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Aantal resultaten: 13( DE:"cultuur" )


'Press play for pride': the cultural logics of LGBTQ-themed playlists on Spotify  / Frederik Dhaenens and Jean Burgess.

New Media and Society, 21 (2019) 6, p. 1192-1211
bron: New Media and Society jaargang: 21 (2019) 6 , p. 1192-1211
samenvatting: This article explores the cultural practice of creating LGBTQ-themed playlists on music streaming services. It aims to understand how LGBTQ identities and cultures are represented and negotiated through the use of, and shaped by, digital media platforms. Through the textual analysis of 37 LGBTQ-themed Spotify playlists, we identified four cultural logics that structure the practice of playlist curation, each of which demonstrates the significance of music consumption to individual identity work and collective belonging. We conclude that the cultural practice of playlist curation engages with LGBTQ culture in three productive ways: first, the curators contribute to a library of libraries by sharing their diverse perspectives on what constitutes LGBTQ music culture; second, the Spotify platform engages in community-building through enabling the sharing of tastes, pleasures, and experiences; and third, the curation of playlists brings diverse identity politics to the table, resulting in playlists that are politically queer, homonormative, or ideologically ambiguous.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (dhaen/bur)

'Press play for pride': the cultural logics of LGBTQ-themed playlists on Spotify
dgb artikelen (dhaen/bur)
Frederik Dhaenens and Jean Burgess.
New Media and Society

4th, Netherlands Transgender Film Festival, may 23-27, 2007, De Balie, Amsterdam

Amsterdam: T-Image : Netherlands Transgender Film Festival, 2007 - ongepag.: ill.
uitgave: Amsterdam : T-Image : Netherlands Transgender Film Festival, 2007 - ongepag.: ill.
  1. transgender
  2. film
samenvatting: Programme booklet of the 4th, Netherlands Transgender Film Festival, may 23-27, 2007, De Balie, Amsterdam. The largest film festival in the world that focuses on transgender people not only in the Ntherlands, but also around the globe. The festival invites its audience to question, playfully but sincerely, the naturalized binary gender system of man/woman.

signatuur: cat. (nethe/tra/fil) k

4th, Netherlands Transgender Film Festival, may 23-27, 2007, De Balie, Amsterdam
cat. (nethe/tra/fil) k

The role of culture in shaping attitude towards non-heterosexuality in rural communities in the case of Pongola Rural Community  / by Noxolo Gcebile Mamba.

Durban: University of Kwazulu-Natal Howard College Campus, 2020 - [99] p.
uitgave: Durban : University of Kwazulu-Natal Howard College Campus, 2020 - [99] p.
  1. attituden/opinies
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Non-heterosexual people also known as the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender experience difficulties in fitting into the heteronormative communities. As a result of their sexuality, they are faced with social exclusion, being judged and sometimes attacked. Cultural norms which are strongly against this phenomenon need to be put in place in order for there to be better inclusivity within society at large. The main aim of this study is to explore the role of culture in shaping societal attitude towards non-heterosexuality in case of Pongola rural community. The researcher used qualitative approach when collecting data regarding the experiences of non-heterosexual people in rural communities, the challenges they encounter, how they cope as well as how culture, media and religion has influenced people's perceptions on non heterosexuality. The right based approach helped the researcher to understand how human rights have been used to normalize inclusion of non-heterosexuals in the community, how the law plays a role in protecting the lives of those people and giving hope for the eradication of homophobia. The queer theory helped the researcher to understand the coping mechanisms adopted by the LGBTs in a heteronormative environment. The primary data was collected with the use of open-ended interviews which enabled each participant to voice out their views and beliefs in relation to non-heterosexuality. Open ended interviews were conducted with ten participants at Pongola rural community. Results of the study showed lack of knowledge about other sexual identities as well as cultural beliefs standing as the main contributing factor to homophobia in the community. Results of the study also revealed the lack of resources aimed at assisting homosexuals in being regarded as active members of the community. Such resources included the lack of gay support groups which contributed to the vulnerability of the LGBTs in Pongola. The role of media in transforming the community is slightly in vain due to the slow development of this community. The study has recommended some policy adjustments aimed at inclusion of non-heterosexual people in Pongola and to combat homophobia. Recommendations included educational programs to empower community members about non-heterosexuality so they are informed about it is and challenge assumptions.

signatuur: cat. (mamba/rol)

dgb grijs

The role of culture in shaping attitude towards non-heterosexuality in rural communities in the case of Pongola Rural Community
cat. (mamba/rol)dgb grijs

(Un)-African: Queering South Africa's Approach to SOGI Rights  / Neil [Alexander] Berry.

Cape Town: University of Cape Town, 2021 - iii, 197 p.
uitgave: Cape Town : University of Cape Town, 2021 - iii, 197 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Abstract: This study uses Queer Theory to explore the inconsistencies in South Africa's approach to the international protection of people of non-normative sexual orientations and gender identities (SOGI). It seeks to understand why South Africa's support for SOGI rights in the international system has been inconsistent, by answering the following question: How can we understand South Africa's inconsistent approach to sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) rights in the United Nations using Queer Theory? Using queer critical discourse analysis and Weber's queer logics of statecraft SOGI rights discourses were studied at three levels. Firstly, the genesis of SOGI rights adoption within the post-apartheid South African policy and legislative frameworks. Secondly, providing contextual background, across the African continent since 1994. Thirdly, within dedicated SOGI debates at the UN General Assembly and UN Human Rights Council since 2011, focussing on South African and African Group contributions. This analysis determined that SOGI rights have been challenged by claims of cultural, historical and religious traditions, which on the African continent have been framed as un-African and a rejection of neocolonialism from the global North. Despite the fallacy of this un-African claim, it has impacted on South Africa as it sought to re-establish its Africanness and anti-neocolonial credentials whilst also promoting its moral leadership on human rights. It has further been established that the South African approach to SOGI rights was informed by the demands of local rather than international SOGI rights NGOs. This approach has disappointed those who anticipate the Western model of SOGI rights promotion, which South Africa has critiqued for its coercive and counter-productive punitive measures. By using Queer Theory, this study concluded that South Africa's identity can be understood beyond monolithic binaries, that South Africa's support for SOGI rights in the UN has endeavoured to find a balance between the competing aims of SOGI rights and African solidarity by presenting itself as an African and/or un-African state. This study contributes to the emerging Queer Theory literature within International Relations and to literature on queer African sexualities and genders, human rights, and foreign policy.

signatuur: cat. (berry/una)

dgb grijs

(Un)-African: Queering South Africa's Approach to SOGI Rights
cat. (berry/una)dgb grijs

100 actions pour les droits LGBTI+ dans les territoires : Propositions HES Régionales et Départementales 2021

Romainville: HES LGBTI+, 2021 - 83, [1] p.: ill.
uitgave: Romainville : HES LGBTI+, 2021 - 83, [1] p.: ill.
  1. lhbti-beweging
  2. geweld/discriminatie
samenvatting: Voorlichtingsboekje met honderd voorstellen om de rechten van LHBTQI+-personen in Frankrijk te beschermen, hun positie te verbeteren en discriminatie tegen te gaan. De actiepunten zijn onderverdeeld onder verschillende thema's, en er wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen de regio's en departementen van Frankrijk.

signatuur: cat. (action/pou) g

100 actions pour les droits LGBTI+ dans les territoires : Propositions HES Régionales et Départementales 2021
cat. (action/pou) g

An Examination of Factors that Catalyz LGBTQ Movements in Middle Eastern and North African Authoritarian Regimes  / by Michael Anthony Figueredo.

Portland: Portland State University, 2015 - viii, 129 p.
uitgave: Portland : Portland State University, 2015 - viii, 129 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Abstract: Citizens' increased access to the internet is transforming political landscapes across the globe. The implications for civil society, culture, religion, governmental legitimacy and accountability are vast. In nations where one does not typically expect "modern" or egalitarian ideals to be prevalent among highly religious and conservative populations, those with motivations to unite around socially and culturally taboo causes are no longer forced to silently acquiesce and accept the status quo. The internet has proven to be an invaluable tool for those aiming to engage in social activism, as it allows citizens in highly oppressive authoritarian regimes to covertly mobilize and coordinate online protest events (such as hashtag campaigns, proclamations via social media, signing of petitions, and even DDoS attacks) without the fear of repression. What catalyzes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) equality movements in authoritarian regimes, specifically with respect to the Middle East and North African region? This thesis argues that gay rights movements are more likely to emerge in politically repressive, more conservative states when new political opportunities - namely access to the internet for purposes of political organization - become available. This master's thesis identifies why LGBTQ movements emerged in Morocco and Algeria, but not in Tunisia until after it underwent democratization. These states will be analyzed in order to gauge the strength of their LGBTQ rights movements and, most importantly, to identify which variables most cogently explain their existence altogether.

signatuur: cat. (figue/exa)

dgb grijs

An Examination of Factors that Catalyz LGBTQ Movements in Middle Eastern and North African Authoritarian Regimes
cat. (figue/exa)dgb grijs

Galería de Retratos: Personajes Homosexuales de la Cultura Contemporánea  / 

Julia Cela.Barcelona: Egales, 1998 - 305 p.
uitgave: Barcelona: Egales, 1998 - 305 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 295-305.
samenvatting: Durante siglos, la colectividad gay ha dejado su impronta en el mundo de la cultura, proporcionando las mejores obras literarias, pictóricas o musicales. Julia Cela, guiándonos a través de las diversas galerías que conforman este libro, retrata con pincelada certera a los principales artífices de la cultura contemporánea. Inicia su recorrido con los escritores del Greenwich Village neoyorquino (Truman Capote, Gore Vidal y Carson McCullers entre otros) y la generación beat, para después recalar en los salones parisinos de la belle époque (con Marcel Proust y André Gide), el Bloomsbury de Virginia Woolf, la rive gauche de Djuna Barnes y Gertrude Stein, el México de Frida Kahlo, el Buenos Aires de Manuel Puig o la Habana de Lezama Lima. Todo ello sin olvidar el glamour de Hollywood de Valentino y la Garbo, la música de Bernstein o Elton John y el mundo del ballet y la moda. Completan la obra dos galerías dedicadas expresamente a escritores españoles: La Residencia de Estudiantes y la generación del 27 (con García Lorca, Dalí y Cernuda) y la titulada Puente Aéreo Madrid-Barcelona, en la que se encuentran Luis Antonio de Villena, Eduardo Mendicutti, Jaime Gil de Biedma y Terenci Moix.

signatuur: cat. (cela/gal) b

Galería de Retratos: Personajes Homosexuales de la Cultura Contemporánea
cat. (cela/gal) b
Julia Cela.

Lecturas monstruo: Género y disidencia sexual en la cultura contemporánea  / 

Atillo Rubino, Silvina Sánchez, Facundo Saxe.Madrid: La Oveja Roja, 2021 - 325 p.
uitgave: Madrid: La Oveja Roja, 2021 - 325 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 313-325.
samenvatting: Lo monstruoso como categoría de análisis aplicada a propuestas culturales que abordan las construcciones sexo-genéricas y que dan espacio y visibilidad a las múltiples formas de disidencia sexual en la cultura contemporánea: esa es la propuesta de este ensayo. Propuesta que no solo funciona en la órbita de la teoría sino que atañe un posicionamiento político también. El monstruo como figura que desafía los binarismos y desborda las clasificaciones y etiquetas, como clave para releer expresiones culturales que desestabilizan los binarismos y el cisheteropatriarcado, para abordar representaciones en las que la monstruosidad se convierte en un espacio de resignificación de lo que la sociedad considera abyecto, enfermo, degenerado. A partir ahí se pretende dar cuenta de gestos culturales complejos que, por ejemplo, hacen de la «enfermedad» un espacio de potencialidad vital, que transgreden constantemente los límites binarios de ser varón y ser mujer. Se trata de analizar la construcción cultural de cuerpos que subvierten desde la disidencia, el feminismo, la subalternidad, la precariedad; que transgreden los límites de lo que se puede narrar y mostrar en la literatura, el cine y el cómic.

signatuur: cat. (rubin/san) b

Lecturas monstruo: Género y disidencia sexual en la cultura contemporánea
cat. (rubin/san) b
Atillo Rubino, Silvina Sánchez, Facundo Saxe.


Afro Vibe Festival
Uitgever: Afro Vibe Festival

Taal: nederlandsengels

Aanwezig: (2001) (aug); (2002) (feb, mei-juni).



Raymond Matinyana Fonds
Uitgever: Raymond Matinyana Fonds

Taal: nederlandsengels

Aanwezig: (2002) [dec]; (2003) [feb-mrt]; (2004) (nov); (2005) (nov).



( DE:"cultuur" )

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