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Remembering the AIDS Quilt  / 

ed. by Charles E. Morris.East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2011 - lxix, 313 p.: ill.
uitgave: East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2011 - lxix, 313 p.: ill.
samenvatting: A collaborative creation unlike any other, the Names Project Foundation?s AIDS Memorial Quilt has played an invaluable role in shattering the silence and stigma that surrounded the epidemic in the first years of its existence. Designed by Cleve Jones, the AIDS Quilt is the largest ongoing community arts project in the world. Since its conception in 1987, the Quilt has transformed the cultural and political responses to AIDS in the U.S. Representative of both marginalized and mainstream peoples, the Quilt contains crucial material and symbolic implications for mourning the dead, and the treatment and prevention of AIDS. However, the project has raised numerous questions concerning memory, activism, identity, ownership, and nationalism, as well as issues of sexuality, race, class, and gender. As thought-provoking as the Quilt itself, this diverse collection of essays by ten prominent rhetorical scholars provides a rich experience of the AIDS Quilt, incorporating a variety of perspectives, critiques, and interpretations.

signatuur: cat. (remem/aid) b


Remembering the AIDS Quilt
cat. (remem/aid) b ODE3
ed. by Charles E. Morris.

Factor Structure and Reliability Assessment of the Dyadic Trust Scale with Individuals in Same-Sex Romantic Relationships  / Nicolas Gabbay, Marie-France Lafontaine, Leta Bourque.

Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 8 (2012) 3 (may-june), p. 258-269
bron: Journal of GLBT Family Studies jaargang: 8 (2012) 3 (may-june), p. 258-269
samenvatting: This study examines the unidimensionality and internal consistency of the Dyadic Trust Scale (DTS; Larzelere & Huston, 1980) with individuals in same-sex romantic relationships. A sample of 141 participants, consisting of 30 gay men and 111 lesbians of various ages, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds, responded to the questionnaire. Participants were recruited by posters and pamphlets distributed throughout the Canadian capital. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to determine the factor structure of the scale. The internal consistency of the scale was determined with Cronbach's alpha. Results support a one-factor model structure and also indicate that DTS items demonstrate strong internal consistency, thus replicating the results from the original DTS study.[ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1550428X.2012.677237#.VETZRMnQv3A ]

signatuur: ts.

Factor Structure and Reliability Assessment of the Dyadic Trust Scale with Individuals in Same-Sex Romantic Relationships
Nicolas Gabbay, Marie-France Lafontaine, Leta Bourque.
Journal of GLBT Family Studies

Stage of Sexual Minority Identity Formation : The Impact of Shame, Internalized Homophobia, Ambivalence Over Emotional Expression, and Personal Mastery  / Darrell C. Greene, Paula J. Britton.

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 16 (2012) 3 (july-sep), p. 188-214
bron: Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health jaargang: 16 (2012) 3 (july-sep), p. 188-214
samenvatting: Literature on sexual minorities has focused on characteristics regarding the developmental process of sexual identity formation, with little agreement as to underlying constructs. The present study (N = 855) used an online survey to investigate Cass's (1984) theoretical model of stages of identity formation to explore shame and associated variables of internalized homophobia, ambivalence over emotional expression, and personal mastery across stages of identity development in order to clarify relationships among these variables. Findings offer partial support of Cass's stage model of sexual minority identity development as a process of differential stage progression and suggest that the relationships between shame, internalized homophobia, ambivalence over emotional expression and personal mastery are significant in understanding identity stage development. Applications to psychotherapy are discussed. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19359705.2012.671126#.VEpiMKI_jrw ]

signatuur: ts.

Stage of Sexual Minority Identity Formation : The Impact of Shame, Internalized Homophobia, Ambivalence Over Emotional Expression, and Personal Mastery
Darrell C. Greene, Paula J. Britton.
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health

Affektiv und kognitiv basierte Einstellungen von Jugendlichen zu sexuellen Orientierungen  / Sarah Huch, Detlef Urhahne, Dirk Krüger.

Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, 25 (2012) 3 (Sep), p. 224-251
bron: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung jaargang: 25 (2012) 3 (Sep), p. 224-251
samenvatting: Die Studie untersucht affektiv basierte Einstellungen von 1047 Jugendlichen der 8./9. Jahrgangsstufe zu sexuellen Orientierungen, ihre Einflussfaktoren sowie ihre Verbindungen zu kognitiv basierten Einstellungen. Varianz- und clusteranalytische Befunde zeigen, dass die affektiv basierten Einstellungen gegenüber gleichgeschlechtlich Orientierten kontextabhängig sind: Im sozial nahen Umfeld fällt die affektive Zustimmung geringer aus als im sozial fernen Umfeld. Mädchen haben positivere Einstellungen gegenüber homosexuellen Personen als Jungen. Aus Regressionsanalysen geht hervor, dass affektiv basierte Einstellungen durch das Kennen von homosexuellen Personen beeinflusst werden und mit bestimmten kognitiv basierten Einstellungen in Verbindung stehen. Jugendliche mit einer affektiv zustimmenden Einstellung zeigen häufiger egalitär- oder dekonstruktivistisch-orientierte Einstellungen. Dagegen zeigen Jugendliche mit einer affektiv ablehnenden Einstellung häufiger traditionell-biologistisch- oder religiös-orientierte Einstellungen. Die Ergebnisse bieten empirisch gestützte Ausgangspunkte für die Initiierung von Lernprozessen im Sinne einer Erziehung zur Vielfalt sexueller Orientierungen (Diversity Education).

signatuur: ts.

Affektiv und kognitiv basierte Einstellungen von Jugendlichen zu sexuellen Orientierungen
Sarah Huch, Detlef Urhahne, Dirk Krüger.
Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung

"Permeable We!" : Affect and the Ethics of Intersubjectivity in Eve Sedgwick's A Dialogue on Love  / Tyler Bradway.

GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 19 (2013) 1, p. 79-110
bron: GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies jaargang: 19 (2013) 1 , p. 79-110
samenvatting: This essay argues that Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's late-career turn toward positive affect is motivated by a desire to articulate an alternative ethical model to the governing paradigms of queer theory. Her ethics is premised on permeable intersubjectivity, based in the nonfoundational selves of post-structuralism and Buddhism. I map Sedgwick's ethics through her experimental memoir, A Dialogue on Love (1999), to demonstrate that its form locates subjectivity within a network of contingent, nonlinguistic, and reciprocal affective relations. By doing so, Dialogue models a permeable relationality that mitigates projective affects and offers a set of feelings more capacious than paranoia and more welcoming to queer possibilities for mutual nourishment, agency, and empathy. Sedgwick's ethics of intersubjectivity offers one way to expand queer theory's affective modalities to include a conception of durable and impersonal relations of holding that extend beyond the temporality of any one individual life.

signatuur: ts.

"Permeable We!" : Affect and the Ethics of Intersubjectivity in Eve Sedgwick's A Dialogue on Love
Tyler Bradway.
GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies

Sexual Behaviors and Attitudes, Quality of Life, and Drug Use : A Comparison Between Bisexual and Heterosexual Pornography Actresses  / James D. Griffith ... [et al.].

Journal of Bisexuality, 13 (2013) 1 (jan-mar), p. 4-20
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 13 (2013) 1 (jan-mar), p. 4-20
samenvatting: This study compared the self-reports of 118 bisexual and 58 heterosexual pornography actresses on sexual behaviors and attitudes, quality of life, and alcohol and drug use. Compared with their heterosexual peers, bisexual porn actresses had sex at an earlier age, had more sexual partners, liked sex more, reported more positive feelings and higher levels of spirituality, and were more likely to have used at least three different types of drugs in their lifetime. These findings show that within a population of women in the adult entertainment industry, bisexual actresses have comparable or better levels of well-being compared to their heterosexual counterparts. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15299716.2013.755729#.VNNCvKLYjrw ]

signatuur: ts.

Sexual Behaviors and Attitudes, Quality of Life, and Drug Use : A Comparison Between Bisexual and Heterosexual Pornography Actresses
James D. Griffith ... [et al.].
Journal of Bisexuality

Undressed : Aus einem Leben mit mir  / 

Wolfgang Joop ; mit Rebecca Casati.Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 2013 - 223 p.: ill.
uitgave: Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 2013 - 223 p.: ill.
samenvatting: "Mode muss Teil einer Bewegung sein, das Gegenteil von Stillstand." In allem, was er tut, fasziniert und polarisiert Wolfgang Joop. Hier betrachtet er erstmals sein Leben, das alles ist, aber nicht Stillstand, Sättigung und Zufriedenheit: eine Kindheit in Potsdam, Verlust der Heimat, Neuanfang in Braunschweig, Autodidakt und Star der deutschen und bald der internationalen Modeszene, ein Leben in Hamburg, New York, Berlin und Potsdam, seine Rolle als Ehemann, Vater, Künstler, Modedesigner und Unternehmer. Im Gespräch mit Rebecca Casati erinnert sich Wolfgang Joop an Erfolge und Niederlagen, denkt über Mode und Kunst nach, über Frauen und Männer, und verrät seine Wünsche, Träume und Ängste. "Glaub nicht, dass das Glück bei dir bleibt, wenn du es nicht unterhältst: In der Mythologie ist es eine Frau auf rollender Goldkugel. Mit all den Dingen, die ich tue, versuche ich, das Glück so zu unterhalten, dass es einen Moment länger bleibt."

signatuur: cat. (joop/und) b

Undressed : Aus einem Leben mit mir
cat. (joop/und) b
Wolfgang Joop ; mit Rebecca Casati.

"Verloren zielige wezentjes" : visies op homoseksualiteit onder Russische dissidente schrijvers  / Suzanne Bouwer.

Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2013 - 50 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2013 - 50 p.
  1. letteren
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Onderzoek naar de attituden van Russische dissidente schrijvers op homoseksualiteit in de jaren '60 en '70, door bepaalde passages in hun werk te analyseren. Het onderzoek is een vervolg qua tijdsspanne op een studie uit 2009 "With a Shade of Disgust": Affective Politics of Sexuality and Class in Memoires of the Stalinist Gulag? door Adi Kuntsman.

signatuur: cat. (bouwer/ver)

dgb grijs

"Verloren zielige wezentjes" : visies op homoseksualiteit onder Russische dissidente schrijvers
cat. (bouwer/ver)dgb grijs

Revolting Bodies : Desiring Lesbians  / Guest Editors: Kath Browne, Catherine Harper, Olu Jenzen, Irmi Karl & Katherine O'Donnell.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 17 (2013) 3-4 (jul-dec), p. 209-364
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 17 (2013) 3-4 (jul-dec), p. 209-364
samenvatting: This special issue of the Journal of Lesbian Studies has its origin in the 18th Annual Lesbian Lives Conference of 2011. Table of Contents: - Revolting Bodies, Desiring Lesbians: An Introduction / Kath Browne, Catherine Harper, Olu Jenzen, Irmi Karl & Katherine O?Donnell. - p. 209-214. - The Bodies I Have Lived With: Keynote for 18th Lesbian Lives Conference, Brighton, England, 2011 / Joan Nestle. - p. 215-239. - Rethinking Transgression: Disgust, Affect, and Sexuality in Charlotte Roche's Wetlands / Helen Hester. - p. 240-252. - Remediating Politics: Brand(ed) New Sexualities and Real Bodies Online / Aristea Fotopoulou. - p. 253-266. - The Revolting Anne Lister: The U.K.'s First Modern Lesbian / Chris Roulston. - p. 267-278. - Maria Edgeworth?s Angelina, or L?amie Inconnue: Queer Materiality and The Woman Writer?s Grotesque Body / Caroline Gonda. - p. 279-290. - Up Close and Personal: Lesbian Sub-Culture in the Female Factories of Van Diemen's Land / Bláthnaid Nolan. - p. 291-304. - "Walking and Watching" in Queer London: Sarah Waters? Tipping the Velvet and The Night Watch / Rachel Wood. - p. 305-316. Access options - The Queer Limits of Pratibha Parmar's Nina's Heavenly Delights / Churnjeet Mahn. - p. 317-328. - Women in Wetsuits: Revolting Bodies in Lesbian Surf Culture / Georgina Roy. - p. 329-343. - Revolting Doubles: Radical Narcissism and the Trope of Lesbian Doppelgangers / Olu Jenzen. - p. 344-364. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Revolting Bodies : Desiring Lesbians
Guest Editors: Kath Browne, Catherine Harper, Olu Jenzen, Irmi Karl & Katherine O'Donnell.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

The Division of Child Care Tasks in Same-Sex Couples  / Suzanne Sutphin.

Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 9 (2013) 5 (oct-dec), p. 474-491
bron: Journal of GLBT Family Studies jaargang: 9 (2013) 5 (oct-dec), p. 474-491
samenvatting: This research explores the division of child care tasks in same-sex couples. Forty-nine respondents in same-sex relationships with children answered survey questions regarding how they divide child care tasks. Social exchange theory is used as a theoretical perspective to predict the amount of child care tasks in which respondents participate based on how they compare to their partner on certain characteristics. The effects of the respondents? relationship to the child (biological parent or not) were also examined. Social exchange theory was modestly supported, with employment having the most significant effect on amount of participation in child care tasks. Suggestions for future research are also discussed. [ http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1550428X.2013.826043#abstract ]

signatuur: ts.

The Division of Child Care Tasks in Same-Sex Couples
Suzanne Sutphin.
Journal of GLBT Family Studies


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