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Aantal resultaten: 53( DE:"communicatie" )


Gay talk: communication behavior of male homosexuals  / Gerald M. Goldaber.

Gai Saber: Gay Academic Union Journal, 1 (1977) 2 (summer), p. 136-149
bron: Gai Saber: Gay Academic Union Journal jaargang: 1 (1977) 2 (summer), p. 136-149
samenvatting: Verslag van een etnografische onderzoek naar de verbale en nonverbale communicatiecodes die homoseksuele mannen gebruiken bij het contact maken.

signatuur: ts.

Gay talk: communication behavior of male homosexuals
Gerald M. Goldaber.
Gai Saber: Gay Academic Union Journal

De electronische holebi gemeenschap : spuwt uw computer ook homoseksule praat?  / Dimitri Devuyst ; Elisabeth McLachlan.

Zizo (1994) 7 (nov/dec), p. 12-13
bron: Zizo (1994) 7 (nov/dec), p. 12-13
samenvatting: Interview met Elizabeth McLachlan over het computernetwerk America Online, alsmede een verslag van de ervaringen met de communicatie met andere homoseksuelen via de computer.

signatuur: ts.

De electronische holebi gemeenschap : spuwt uw computer ook homoseksule praat?
Dimitri Devuyst ; Elisabeth McLachlan.

Communicatie- en campagne meting Schorer  / Annelies Lubbinge.

Amsterdam: TNS NIPO, 2005 - 64 bl.+ 4 bijl.
uitgave: Amsterdam : TNS NIPO, 2005 - 64 bl.+ 4 bijl.
  1. gezondheid
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Onderzoek in opdracht van Schorer uitgevoerd door TNO NIPPO naar de informatiebronnen van homoseksuele- en biseksuele mannen, in het bijzonder naar het effect en de bekendheid en waardering van de producten en campagnes van Schorer o.a. de website www.homoseks.nl, het tijdschrift Bodyguard, het distributiesysteem van Bodyguard en de advertenties en posters van de campage "Weet jij het al?".

signatuur: cat. (lubbi/com) g

Communicatie- en campagne meting Schorer
cat. (lubbi/com) g

Regulating homophobic hate speech : Back to basics about language and politics?  / Andy Harvey.

Sexualities, 15 (2012) 2 (mar), p. 191-206
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 15 (2012) 2 (mar), p. 191-206
samenvatting: Recently, there has been an explosion of legislation, introduced by the previous Labour Government after 1997, designed to curb 'hate crime'. This article takes the most recent instance of incitement to hatred on grounds of sexual orientation as its starting point. I discuss the legislation in the context of debates around free speech and artistic autonomy. Making use of post-stucturalist, psychoanalytic and discourse theories I argue that there are conceptual and practical difficulties attached to the regulation of hate speech if analysed through a politics of subversive repetition. I conclude that a better approach is to think about language as reciprocal communication and to develop a politics of sustained engagement with society that ultimately adopts a more voluntary approach to changing popular uses of language.

signatuur: ts.

Regulating homophobic hate speech : Back to basics about language and politics?
Andy Harvey.

Over the Colombian Rainbow  / Harbey Peña Sandoval.

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 24 (2012) 2 (apr-june), p. 158-172
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 24 (2012) 2 (apr-june), p. 158-172
samenvatting: This poststructural narrative research intends to contribute a better understanding of some lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) people's meanings, interactions, and reflections through the analysis of Colombian government's master narratives and LGBT advocates' counter-narratives. A better understanding between the Colombian government and LGBT activists is needed in order to build bridges that allow the parties to construct pathways to new stories that legitimize them and will support solutions to their conflicts. The author argues that LGBT counter-narratives are repairing the damaged identities of LGBT in Colombia, even though they have not become master narratives. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10538720.2012.669997#.VETABcnQv3A ]

signatuur: ts.

Over the Colombian Rainbow
Harbey Peña Sandoval.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services

Exploring Dimensions of Racism, Homophobia, and Social Network As Concomitant Predictors of Condom Use in a Sample of Black MSM  / William Pastor Smith.

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 24 (2012) 4 (oct-dec), p. 417-445
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 24 (2012) 4 (oct-dec), p. 417-445
samenvatting: With a convenience sample of 148 Black men who have sex with men (MSM) who primarily resided in the Washington, District of Columbia, metropolitan Area, the purpose of this research was to concomitantly use dimensions of racism, homophobia, and social network constructs in a regression model to predict condom use. In the model, analysis indicated that condom nonusers versus consistent users experienced more conversations with friends regarding salient topics (i.e., HIV status) (odds ratio [OR] = .86, p < .01) and fewer discussions with sexual partners about salient topics (OR = .77, p = .02). Furthermore, inconsistent condom users versus consistent users experienced higher levels of internalized homophobia (OR = 1.12, p = .04) and less racism associated with physical characteristics (OR = .89, p = .04). Notably, all of the racism dimensions identified in this research were nonsignificant as positive predictors of condom use. Overall, based on the findings, internalized homophobia may need to be isolated or targeted as an HIV-risk factor when implementing individual- and group-level HIV-prevention strategies for Black MSM. Moreover, improved communication skills among Black MSM pertaining to discussing salient topics (i.e., HIV status) with their sexual partners could also be used as a possible HIV-prevention strategy. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10538720.2012.721722#.VNSZyaLYjrw ]

signatuur: ts.

Exploring Dimensions of Racism, Homophobia, and Social Network As Concomitant Predictors of Condom Use in a Sample of Black MSM
William Pastor Smith.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services

Communiceer het LHBT-beleid van uw gemeente.

Utrecht: Movisie, [2015] - 2 p.: ill.
uitgave: Utrecht : Movisie, [2015] - 2 p.: ill.
  1. beleid/politiek/wetgeving
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Advies van Movisie aan de Regensboogsteden in Nederland om hun beleid duidelijk te communiceren in bestaande kanalen, pr-activiteiten, roze media.

signatuur: cat. (communic/lhb)

dgb grijs

Communiceer het LHBT-beleid van uw gemeente.
cat. (communic/lhb)dgb grijs

Mobility, Circulation, and Correspondence : Queer White Men in the Midcentury Midwest  / Nicholas L. Syrett.

GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 20 (2014) 1-2 (jan), p. 75-94
bron: GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies jaargang: 20 (2014) 1-2 (jan), p. 75-94
samenvatting: This article explores how letters written by white men living in the Midwest reveal the relation between their location and their strategies to realize queer social and sexual lives from the 1930s through the 1950s. In particular I demonstrate how their relative isolation encouraged them to use correspondence for community formation and travel as a way to meet other men, emphasizing the circular nature of that travel (rather than one-way movement in classic accounts of queer migration). I also highlight the more fluid sexual identities of some of these men's sexual partners and explore the significance of the ethnic and political identities of the correspondents themselves. In sum, the article demonstrates how one group of queer men, themselves racially and politically representative of midwesterners at midcentury, forged queer lives for themselves in a region that has thus far seen little attention by scholars of the queer past. [ Copies are available at http://glq.dukejournals.org/content/20/1-2.toc ]

signatuur: ts.

Mobility, Circulation, and Correspondence : Queer White Men in the Midcentury Midwest
Nicholas L. Syrett.
GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies

Homosexuelen  / Suzan van de Wal ... [et al.].

[S.l.: s.n.], [1994] - 30 bl.: ill.
uitgave: [S.l. : s.n.], [1994] - 30 bl.: ill.
  1. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Voor het project interculturele communicatie is gekozen door de auteurs voor de subgroep homo's en lesbie's, omdat ze meer te weten wilde komen over deze groep om deze groep ook tot hulp te kunnen zijn in de toekomst. De publicatie begint met de geschiedenis van homoseksualiteit, dan komt de communicatie tussen ouders en homoseksuele kinderen aan bod. Dan volgt een hoofdstuk over cultuur, een hoofdstuk over codering, en dan een hoofdstuk over geweld tussen mensen uit andere (sub)culturen. Tot slot een hoofdstuk over recht en homoseksualiteit.

signatuur: cat. (homosexuelen) g

cat. (homosexuelen) g

The Gender of 'Energy' : Language, Social Theory, and Cultural Change in Women's Lands in the United States  / Keridwen N. Luis.

Journal of Homosexuality, 62 (2015) 9 (sept), p. 1174-1200
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 62 (2015) 9 (sept), p. 1174-1200
samenvatting: Within women?s intentional communities, women use the phrase women?s energy to describe certain social interactions, a sense of community, and ideas about how gender is done or performed. For example, energy can express both difference in communication style between men and women and male dominance in social situations. During my fieldwork in these communities, I explored how this phrase suggests a reference to a precultural female body, but it is also sometimes used to explicitly reject biological reasons for gender difference. The term is easily understandable to a wide range of women from varying class backgrounds and encompasses both the unconscious side of social interactions and a possibility for future change. [Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2015.1037129

signatuur: ts.

The Gender of 'Energy' : Language, Social Theory, and Cultural Change in Women's Lands in the United States
Keridwen N. Luis.
Journal of Homosexuality


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