was given to the Government. THE COURT (12 May 2015) 1. Declares unanimously the complaints under Articles 10, 11 and 14 of the Convention introduced by applicants nos. 1-14 and the complaints under Article 3 of the Convention introduced by applicants nos. 2-14 admissible; 2. Declares unanimously the remainder of the application inadmissible; 3. Holds, by six votes to one, that there has been a violation of Article 3 taken in conjunction with Article 14 of the Convention with respect to applicants nos. 2-14; 4. Holds unanimously that there is no need to examine the complaint under Article 10 of the Convention; 5. Holds unanimously, that there has been a violation of Article 11 taken in conjunction with Article 14 of the Convention. with respect to applicants nos. 1-14; 6. Holds unanimously, (a) that the respondent State is to pay the applicants in respect of non-pecuniary damage, within three months of the date on which the judgment becomes final in accordance with Article 44 § 2 of the Convention, the following amounts, to be converted into the currency of the respondent State at the rate applicable at the date of settlement: (i) to Mr L. Berianidze and Mr G. Demetrashvili EUR 4,000 (four thousand euros) each; (ii) to Ms G. Dzerkorashvili and Ms M. Kalandadze 3,000 (three thousand euros) each; (iii) to Mr L. Asatiani, Ms T. Bilikhodze, Mr B. Buchashvili, Ms E. Glakhashvili, Ms N. Gviniashvili, Mr M. Khalibegashvili, Ms T. Melashvili, Ms K. Tsagaresihvili and Ms M. Tsutskiridze EUR 2,000 (two thousand euros) each; (iv) to the applicant organisation, NGO Identoba, EUR 1,500 (one thousand five hundred euros); (v) any tax that may be chargeable on the above amounts; (b) that from the expiry of the above-mentioned three months until settlement simple interest shall be payable on the above amounts at a rate equal to the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank during the default period plus three percentage points; 7. Dismisses unanimously the remainder of the applicants? claim for just satisfaction. Done in English, and notified in writing on 12 May 2015, pursuant to Rule 77 §§ 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court. Françoise Elens-Passos Päivi Hirvelä Registrar President In accordance with Article 45 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 74 § 2 of the Rules of Court, the separate opinion of Judge Wojtyczek is annexed to this judgment.

signatuur: cat. (case/ide)

dgb grijs

Case of Identoba and others v. Georgia : Judgement.
cat. (case/ide)dgb grijs


( DE:"georgië" )

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