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Family adjustment following disclosure of homosexuality by a member: themes discerned in narrative accounts  / Jeff Beeler, Vicky DiProva.

Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 25 (1999) 4, p. 443-460
bron: Journal of Marital and Family Therapy jaargang: 25 (1999) 4 , p. 443-460
samenvatting: Disclosure of homosexuality by a family member frequently creates a crisis within the family. Previous research has focused primarily on families' response to this initial crisis and how they cope with and transform initial negative reactions. Little attention has been given to how families respond to disclosure over time and to how families integrate a gay or lesbian family member--and his or her relationships--once they have come to accept his or her homosexuality. Using a narrative approach and interviewing whole families, this project explores these questions. We present 12 themes we found consistently recurring in family members' narratives. We discuss the relationship between these themes and current models in the literature within the context of heterosexism and suggest that this approach may represent a first step in developing a model of successful adaptation subsequent to disclosure.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (beeler-j/dip)

Family adjustment following disclosure of homosexuality by a member: themes discerned in narrative accounts
dgb artikelen (beeler-j/dip)
Jeff Beeler, Vicky DiProva.
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy

Minderheidstress bij homoseksuele, lesbische en biseksuele Amsterdammers  / Gwen Husen, Henny Bos, Stephan Cremer.

Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie, 36 (2012) 4 (dec), p. 250-258
bron: Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie jaargang: 36 (2012) 4 (dec), p. 250-258
samenvatting: Minderheidsstress kan leiden tot een verminderd welbevinden onder homoseksuele, lesbische en biseksuele personen (HLB's). Dit artikel geeft inzicht in de manieren waarop HLB's minderheidsstress ervaren, welke copingstrategieën zij hanteren en welke invloed minderheidsstress heeft op hun psychosociale gezondheid. De dataverzameling geschiedde door middel van semigestructureerde interviews met tweeënveertig Amsterdamse HLB's tussen 25-55 jaar. Vrijwel alle respondenten werden wel eens geconfronteerd met vervelende blikken, grapjes, opmerkingen en in enkele gevallen zelf agressiviteit op straat, op de werkvloer of binnen hun eigen culturele/religieuze gemeenschappen. Toch voelden veel respondenten zich gewaardeerd binnen de Amsterdamse maatschappij en gelijkwaardig ten opzichte van heteromannen en -vrouwen. Op de momenten dat ze wel negatief bejegend werden vanwege hun seksuele gerichtheid, konden ze daar goed mee omgaan door verschillende effectieve copingstrategieën toe te passen. Bij de respondenten die veel moeite hadden (gehad) om zichzelf te accepteren als HLB en bij respondenten die wekelijks tot maandelijks met minderheidsstress geconfronteerd werden, had minderheidsstress wel een negatieve invloed op hun psychosociale gezondheid. Ze voelden zich depressief, minderwaardig, angstig of hadden last van woedeaanvallen. Deze respondenten hadden behoefte aan meer weerbaarheid, meer zelfacceptatie en effectieve copingstrategieën om met minderheidsstress om te gaan. http://www.tijdschriftvoorseksuologie.nl/archief/tvs2012-04.html#inh2

signatuur: ts.

Minderheidstress bij homoseksuele, lesbische en biseksuele Amsterdammers
Gwen Husen, Henny Bos, Stephan Cremer.
Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie

"It Ain't All as Bad as it May Seem" : Young Black Lesbians' Responses to Sexual Prejudice  / Sarah J. Reed, Maria T. Valenti.

Journal of Homosexuality, 59 (2012) 5 (may/june), p. 703-720
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 59 (2012) 5 (may/june), p. 703-720
samenvatting: This article explores the ways in which young, Black lesbians manage their sexual minority identity when experiencing sexual prejudice. Fourteen Black lesbians between the ages of 16 and 24 participated in semistructured interviews. Instances of sexual prejudice and the young women's responses were thematically analyzed using open and axial qualitative coding techniques. Results indicated that participants experienced sexual prejudice frequently and even within the lesbian community. Responses to sexual prejudice included: cognitive reframing of heterosexist messages, passing, gaining support from self-created gay families, and fighting back (physically and verbally) in the event of isolated instances of sexual prejudice. Analysis focuses on how gender identity relates to experiences of sexual prejudice and identity management strategies. Findings suggest that there are parallels between the management strategies of these women and young, Black gay and bisexual males and between these women and Black women who are coping with sexism and racism. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2012.673940#.VFdmM8ka73A ]

signatuur: ts.

"It Ain't All as Bad as it May Seem" : Young Black Lesbians' Responses to Sexual Prejudice
Sarah J. Reed, Maria T. Valenti.
Journal of Homosexuality

Growing Up in a Lesbian Family: The Life Experiences of the Adult Daughters and Sons of Lesbian Mothers  / Anna Leddy, Nanette Gartrell, Henny Bos.

Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 8 (2012) 3 (may-june), p. 243-257
bron: Journal of GLBT Family Studies jaargang: 8 (2012) 3 (may-june), p. 243-257
samenvatting: This qualitative study aims to explore the experience of being raised in a lesbian home from the perspective of the daughters and sons of lesbian families. Adult offspring of lesbian families participated in an online questionnaire that examined five themes: (1) positive aspects of being raised in a lesbian home, (2) opinions about discrimination towards lesbians in society, (3) reactions of peers towards their mothers' lesbianism, (4) experiences with stigma due to their mothers' lesbianism, and (5) the subsequent coping mechanisms employed. Findings indicate that offspring of lesbian families value an environment of acceptance and love fostered within their immediate family, as well as a strong sense of community among other lesbian families. Many individuals in this study expressed their belief that heterosexism is ingrained into the politics and social constructs of society as a whole. However, participants also noted their opinion that homophobic discrimination happens in varying degrees based on regional, religious, and cultural differences. Although participants received largely positive reactions from peers in regards to their mothers' lesbianism, they also experienced stigma at some point in their lives due to their mothers' lesbianism. A range of coping mechanisms were employed, including confrontation, secrecy, and seeking outside support. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1550428X.2012.677233#.VETZB8nQv3A ]

signatuur: ts.

Growing Up in a Lesbian Family: The Life Experiences of the Adult Daughters and Sons of Lesbian Mothers
Anna Leddy, Nanette Gartrell, Henny Bos.
Journal of GLBT Family Studies

"I Don't Want to Taint the Name of Islam" : The Influence of Religion on the Lives of Muslim Lesbians  / Asifa Siraj.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 16 (2012) 4 (oct-dec), p. 449-467
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 16 (2012) 4 (oct-dec), p. 449-467
samenvatting: Islam is characterized as an extremely homophobic religion, which strictly forbids the union of two people of the same sex. This belief causes an immeasurable amount of strain and anxiety for lesbians because their feelings, desires, and emotions are considered 'unnatural' and aberrant. The homophobic Islamic model of homosexuality thus celebrates heteronormative performances of gender and sexuality. In the present study, the issue of how religious identity interplays with sexual identity is examined. Using data gained from online interviews with five Muslim lesbians, the article considers whether the women are able to create their lesbian identity within a discourse that negates their sexual orientation. Their lives as Muslim lesbians produces a unique intersection where religion and sexuality converge, yet they are forced apart by religiously sanctioned homophobia, preventing them from exploring and expressing their sexuality. The article further examines whether Islam is a source upon which the women draw strength to understand their sexuality and to cope with being in the closet. Despite being members of Imaan, a Muslim LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) support group, the women continue to experience a significant degree of conflict. A reconciliation of faith with their sexuality is undermined by an unrelenting and intolerant religious attitude toward homosexuality. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10894160.2012.681268#.VHRwtsmzZco ]

signatuur: ts.

"I Don't Want to Taint the Name of Islam" : The Influence of Religion on the Lives of Muslim Lesbians
Asifa Siraj.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Victimization in a Nationwide Sample of Gay and Bisexual Men  / James I. Martin, Edward J. Alessi.

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 24 (2012) 3 (july-sep), p. 260-273
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 24 (2012) 3 (july-sep), p. 260-273
samenvatting: Research indicates a high level of bias-related victimization among gay and bisexual men, but the total amount of victimization experienced by this population, including sexual orientation bias-related, other bias-related, and non-bias-related victimization, has hardly been examined. The relationship between coping and non-sexual orientation bias-related victimization among these populations has also received little research attention. This study examines total victimization during the previous 6 months and dispositional coping in a nationwide nonprobability sample of 297 self-identified gay and bisexual men. Results showed a high incidence of total victimization, with 72% of participants reporting a victimization occurrence. Emotion-oriented coping was positively correlated with victimization. The results indicate that many gay and bisexual men live in stressful environments which may contribute to negative health and mental health outcomes among them. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10538720.2012.697052#.VGHdksmzZco]

signatuur: ts.

Victimization in a Nationwide Sample of Gay and Bisexual Men
James I. Martin, Edward J. Alessi.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services

Strengths First : An Empowering Case Management Model for Multiethnic Sexual Minority Youth  / Shelley L. Craig.

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 24 (2012) 3 (july-sep), p. 274-288
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 24 (2012) 3 (july-sep), p. 274-288
samenvatting: This article (1) describes the development of a strengths-based case management (SBCM) model for multiethnic sexual minority youths; (2) provides a profile of participant risks and strengths; and (3) discusses critical considerations for implementation with this population. Participants (N = 162) reported complex risks such as family rejection as well as personal strengths. SBCM is a promising intervention that provides opportunities to bridge the unique gaps in service for this vulnerable population. Strategies to incorporate strengths into program assessments and address issues such as family engagement and service delivery challenges are offered. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10538720.2012.697833#.VGHixsmzZco ]

signatuur: ts.

Strengths First : An Empowering Case Management Model for Multiethnic Sexual Minority Youth
Shelley L. Craig.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services

Exploring Strengths of Gay Men in 12-Step Recovery  / Quinn Callicott.

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 24 (2012) 4 (oct-dec), p. 396-416
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 24 (2012) 4 (oct-dec), p. 396-416
samenvatting: The purpose of this study is to qualitatively explore the strengths of gay men in 12-step recovery for substance abuse. To advance this line of inquiry, an interview guide comprised of open-ended interview questions was used to investigate cognitive, emotional, behavioral, social, community, and spiritual characteristics among a snowball sample of urban gay men (N = 15) in Los Angeles, California. Active participation in 12-step recovery reflected an abundance of identifiable strengths. Themes included (1) strong social support, (2) viable coping mechanisms, and (3) personal strengths that are indicative of persons experiencing high self-esteem. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10538720.2012.722825#.VNSZoaLYjrw ]

signatuur: ts.

Exploring Strengths of Gay Men in 12-Step Recovery
Quinn Callicott.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services

Ertussenin : over de grenzen tussen sekse, gender en seksualiteit  / Joanneke Kooi.

Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2001 - 107 bl.+ bijl.: ill.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2001 - 107 bl.+ bijl.: ill.
  1. transgender
samenvatting: Vragen die in deze scriptie worden getracht te beantwoorden zijn onder andere welke denkbeelden aangaande sekse en gender er heersen in onze maatschappij, hoe deze denkbeelden zich vanaf de achttiende eeuw hebben ontwikkeld, welke gevolgen deze denkbeelden hebben gehad voor mensen die de grenzen overschreden, hoe mensen in onze huidige maatschappij een transgenderidentiteit ontwikkelen, welke rol de seksuele identiteit speelt in het ontwikkelen van een transgenderidentiteit en op welke manieren mensen omgaan met hun transgenderidentiteit.

signatuur: cat. (kooi/ert) g

Ertussenin : over de grenzen tussen sekse, gender en seksualiteit
cat. (kooi/ert) g

Gay Adolescent Males? Effective Coping with Discrimination : A Qualitative Study  / Peter W.B. Madsen, Robert-Jay Green.

Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 6 (2012) 2 (apr-jun), p. 139-155
bron: Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling jaargang: 6 (2012) 2 (apr-jun), p. 139-155
samenvatting: In addition to developmental stressors that all adolescents face, lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth must also deal with stressors associated with anti-LGB prejudice, discrimination, and stigma. Little is known about the specific ways in which LGB youth cope with the anti-LGB incidents in their everyday lives or what might constitute ?effective? coping in this context. In the current exploratory study, the authors present findings and implications based on interviews with eight gay-identified male adolescents. Eight distinct coping strategies that were viewed as successful by participants were identified. Implications for counselors and future extensions of this research are discussed. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15538605.2012.678188#.VJk65_8AAA ]

signatuur: ts.

Gay Adolescent Males? Effective Coping with Discrimination : A Qualitative Study
Peter W.B. Madsen, Robert-Jay Green.
Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling


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