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Aantal resultaten: 7( DE:"cisgender vrouwen" )


Understanding co-occurring depression symptoms and alcohol use symptoms among cisgender sexual minority women  / Briana L. McGeough ...[et al.].

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 33 (2021) 4 (okt-dec), p. 427-450
bron: Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 33 (2021) 4 (okt-dec), p. 427-450
samenvatting: Sexual minority women (SMW; e.g., lesbian, bisexual) experience depression and alcohol use disorder at approximately twice the rates of heterosexual women. Though discrimination is a common explanation for these disparities, little is known about the mechanisms through which discrimination contributes to these disparities. Past research has found that the strategies that individuals use to regulate their emotions in response to discrimination may influence their depression symptoms and alcohol use symptoms. The current study proposes and validates a model to test whether alcohol use, suppression of emotion expression, and social support explain the relationships between discrimination and depression/alcohol use symptoms of cisgender SMW. A national sample of 1,782 cisgender SMW completed an online survey in 2017 through The PRIDE Study. Structural equation modeling was used to test model hypotheses. Discrimination was associated with lower levels of social support, but discrimination was not associated with higher levels of alcohol use or suppression. Social support, alcohol use, suppression, and discrimination were all significantly associated with depression symptoms. This study makes an important contribution to the literature by evaluating mechanisms that may potentially drive depression and alcohol use symptoms among cisgender SMW, focusing on mechanisms that can be intervened upon using existing evidence-based practices.

signatuur: ts.

Understanding co-occurring depression symptoms and alcohol use symptoms among cisgender sexual minority women
Briana L. McGeough ...[et al.].
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services

Kaouthar Darmoni (Atria): 'Seksueel zijn veel vrouwen in Nederland helemaal niet vrij'  / Sara Berkeljon ; Kaouthar Darmoni.

Volkskrant 24-03-2022
bron: Volkskrant 24-03-2022
samenvatting: Uitgebreid interview met directeur van kennisinstituut voor emancipatie Atria Kaouthar Darmoni (55) over haar visie op lichamelijke intimiteit en seksualiteit bij vrouwen in Nederland in vergelijking met 'sisterhood' in haar geboorteland Tunesië. Ze beschrijft haar gedachten over giftige mannelijkheid, de commercialisering en seksualisering van het vrouwelijk lichaam in het Westen, empathie voor mannen als slachtoffers van de patriarchale cultuur, westerse mannen die in haar beleving te rationeel en bang zijn voor intimiteit, cancelcultuur en wat ze mist in het Nederlandse feminisme.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (berke/kao)

Kaouthar Darmoni (Atria): 'Seksueel zijn veel vrouwen in Nederland helemaal niet vrij'
dgb artikelen (berke/kao)
Sara Berkeljon ; Kaouthar Darmoni.

King of Hearts : Drag Kings in the American South  / 

Baker A. Rogers.New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2022 - 166 p.: ill.
uitgave: New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2022 - 166 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 149-158.
samenvatting: While drag subcultures have gained mainstream media attention in recent years, the main focus has been on female impersonators. Equally lively, however, is the community of drag kings: cis women, trans men, and non-binary people who perform exaggerated masculine personas onstage under such names as Adonis Black, Papi Chulo, and Oliver Clothesoff. King of Hearts shows how drag king performers are thriving in an unlikely location: Southern Bible Belt states like Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina. Based on observations and interviews with sixty Southern drag kings, this study reveals how they are challenging the region's gender norms while creating a unique community with its own distinctive Southern flair. Reflecting the region's racial diversity, it profiles not only white drag kings, but also those who are African American, multiracial, and Hispanic. Queer scholar Baker A. Rogers--who has also performed as drag king Macon Love--takes you on an insider's tour of Southern drag king culture, exploring its history, the communal bonds that unite it, and the controversies that have divided it. King of Hearts offers a groundbreaking look at a subculture that presents a subversion of gender norms while also providing a vital lifeline for non-gender-conforming Southerners.

signatuur: cat. (roger/kin) b

King of Hearts : Drag Kings in the American South
cat. (roger/kin) b
Baker A. Rogers.

Polyamory in Paris: A social network theory application  / Janet Bennion.

Sexualities, 25 (2022) 3 (mar), p. 173-197
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 25 (2022) 3 (mar), p. 173-197
samenvatting: Multiple sexual partnerships can be viewed as networks in order to assess the nature of links between lovers and metamours (lover's lovers) as well as the larger population. In such non-monogamous networks, where participants share sex, friendship, ideas, and economic resources, there exists a vast web of nodes connected in much more intimate and complex ways than one finds in the mono-normative landscape. This study explored gender dynamics in network centrality on a sample of 62 polyamorists in Paris, France using participant-observation, informal and structured interviews, and social network analysis. Though evolutionary psychology and pornographic film tend to reinforce heteronormative stereotypes of males as central social actors with multiple sexual partners and women as sexually passive, feminist theorists have argued for a more ?'gentic female sexual subjectivity'. My data showed that cis- and trans-women, with a strong sense of family and skills in interpersonal communication, score highest on network metrics of density/degree, homophily, indirectedness, and transitivity. The network data also indicate high modularity and endogamy with clustering tendencies for both cis-men and cis- and trans-women linked to kink, atypical intelligence, sexual and gender non-conformity, and mitigating factors of socioeconomic advantage and racial privilege.

signatuur: ts.

Polyamory in Paris: A social network theory application
Janet Bennion.

Navigating a heteronormative world: Cisgender women, transgender partnerships, sexual identity, and language  / Brandi L Perri.

Sexualities, 25 (2022) 7 (okt), p. 892-908
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 25 (2022) 7 (okt), p. 892-908
samenvatting: This article examines the relationship between language and sexual identity, using data collected from in-depth interviews with cisgender women who are in relationships with female-to-male transgender men. The data illustrate that many of the women have complex relationships with the labels that they use to describe their own sexual identity currently and in their past. When referring to their own sexual identities, cisgender women partners of trans men (a) are flexible with specific terms they use in order to respond to varying social contexts, (b) use specific terms to signify cultural belonging to or difference from different communities, and (c) use language as a suggestive action to others to question heteronormative assumptions. Further, this research highlights the importance of considering time in sexuality research, including the timing of the partnerships, and collecting data that reflect the individuals' histories to analyze the connection between sexual identity and the use of language.

signatuur: ts.

Navigating a heteronormative world: Cisgender women, transgender partnerships, sexual identity, and language
Brandi L Perri.

The Cost of Visibility: Minority Stress, Sexual Assault, and Traumatic Stress among Bisexual Women and Gender Expansive People  / Laurel B. Watson ...[et al.]

Journal of Bisexuality, 22 (2022) 4 (oct-dec), p. 513-538
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 22 (2022) 4 (oct-dec), p. 513-538
samenvatting: Utilizing minority stress framework, this study assessed a model examining the mechanisms associated with bisexual women' and gender expansive peoples' experiences of sexual assault and PTSD symptoms. A total of 378 bisexual women and gender expansive people participated in this study, with the majority of participants identifying as White, cisgender women. Findings revealed that higher levels of outness were positively associated with more frequent anti-bisexual discrimination. In addition, anti-bisexual discrimination and sexual assault were significantly positively related to greater PTSD symptoms. Anti-bisexual discrimination was uniquely positively associated with more frequent experiences of sexual assault, and outness was indirectly related to sexual assault through anti-bisexual discrimination. Moreover, anti-bisexual discrimination was indirectly related to PTSD symptoms through sexual assault. Suggestions for future research and practice implications are discussed.

signatuur: ts.

The Cost of Visibility: Minority Stress, Sexual Assault, and Traumatic Stress among Bisexual Women and Gender Expansive People
Laurel B. Watson ...[et al.]
Journal of Bisexuality

J. K. Rowling and the Echo Chamber of Secrets  / Gina Gwenffrewi.

TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly, 9 (2022) 3 (aug), p. 507-516
bron: TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 9 (2022) 3 (aug), p. 507-516
samenvatting: This autoethnographic article attempts to capture the distress of a trans woman in Scotland at the transphobia in the legacy media's coverage of the J. K. Rowling furore in June 2020. Through the use of a frame narrative, the article analyses some of the transphobic elements of Rowling's essay published on June 10, 2020, originally titled "TERF Wars," which prompted an online backlash and a subsequent cycle of negative legacy media coverage against trans people. The article deconstructs two opinion pieces in the Scotsman and the National that depict Rowling as a victim and trans women as abusive and/or delusional, with an accompanying association of trans women with virtual spaces, set against cis women inhabiting real-world spaces. The newspapers' subsequent, respective refusal to publish counter articles criticizing the opinion pieces is then described, with reference to the legacy media's more general cancel-culture narrative, described by Sara Ahmed as a "mechanism of power." Concluding on the experience of having no personal voice or access to the kind of influence enjoyed by a transphobic legacy media, the article refers to Andrew Anastasia's conception of three modes of transgender voice to identify how only collective action can allow trans voices to be heard and effect change.

signatuur: ts.

J. K. Rowling and the Echo Chamber of Secrets
Gina Gwenffrewi.
TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly


( DE:"cisgender vrouwen" )

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