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Aantal resultaten: 43( DE:"culturele diversiteit" )


Het Koninkrijk IJmond Ba Kuku-Ba Buba : een oraal koningsdrama in vijf bedrijven  / 

Edgar Cairo.[S.l.]: Uitgeverij Zuid, 1985 - 187 p.
uitgave: [S.l.]: Uitgeverij Zuid, 1985 - 187 p.
annotatie: Gesigneerd door de auteur.
samenvatting: Theaterstuk over macht en misbruik daarvan, voornamelijk geschreven in het Surinaams-Nederlands, voorafgegaan door een uitgebreide inleiding over zwarte cultuur, allochtonentheater en het theaterbeleid in Nederland.

signatuur: cat. (cairo/kon) fb

Het Koninkrijk IJmond Ba Kuku-Ba Buba : een oraal koningsdrama in vijf bedrijven
cat. (cairo/kon) fb
Edgar Cairo.

Over diplomaten en activisten : strategieën rondom seksuele identiteit van biculturele lesbische vrouwen, homoseksuele mannen en biseksuelen  / Marianne Cense.

Utrecht: Rutgers WPF, 2013 - 33 p.
uitgave: Utrecht : Rutgers WPF, 2013 - 33 p.
  1. biculturelen
  2. lhb
samenvatting: Onderzoek naar publieke en subtiele strategieën van biculturele homomannen, lesbische vrouwen en biseksuelen. Onder subtiele strategieën wordt verstaan het verbeteren van het eigen leven zonder ophef te veroorzaken. Onder publieke strategieën wordt bijvoorbeeld gerekend het op tv vertellen van je coming out verhaal of meevaren op de gay pride. Onderzocht is ook wat voor behoeften deze groep heeft. Naast de algemene behoeften aan erkenning, herkenning en contact met gelijkgestemden is voor hen contact met andere biculturele gelijkgestemden van groot belang. Daarnaast is het belangrijk dat professionele begeleiders voldoende kennis hebben van de angsten en familieprocessen binnen etnische families om een vertrouwensband te kunnen opbouwen. Met een samenvatting in het Engels.

signatuur: cat. (cense/ove) dgb grijs

Over diplomaten en activisten : strategieën rondom seksuele identiteit van biculturele lesbische vrouwen, homoseksuele mannen en biseksuelen
cat. (cense/ove) dgb grijs

African Feminisms : Homosexuality  / Guest Editor: Cheryl Potgieter.

Agenda : Empowering Women for Gender Equity (2006) 67, p. 1-157
bron: Agenda : Empowering Women for Gender Equity (2006) 67 , p. 1-157
samenvatting: Contents: - The imagined future for gays and lesbians in South Africa: Is this it? / Cheryl Potgieter. - p. 4-8. - ?This has happened since ancient times - it's something that you are born with?: ancestral wives among same-sex sangomas in South Africa / Nkunzi Nkabinde & Ruth Morgan. - p. 9-19. - Anti-gay hate crimes in South Africa: prevalence, reporting practices, and experiences of the police / Helen Wells & Louise Polders. - p. 20-28. - The Gay and Lesbian Archives: documenting same-sexuality in an African context / Anthony Manion & Ruth Morgan. - p. 29-35. - Marginalised and demonised: lesbians and equality - perceptions of people in a local Western Cape community / Nadia Sanger & Lindsay Clowes. - p. 36-47. - ?En ek sê dis 'n trassie?: perspectives on Afrikaner homosexual identity / Marius Crous. - p. 48-56. - Ulimi lwenkululeko: Township ?women's language of empowerment? and homosexual linguistic identities / Stephanie Rudwick, Khathala Nkomo & Magcino Shange. - p. 57-65. - inbriefs / Arthi Sanpath. - p. 66-67. - Rejecting roses: introductory notes on pedagogies and sexualities / Jane Bennett. - p. 68-79. - Opaque young lives: experiences of lesbian youth / Danielle Kowen & Jo Davis. - p. 80-92. - Black, gay and out/in: interview with Utando Baduza / Vasu Reddy & Utando Baduza. p. 93-99. - Some preliminary thoughts on sexuality, citizenship and constitutions: are rights enough? / Gertrude Fester. - p. 100-111. - Sleeping Sappho / Claire Rousell. - p. 112-115. - Masculine bodies, feminine symbols: challenging gendered identities or compulsory femininity? / Cheryl Potgieter. - p. 116-127. - Homosexuality in the African context / Busangokwakhe Dlamini. - 128-136. - How to become a ?real gay?: identity and terminology in Ermelo, Mpumalanga / Graeme Reid. - p. 137-145. - Decriminalisation of homosexuality in post-apartheid South Africa: A brief legal case history review from sodomy to marriage / Vasu Reddy. - p. 146-157.

signatuur: cat. (afric/fem/hom) b


African Feminisms : Homosexuality
cat. (afric/fem/hom) b ODE3
Guest Editor: Cheryl Potgieter.
Agenda : Empowering Women for Gender Equity

'It's not at all chic to be denied your civil rights' : Performing sexual citizenship in Holly Hughes's Preaching to the Perverted  / Cristyn Davies.

Sexualities, 15 (2012) 3/4 (jun), p. 277-296
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 15 (2012) 3/4 (jun), p. 277-296
samenvatting: The following discussion examines processes of governmentality and regulation in the arts during the culture wars in the USA. Using performance artist, Holly Hughes?s, Preaching to the Perverted, as a case study, I examine this performance as resistant to cultural policy that attempts to constitute heteronormative citizens. I engage with the question of how a queer critique can rethink the possibilities of citizenship by arguing that performance art is a queer time and space in which American citizenship is contested and reconceptualized. The moral panic that ensues from cases such as this solicits the participation of the general public, wherein some citizens demand regulation often bringing closure to any serious debate about alternative responses to controversial issues. Debates about the politics of representation in the arts, and of government-subsidized production of particular kinds of citizen subjects are critical because they significantly impact on the formation of cultural policy.

signatuur: ts.

'It's not at all chic to be denied your civil rights' : Performing sexual citizenship in Holly Hughes's Preaching to the Perverted
Cristyn Davies.

'Citizens of fate' : Blood, disease and the question of mortality in Sadness by William Yang  / Margaret Hamilton.

Sexualities, 15 (2012) 3/4 (jun), p. 297-313
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 15 (2012) 3/4 (jun), p. 297-313
samenvatting: William Yang?s performance Sadness challenges essentialised categories of identification by juxtaposing tales of his Chinese-Australian family with the journey of friends from his community dying of AIDS-related complications and infection. In doing so, Yang foregrounds the threat of mortality that attempts to stabilise identity politics for the ?nation?. In the age of global media Yang resists multi-modal approaches to his medium to reclaim the theatrical space of narration. As a consequence, Yang?s Sadness affords an opportunity to rethink the imperatives intrinsic to the classification of social subjects in terms of racial, sexual and reproductive practices, and the relationship of the citizen-body to modes of cultural representation.

signatuur: ts.

'Citizens of fate' : Blood, disease and the question of mortality in Sadness by William Yang
Margaret Hamilton.

Naming to Empower : Lesbianism in the Arab Islamicate World Today  / Sahar Amer.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 16 (2012) 4 (oct-dec), p. 381-397
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 16 (2012) 4 (oct-dec), p. 381-397
samenvatting: After a brief review of the proliferation of newly coined Arabic words to speak about LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and ally) identities, this article interrogates the facile imitation of Western labels and questions their usefulness in the context of Arab societies and cultures. It demonstrates that the assumptions that underlie the creation of new wordlists overlook and ultimately erase the very rich tradition on alternative sexual practices that has been prominent in the Islamicate world at least since the ninth century. Salvaging this tradition and its accompanying terminology on homosexuality challenges the claim that homosexuality is a Western importation, and renders the recourse to English categories superfluous. Moreover, uncovering the forgotten Arabic cultural material on alternative sexualities offers contemporary Arab gays and lesbians a rich and empowering indigenous heritage, as well as home-grown modes of resistance that are poised to challenge homophobic attitudes and policies in the Arab world, and the hegemony of Western sexual and cultural imperialism. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10894160.2012.681258#.VHRnGsmzZco]

signatuur: ts.

Naming to Empower : Lesbianism in the Arab Islamicate World Today
Sahar Amer.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Social Constructions of Male Sexual Identity : Translational Limitations of Western "Homosexuality" in an Indian Male Patient  / Anish Ranjan Dube, Jayesh Kamath.

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 17 (2013) 3 (jul-sep), p. 352-360
bron: Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health jaargang: 17 (2013) 3 (jul-sep), p. 352-360
samenvatting: The contemporary discourse on human sexuality has sought to create a space for marginalized sexual minorities and thereby empower them through a collective identification that posits itself as a healthy alternative to the dominant mode. However, such constructions of sexuality risk solidifying the boundaries between these modes and may thereby limit full sexual expression by forcing one to self-identify in binary terms. This is especially problematic when seeking to engage non-Western individuals who may find it easier to identify in alternative, unaccounted for, sexual terms. Using a clinical case as experienced by a psychiatric resident, this paper hopes to explore the limitations of using binary (Western) sexual categories to understand and treat an Indian man sexually aroused by other men. Specific cultural similarities and differences are examined for their relevance as obstacles or facilitators of sexual expression. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19359705.2013.767154#abstract ]

signatuur: ts.

Social Constructions of Male Sexual Identity : Translational Limitations of Western "Homosexuality" in an Indian Male Patient
Anish Ranjan Dube, Jayesh Kamath.
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health

The Men of Blanket Boy's Moon : Repugnancy Clauses, Customary Law and Migrant Labour Sex  / Neville Hoad.

Jindal Global Law Review, 4 (2013) 2 (nov), p. 151-173
bron: Jindal Global Law Review jaargang: 4 (2013) 2 (nov), p. 151-173
samenvatting: This article analyses Peter Lanham and A.S. Mopeli-Paulus?s Blanket Boy?s Moon (1953) in the hope of opening up a space between ideas of legal and cultural determination in the 'no homosexuality in African culture' debates of the last two decades. Through a consideration of the history of repugnancy clauses in British colonial customary law and a critique of contemporary theories of state sovereignty, the article disputes the universalist/cultural relativist, tradition/modernity dialectics that continue to frame the problem of African subjectivity and sovereignty. Repugnancy clauses represent a colonial version of Agamben?s argument about the relationship of sovereignty to the state of exception: indigenous sexual conduct was left to customary law except in instances when it was found to be repugnant to the gaze of the colonisers. South Africa is now the only country in the world to grant legal recognition to both polygamous and same-sex marriages, though the South African constitution asserts that customary law is only valid when in accordance with the equality clause. Increasingly, international human rights law in relation to a right to sexual orientation is engaging questions of tradition and indigeneity, thus revisiting some of the key questions that inhere in the relationship between repugnancy clauses and colonial sovereignty. The novel under discussion broaches colonial imaginings of ritual murder, homoerotic attachments that do not produce identity and the colonialstate?s claim to the monopoly of legal, lethal violence in the guise of an ethnographic murder mystery. It therefore allows for the theoretical questions of the essay to find representation in embodied and affectively charged form.

signatuur: dgb artikelen, map jindal global law review (hoad/men)

The Men of Blanket Boy's Moon : Repugnancy Clauses, Customary Law and Migrant Labour Sex
dgb artikelen, map jindal global law review (hoad/men)
Neville Hoad.
Jindal Global Law Review

The New Imperialists in Pink  / Olubode Shawn Brown.

sewedoakoro.com (2014)
bron: sewedoakoro.com (2014)
samenvatting: A dangerous new imperialism is on the rise in Africa and the Caribbean. It comes wearing a rainbow flag and dressed in pink. The recent wave of anti-gay laws on the African Continent and a two month visit to Jamaica where LGBT activists and homosexuals are in a battle for self-definition have helped to crystalize this suspicion. To be clear I am a Black, gay Jamaican male who has loved and lived for over 30 years in America. I identify myself thusly so you can understand that this is not a conclusion I come to easily. It comes from observing keenly the struggle for Gay Rights in America, Africa and the Caribbean for the past 30 years.

signatuur: full_text

The New Imperialists in Pink
Olubode Shawn Brown.

Asian Cultural Values, Internalized Heterosexism, and Sexual Orientation Disclosure Among Asian American Sexual Minority Persons  / Dawn M. Szymanski & Mi Ra Sung.

Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 7 (2013) 3 (jul-sep), p. 257-273
bron: Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling jaargang: 7 (2013) 3 (jul-sep), p. 257-273
samenvatting: The purpose of this study was to examine how cultural-specific influences effect dimensions of sexual identity experience among 143 Asian American lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning (LGBQ) persons using a web-based Internet survey. Findings revealed that more adherence to Asian values was positively related to internalized heterosexism (also known as internalized homophobia) and negatively related to sexual orientation disclosure to others. Results also indicated that internalized heterosexism mediated and moderated the relationship between adherence to Asian values and sexual orientation disclosure. In terms of mediation, findings were consistent with the notion that more adherence to Asian cultural values leads to more internalized heterosexism, which in turn leads to less willingness to be out. In terms of moderation, results revealed that the difference between the high and low internalized heterosexism groups occurs at the lower levels of adherence to Asian values when LGBQ persons who have less internalized heterosexism have more sexual orientation disclosure. Results illustrate the complex ways that culture specific values and processes influence two important aspects of the coming out process.

signatuur: ts.

Asian Cultural Values, Internalized Heterosexism, and Sexual Orientation Disclosure Among Asian American Sexual Minority Persons
Dawn M. Szymanski & Mi Ra Sung.
Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling


( DE:"culturele diversiteit" )

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