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Aantal resultaten: 15( DE:"discriminatie op de werkvloer" )


Roze werkt : homoseksuele mannen, lesbische vrouwen en biseksuelen aan het werk

Zoetermeer: ABVAKABO FNV Pers, 2008 - 15 p.
uitgave: Zoetermeer : ABVAKABO FNV Pers, 2008 - 15 p.
  1. arbeid/inkomen
  2. homoseksualiteit
  3. lhb
samenvatting: De voorlichtingsbrochure geeft handvatten aan belangenbehartigers, vakbondsconsulenten, ondernemingsraadsleden en iedereen die op de werkplek met LGBT discriminatie te maken krijgt. Hoe daar iets tegen te doen en daarmee degene die het overkomt te ondersteunen.

signatuur: cat. (roze/wer) k

Roze werkt : homoseksuele mannen, lesbische vrouwen en biseksuelen aan het werk
cat. (roze/wer) k

Die Arbeidssituation von LSBT-Beschäftigten : Reanalyse einer Online-Befragung unter differenzieller Perspektive  / Dominic Frohn.

Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, 27 (2014) 4 (Dezember), p. 328-351
bron: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung jaargang: 27 (2014) 4 (Dezember), p. 328-351
samenvatting: Die vorliegende Reanalyse verfolgt das Ziel, differenzielle Aspekte zur Arbeitssituation von lesbischen, schwulen, bisexuellen und transidenten Arbeitnehmern_innen abzubilden. Über eine Online-Befragung wurden der Umgang von 2368 LSBT-Beschäftigten mit ihrer sexuellen Identität im Kontext von Arbeit sowie psychosomatische Beschwerden, Diskriminierungserleben, Arbeitszufriendenheit etc. erhoben.

signatuur: ts

Die Arbeidssituation von LSBT-Beschäftigten : Reanalyse einer Online-Befragung unter differenzieller Perspektive
Dominic Frohn.
Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung

Lesbian and gay employees under the sex discrimination act  / Robert Wintemute.

Scolag Journal (2001) 113-114 (july)
bron: Scolag Journal (2001) 113-114 (july)
samenvatting: The author shows that the majority of judges in the UK still don't see that sexual orientation discrimination is sex discrimination. The word 'sex' in de Sex Discrimination Act (SDA) does not only refer to gender but also includes sexual orientation.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (winte/les)

Lesbian and gay employees under the sex discrimination act
dgb artikelen (winte/les)
Robert Wintemute.
Scolag Journal

Discrimination Against State and Local Government LGBT Employees An Analysis of Administrative Complaints  / Christy Mallory and Brad Sears.

LGBTQ Policy Journal, 4 (2013-2014), p. 37-54
bron: LGBTQ Policy Journal jaargang: 4 (2013-2014), p. 37-54
samenvatting: This article documents evidence of recent discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) public sector workers by analyzing employment discrimination complaints filed with state and local administrative agencies. We present information about 589 complaints of sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination filed by public sector workers in 123 jurisdictions. We find that discrimination against LGBT people in the public sector is pervasive and occurs nearly as frequently as discrimination in the private sector, and at rates similar to discrimination based on sex and race. Currently, no federal law prohibits discrimination against LGBT people, and most states do not have laws prohibiting such discrimination.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Discrimination Against State and Local Government LGBT Employees An Analysis of Administrative Complaints
ts. dgb periodieken
Christy Mallory and Brad Sears.
LGBTQ Policy Journal

Discrimination and Dollars : Why a Pro-Business Framing Is Key to the Passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act  / Crosby Burns.

LGBTQ Policy Journal, 2 (2011-2012), p. 73-82
bron: LGBTQ Policy Journal jaargang: 2 (2011-2012), p. 73-82
samenvatting: Workplace discrimination introduces significant costs and inefficiencies that result in a less qualified and less productive workforce. The proposed Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) will help reduce the existing high rates of discrimination facing the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer population. ENDA?s passage will ultimately benefit firms by enforcing efficient hiring and firing practices, breeding a qualified and productive workforce, and providing employers with legal clarity, uniformity, and predictability. To secure political support for ENDA, advocates of workplace fairness must deliver a compelling narrative that frames ENDA as a policy that will not only help victims of workplace discrimination but also benefit businesses? economic performance.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Discrimination and Dollars : Why a Pro-Business Framing Is Key to the Passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act
ts. dgb periodieken
Crosby Burns.
LGBTQ Policy Journal

AIVD geleid door ,,vooroordeel tegen oudere homoseksuele man"  / Marcel Haenen.

NRC 22-08-2015
bron: NRC 22-08-2015
samenvatting: De Brabantse officier van justitie Johan van Vreeswijk is door de inlichtingendienst AIVD ten onrechte uitgesloten van een functie bij de EU omdat hij bevriend is met een homoseksuele moslim uit Indonesië.

signatuur: full_text

AIVD geleid door ,,vooroordeel tegen oudere homoseksuele man"
Marcel Haenen.

Roze werkt

Zoetermeer: ABVAKABO FNV, 2010 - 18 p.: ill.
uitgave: Zoetermeer : ABVAKABO FNV, 2010 - 18 p.: ill.
  1. arbeid/inkomen
  2. lhb
samenvatting: De voorlichtingsbrochure geeft handvatten aan belangenbehartigers, vakbondsconsulenten, ondernemingsraadsleden en iedereen die op de werkplek met LGBT discriminatie te maken krijgt. Hoe daar iets tegen te doen en daarmee degene die het overkomt te ondersteunen.

signatuur: cat. (roze/wer) 2010 k

Roze werkt
cat. (roze/wer) 2010 k

Next Frontier: Employment Equality  / William Murphy and Sejal Singh.

Gay & Lesbian Review, 26 (2019) 6 (nov-dec), p. 26-28
bron: Gay & Lesbian Review jaargang: 26 (2019) 6 (nov-dec), p. 26-28
samenvatting: Although Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars employers from engaging in discrimination on the basis of an employee's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, courts and legislatures have been split over whether these protections extend to LGBT workers. Consequently, there is no uniform federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in the workplace. Instead, there is a complex patchwork of antidiscrimination laws and protections for LGBT workers from various sources leading to major geographic inequalities and confusion. However, the U.S. Supreme Court recently announced that it will hear three cases to settle whether Title VII safeguards LGBT people from workplace discrimination, with decisions likely to be issued in June 2020.

signatuur: ts.

Next Frontier: Employment Equality
William Murphy and Sejal Singh.
Gay & Lesbian Review

Economic Inclusion of LGBTQI People in Southeast Asia : A Background Research Report on Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR and the Philippines  / Research: Walter Gomez Velarde ; Editor: Klaus Dik Nielsen.

Bangkok: APCOM, [2019] - 60 p.: ill.
uitgave: Bangkok : APCOM, [2019] - 60 p.: ill.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: This report aims to provide an overview and analysis of the state of economic inclusion of LGBTQI people in the South East Asia region with a focus on Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, and the Philippines. It offers preliminary evidence of the challenges that LGBTQI people face and discusses the impact on LGTBQI people and the communities, countries and economies in which they live. The report also identifies advocacy opportunities for multisector cooperation to increase LGBTQI economic and social participation and suggests potential entry points for stakeholder engagement with governments, multilateral development banks and the private sector. It contains a number of recommendations to design, strengthen and implement policies, practices and programmes to increase LGBTQI economic participation and to contribute to addressing structural barriers for economic and social inclusion and participation for LGBTQI communities. This scoping research was carried out from May-July 2018 and mainly relies on existing and available data related to economic inclusion and exclusion of LGBTQI people, looking primarily at the domains of employment, education and health. It outlines national, regional and international legislative and institutional frameworks within which current challenges and opportunities for LGBTQI social and economic inclusion are analysed.

signatuur: cat. (econo/inc)

dgb grijs

Economic Inclusion of LGBTQI People in Southeast Asia : A Background Research Report on Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR and the Philippines
cat. (econo/inc)dgb grijs

LGBTQ+ Rights in Bangladesh : June, 2022 Report

Den Haag: Global Human Rights Defence, 2022 - [2], 24 bl.
uitgave: Den Haag : Global Human Rights Defence, 2022 - [2], 24 bl.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: The LGBTQ+ community - standing for lesbian, gay, transsexual, bisexual and queer - represents all those individuals who do not fit within the heteronormative culture defined according to the rigid dichotomy between masculinity and femininity. These subjects have become marginalised worldwide and are deprived of their basic human rights on the ground of their sexual orientation and gender identity. This report will endeavour to present the current situation of the LGBTQ+ community in Bangladesh, characterised by a large spectrum of systemic injustices faced by the community on a daily basis: from physical and sexual violence to low representation in the political and administrative bodies and from discrimination in employment policies to lack of access to medical services. As it will be briefly anticipated in a few lines and further surveyed in the following paragraphs of this report, this dismaying scenario has been mainly due to the rise of religious extremism characterising Bangladesh during the past few years. Such a renewed and reinvigorated wave of intolerance determined the denial and cancellation of progress up to this point, once again forcing the LGBTQ+ community back to the margins of the society.

signatuur: cat. (lgbtq/rig/ban)

dgb grijs

LGBTQ+ Rights in Bangladesh : June, 2022 Report
cat. (lgbtq/rig/ban)dgb grijs


( DE:"discriminatie op de werkvloer" )

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