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Differences in HIV Risk Practices Sought by Self-Identified Gay and Bisexual Men Who Use Internet Websites to Identify Potential Sexual Partners  / Hugh Klein.

Journal of Bisexuality, 9 (2009) 2 (april), p. 125-140
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 9 (2009) 2 (april), p. 125-140
samenvatting: Men who have sex with men (MSM) account for the largest number of persons diagnosed with AIDS in the United States, with higher-than-average rates of drug use and unprotected sex being cited as the principal reasons underlying their high rates of HIV infection. Recent evidence has suggested that the use of Websites specifically designed to promote unsafe sexual practices (e.g., Bareback.com, BarebackRT.com, Bare4ever.com) may be particularly common among MSM, thereby fostering their risky behaviors. In light of these findings, the present study, which compares HIV risk behaviors sought by self-identified gay and bisexual men, is based on a content analysis of 1,316 ads/profiles posted on one of the most popular men who have sex with other men (MSM) Websites (namely, Bareback.com) that specifically fosters unprotected sex. Ads/profiles were selected randomly based on the American ZIP code of residence. Data were collected between September 2006 and January 2007. Rates of advertised-for high-risk sexual behaviors were very high for gay and bisexual men alike, particularly for oral sex involving ejaculation into the mouth, anal sex involving ejaculation into the anus, multiple partner sex, and felching (i.e., eating ejaculatory fluid out of an anus into which at least one person previously ejaculated). Analytical comparisons of gay and bisexual men showed that, on various dimensions, the bisexual men in this sample had either similar or lower levels of sexual risk compared to the gay men. The HIV intervention-related implications of these findings are discussed. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Differences in HIV Risk Practices Sought by Self-Identified Gay and Bisexual Men Who Use Internet Websites to Identify Potential Sexual Partners
Hugh Klein.
Journal of Bisexuality

Online Women-Seeking-Women Personal Ads and the Deployment of "Tomboy" Identities  / Daniel Farr.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 15 (2011) 4 (oct-dec), p. 493-506
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 15 (2011) 4 (oct-dec), p. 493-506
samenvatting: This article examines online women-seeking-women (WSW) personal ads that engage with tomboy identities and ideologies. This research demonstrates the importance of body and physicality among lesbian personal ads and the diversity of women using online personal ads. The meaning of "tomboy" in the language of WSW personal ads suggests major themes of use including: as an intermediate identity distinct within a butch/femme dichotomy, as a tempering agent for traditional femininity, as a fluid construct of personality, physicality, and body, as an understood descriptor of a particular aesthetic or physicality, and as synonymous with butch. To be a tomboy is to be simultaneously understood as a social stereotype, but also as complex, fluid, and of multiple meanings. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Online Women-Seeking-Women Personal Ads and the Deployment of "Tomboy" Identities
Daniel Farr.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Naakt op het net  / Caspar Pisters.

Winq (2005) 03 april, p. 30-33
bron: Winq (2005) 03 april, p. 30-33
samenvatting: Veel jongeren en homomannen zoeken (seks)contact via verschillende sites in Nederland. Op hun profiel laten ze zichzelf naakt zien maar ook rechtstreeks via webcams.

signatuur: ts.

Naakt op het net
Caspar Pisters.

Meet Grindr : How One App Changed The Way We Connect  / 

Jaime Woo.[S.l.]: Jaime Woo, 2013 - 132 p.: ill.
uitgave: [S.l.]: Jaime Woo, 2013 - 132 p.: ill.
samenvatting: What if an app gave X-ray vision to see the people around you, through the steel and brick and sometimes their clothes? What if you could communicate with them as if through telepathy so that no one else knew? Welcome to Grindr, which uses the Gps capabilities on smartphones to help its five million users discover users nearby to meet. Meet Grindr illuminates the new world of meeting online, exploring its ups and downs. How is Grindr more addictive than slot machines? Why are users like jars of jam? What if Grindr is actually a game, and should it be more of a team sport? Meet Grindr uncovers surprising answers and explores where design subtly influences users, how users could make better connections, and why Grindr has changed the way people connect.

signatuur: cat. (woo/mee) b

Meet Grindr : How One App Changed The Way We Connect
cat. (woo/mee) b
Jaime Woo.

Het wilde Westen van de online romantiek  / Gerrit Jan Wielinga.

Hello Gorgeous (2013) 5 (winter), p. 28-31
bron: Hello Gorgeous (2013) 5 (winter), p. 28-31
samenvatting: Sylvia (50), Geert (32) en Gerhard (61) zijn hiv-positief en hebben verschillende meningen over de datingsites. Sylvia en Geert hebben slechte ervaringen over het melden van hun hiv-status, terwijl Gerhard juist het vertrouwen won van zijn chat-partner.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Het wilde Westen van de online romantiek
ts. dgb periodieken
Gerrit Jan Wielinga.
Hello Gorgeous

Finding and recruiting the highest risk HIV-negative men who have sex with men  / Andrea C. Vial, Tyrel J. Starks, Jeffrey T. Parsons.

Aids Education and Prevention, 26 (2014) 1 (feb), p. 56-67
bron: Aids Education and Prevention jaargang: 26 (2014) 1 (feb), p. 56-67
samenvatting: This study compared the ability of different field and online recruitment venues to reach those at highest risk for HIV infection among HIV-negative men who have sex with men (MSM), given that some subgroups are difficult to reach, and venues vary in the demographic characteristics of the samples they yield. Compared to other venues, dating/hookup websites reached significantly higher-than-expected concentrations of White MSM aged 40 and above, including those who reported unprotected anal intercourse (UAI). Facebook was the most successful venue for the recruitment of MSM who used stimulants, including those who reported UAI. MSM who reported UAI were more likely to be recruited online. This study points to systematic variation in the samples obtained via different recruitment strategies, which should be taken into consideration when designing intervention/prevention programs targeting HIV-negative MSM.

signatuur: ts.

Finding and recruiting the highest risk HIV-negative men who have sex with men
Andrea C. Vial, Tyrel J. Starks, Jeffrey T. Parsons.
Aids Education and Prevention

'Toch ga ik door met Grindr-project'  / Annette Embrechts ; Dries Verhoeven.

Volkskrant 13-10-2014
bron: Volkskrant 13-10-2014
samenvatting: Interview met theatermaker Dries Verhoeven die in Berlijn een rel veroorzaakte met zijn, voortijdig gestopte, project Wanna Play? - Liebe in Zeiten von Grindr. Ook het organiserend Theater HAU Hebbel Am Ufer, onder leiding van Annemie Vanackere, kreeg de volle laag. De kunstenaar wilde vijftien dagen in een glazen huis op een Berlijns plein in het openbaar chatten op datingsites als Grindr, Tinder en Cupid om te zien welke invloed intensief, seksueel chatgedrag heeft op intimiteit in de werkelijkheid.

signatuur: full_text

'Toch ga ik door met Grindr-project'
Annette Embrechts ; Dries Verhoeven.

'Grindr-theater' in Utrecht  / Annette Embrechts.

Volkskrant 28-01-2015
bron: Volkskrant 28-01-2015
samenvatting: Het omstreden datingproject Wanna Play? - Liefde in tijden van Grindr komt naar Nederland. Theatermaker en beeldend kunstenaar Dries Verhoeven (38) herneemt in Utrecht zijn voorstelling tijdens het Spring Festival. Verhoeven nestelt zich dan tien dagen in een glazen trailer op het plein De Neude, om wederom publiekelijk te chatten met onbekenden op datingsites als Grindr, Tinder en Cupid. Deze GPS-gestuurde chats zijn zichtbaar voor iedereen, maar worden bij aanvang geblurred, ook de foto's.

signatuur: full_text

'Grindr-theater' in Utrecht
Annette Embrechts.

Caïro na de revoluties : Moslim-fundamentalisme & hoererij : "Het blijft de mooiste stad ter wereld"  / Joost Brantjes.

Winq / GK (2014) 66 (nov/dec), p. 94-99
bron: Winq / GK (2014) 66 (nov/dec), p. 94-99
samenvatting: Ondanks politieke onrust en islamitisch fundamentalisme blijft Egypte in trek bij toeristen. Homoseksualiteit is niet illegaal in Egypte, maar op grond van losbandigheid en minachting voor het geloof, belandden veel homo's in de gevangenis. Hoewel er in Caïro kroegen bestaan waar homo's komen, ontmoeten veel homomannen elkaar om veiligheidsredenen toch steeds via datingsites.

signatuur: ts.

Caïro na de revoluties : Moslim-fundamentalisme & hoererij : "Het blijft de mooiste stad ter wereld"
Joost Brantjes.
Winq / GK

De grootste homodating-app ter wereld komt uit... China  / Tabitha Speelman.

Trouw 02-05-2015
bron: Trouw 02-05-2015
samenvatting: Blued met 15 miljoen gebruikers (waarvan 12 miljoen in China) groeide in een paar jaar tijd uit tot de grootste homodating-app ter wereld. Bij oprichting van de homowebsite Danlan ('Lichtblauw') in 2012 had Geng Le voor ogen een veilige omgeving voor gebruikers te maken. Daaruit kwam later de app voort.

signatuur: full_text

De grootste homodating-app ter wereld komt uit... China
Tabitha Speelman.


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