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Aantal resultaten: 110( DE:"biseksuele identiteit" )


A lotus of another color : an unfolding of the South Asian gay and lesbian experience  / 

ed. by Rakesh Ratti.Boston, MA: Alyson, 1993 - 303 p.
uitgave: Boston, MA: Alyson, 1993 - 303 p.
samenvatting: Verhalen van 19 mannen en 13 vrouwen in proza, dichtvorm, fictie en interviews, uit Zuid-Azië over homoseksualiteit, lesbisch-zijn en biseksualiteit in hun verschillende culturen.

signatuur: cat. (lotus/ano) b


A lotus of another color : an unfolding of the South Asian gay and lesbian experience
cat. (lotus/ano) b hvatbl
ed. by Rakesh Ratti.

Male bisexualities : a cluster analysis of men with bisexual experience  / K.J. Taywaditep, J.P. Stokes.

Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 10 (1998) 1, p. 15-42
bron: Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality jaargang: 10 (1998) 1 , p. 15-42
samenvatting: Data from 18?30 year-old behaviorally bisexual men were cluster analyzed using variables derived from the triad model of sexuality. Individuals were grouped based on the three dimensions: (a) sexual-orientation self-identity, (b) orientation of erotic fantasies, and (c) sexual experience and relationship history. Significant differences were found among the eight clusters that emerged for many important features, including demographic, psychosocial, and mental-health variables, as well as HIV-risk behavior with men and women. Although the clusters could be collapsed to conform to the trichotomous social construct of sexual orientation (gay, bisexual, and straight), grouping the men into eight clusters allowed relatively small subtypes with extreme characteristics. Cluster membership accounted for the variance in the criterion variables above and beyond the contribution of any single dimension from the triad model, providing further support for the usefulness of the clusters.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (taywa/sto)

Male bisexualities : a cluster analysis of men with bisexual experience
dgb artikelen (taywa/sto)
K.J. Taywaditep, J.P. Stokes.
Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality

Identity without selfhood : Simone de Beauvoir and bisexuality  / 

Mariam Fraser.Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press, 1999 - x, 215 p.
uitgave: Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press, 1999 - x, 215 p.
samenvatting: Situated at the crossroads of feminism, queer theory, and poststructuralist debates around identity, this is not a book about Simone de Beauvoir, but, rather, a book that addresses the different ways in which she is constructed as an intelligible "self" by academics, biographers and the media. It shows how key Western concepts as individuality constrain attempts to deconstruct the self and prevent bisexuality being understood as an identity. Drawing on Deleuze and Guattari to see what this construction of bisexuality offers contemporary theories, it also critiques Foucault's work.

signatuur: cat. (frase/ide) b

Identity without selfhood : Simone de Beauvoir and bisexuality
cat. (frase/ide) b
Mariam Fraser.

British Bisexuality : A Snapshot of Bisexual Representations and Identities in the United Kingdom  / Meg Barker ... [et al.].

Journal of Bisexuality, 8 (2008) 1/2, p. 141-162
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 8 (2008) 1/2 , p. 141-162
samenvatting: This article summarizes the state of bisexuality in the United Kingdom today. First the authors provide an overview of the United Kingdom Bisexual Conference (BiCon) and the studies conducted at the Conference by the Bisexual Research Group in the summer of 2004. Then they provide an in-depth examination of the representations of bisexuality in the British media to give a picture of the prevailing context in which U.K. bisexuals live. Following this they present the results of the two pieces of research: a survey questionnaire and a focus group discussion. The purpose of this research was to produce a report by and for the U.K. bisexual community on the kind of people who attend this BiCon and their understandings and experiences of bisexuality. Specifically they focus on who constitutes the active bisexual community, how they identify themselves, and what bisexuality means to them in relation to the dominant societal perceptions of bisexuality exemplified in the mainstream media. The authors conclude with some reflections on the U.K. bisexual community today and the possibilities and pitfalls in embarking on such research in this area. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: dgb artikelen (barke/bri)

British Bisexuality : A Snapshot of Bisexual Representations and Identities in the United Kingdom
dgb artikelen (barke/bri)
Meg Barker ... [et al.].
Journal of Bisexuality

Women's bisexuality an 'identity,' not phase  / Sharon Jayson.

USA Today 16-01-2008
bron: USA Today 16-01-2008
samenvatting: Bisexuality among women isn't just a phase, according to new research that followed 79 non-heterosexual women for a decade and found that bisexual women continue to be attracted to both sexes over time. Being bisexual is a distinct orientation, not a temporary stage, says the study by Lisa Diamond, an associate professor of psychology and gender studies at the University of Utah.

signatuur: full_text

Women's bisexuality an 'identity,' not phase
Sharon Jayson.
USA Today

Bisexual Pedagogy : Bringing Bisexuality into the Classroom  / Jessica Nathanson.

Journal of Bisexuality, 9 (2009) 1, p. 71-86
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 9 (2009) 1 , p. 71-86
samenvatting: Following the emphasis over the last decade on coming out as a pedagogical tool, I use my personal experience in the classroom to problematize this approach. I articulate the specific experience of the bisexual teacher in the classroom, which is a different and undertheorized experience than that of heterosexual or gay and lesbian teachers. I offer "bisexual pedagogy" as a pedagogy that (1) encourages students and instructors to theorize their full, bodily presence in the academic classroom; (2) borrows Gloria Anzaldua's concept of the mestiza to complicate not just personal identity labels, but all categories of difference, thus incorporating the multicultural nature of bisexual identity into a multicultural, interdisciplinary approach to the classroom; and (3) takes as a given the importance of interdisciplinary thinking and pedagogical approach. In this sense, bisexual pedagogy is a pedagogy that is particularly sensitive to the realities of "blended identity categories" of race, sexuality, gender, religion, and so on, but one that is not exclusively the realm of out bisexuals. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Bisexual Pedagogy : Bringing Bisexuality into the Classroom
Jessica Nathanson.
Journal of Bisexuality

The social construction of sexuality in two groups of men that have sex with men (MSM) from poor neighborhoods in two Peruvian cities  / Percy Fernández-Dávila ... [et al.] ;

New York, NY: International Resource Network, 2007 - 19, 18, 19 bl.
uitgave: New York, NY : International Resource Network, 2007 - 19, 18, 19 bl.
  1. seksuele identiteiten
  2. homoseksualiteit
  3. biseksualiteit
samenvatting: Many of the men in the poor neighborhoods of Peru's large coastal cities who have sexual relations with other men define themselves as homosexual. In contrast, for other men, homosexual behavior, accompanied by heterosexual activity, does not necessarily imply a homosexual or bisexual identity. This situation means there are different ways of experiencing sexuality among men. Although these sexual interactions have a certain legitimacy in these sectors, they are still marginal and clandestine behaviors, known only as an "open secret" and accepted or tolerated if maintained somewhat hidden. This study describes the meanings ascribed to sexuality in two groups of MSM ("mariconas" and "mostaceros"). Twenty-three individual interviews were conducted, and seven discussion groups were organized. The results reveal that the sexual identity of these MSM crosses aspects of social class with aspects of the traditional gender divide. A heteronormative view of sexuality imposes rigid sexual roles, with a marked impact on understandings of the body and the experience of pleasure. An understanding of the social constructions of sexuality among MSM is important to design health programs and public policies that contemplate sexual diversity.

signatuur: cat. (socia/con)

dgb grijs

The social construction of sexuality in two groups of men that have sex with men (MSM) from poor neighborhoods in two Peruvian cities
cat. (socia/con)dgb grijs

Bisexuality and Youth  / Guest Editor: Tania Israel.

Journal of Bisexuality, 10 (2010) 4 (oct-dec), p. 357-509
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 10 (2010) 4 (oct-dec), p. 357-509
samenvatting: Contents: - Bisexuality and Youth: Introduction to the Special Issue / Tania Israel. - p. 359-365. - Representing Bisexuality on Television: The Case for Intersectional Hybrids / Michaela D. E. Meyer. - p. 366-387. - Experiences of Young Bisexual Women in Lesbian/Bisexual Groups on MySpace / M. Sue Crowley. - p. 388-403. - Personal, Relational and Community Aspects of Bisexual Identity in Emerging, Early and Middle Adult Cohorts / Melanie E. Brewster; Bonnie Moradi. - p. 404-428. - The Bisexual Youth of Color Intersecting Identities Development Model: A Contextual Approach to Understanding Multiple Marginalization Experiences / Kirstyn Yuk Sim Chun; Anneliese A. Singh. - p. 429-451. - Bisexuality and School Culture: School as a Prime Site for Bi-Intervention / John P. Elia. - p. 452-471. - Bisexual Students in Secondary Schools: Understanding Unique Experiences and Developing Responsive Practices. - Kelly Graydon Kennedy; Emily S. Fisher. - p. 472-485. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Bisexuality and Youth
Guest Editor: Tania Israel.
Journal of Bisexuality

Current research on bisexuality  / 

Ronald Fox, Ed.New York, NY [etc.]: Routledge, cop. 2004 - xiv, 280 p.
uitgave: New York, NY [etc.]: Routledge, cop. 2004 - xiv, 280 p.
annotatie: Ook verschenen als Journal of Bisexuality, 4 (2004) 1/2. - De artikelen zijn afzonderlijk ontsloten als onderdeel van Journal of Bisexuality, 4 (2004) 1/2.
samenvatting: A guide to current theory, research, and practice on bisexuality for sex researchers and everyone else who needs a short-course on the topic.

signatuur: cat. (fox/cur) b


Current research on bisexuality
cat. (fox/cur) b ODE3
Ronald Fox, Ed.

Negotiating Sexual Identity : A Discourse Analysis of Women's Alternative Narratives on Sexual Orientation  / Tamar Doorduin.

[S.l.: s.n.], 2010 - 147 bl.
uitgave: [S.l. : s.n.], 2010 - 147 bl.
  1. biculturelen
  2. seksuele identiteiten
  3. homoseksualiteit
  4. transgender
samenvatting: In this thesis the author aimed at exhibiting a more complex thinking about sexual orientation than common thinking usually allows, as well as at showing its complex relations to mechanisms of power and inclusion. She did this by answering three interlocking questions. First of all she aimed at mapping the dominant discourse on sexual orientation by analyzing the narratives of relative outsiders to this discourse. Secondly, she looked at the ways these outsiders negotiated within the terms of the current discursive structure in order to articulate their own alternative identity positions. Finally, she wondered how both the dominant discourse on sexual orientation and the alternative discourses related to other intersecting discourses of sexuality, gender, 'race'/ethnicity and transgender identity. The participants in this study were women who felt their sexual identity or orientation to be somehow unintelligible within the dominant discourse on sexuality. Interviewing subjects with a relative outsider status in relation to this dominant discourse enabled the author to sketch a picture of what this dominant discourse approximately looks like. The identity negotiations of the participants in this study provide information about what is currently possible and thinkable within the discursive structure around sexuality, gender and 'race'/ethnicity. From the internet: In this thesis, narratives on sexual orientation and identity are analyzed of women who feel that it is difficult to say something meaningful about their sexuality within the context of the dominant discourse on sexual orientation. These narratives, which came into being through in-depth interviews with Dutch women, show how women are expected to sexually identify in accordance to the gender of their object choice; how different aspects of being "orientated" to someone are expected to converge; and how sexuality is imagined as a binary identity. In this thesis it is analyzed how women whose sense of self does not adhere to these assumptions "negotiate" their identity position within the available discourses in the area of gender and sexuality, in intersection with other social-cultural categories.

signatuur: cat. (doord-t/neg)

dgb grijs

Negotiating Sexual Identity : A Discourse Analysis of Women's Alternative Narratives on Sexual Orientation
cat. (doord-t/neg)dgb grijs


( DE:"biseksuele identiteit" )

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