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Aantal resultaten: 23( DE:"bi-beweging" )


Bisexual Invisibility : Impacts and Recommendations  / Lindasusan Ulrich.

San Francisco, CA: San Francisco Human Rights Commission, LGBT Advisory Committee, 2011 - 41 p.
uitgave: San Francisco, CA : San Francisco Human Rights Commission, LGBT Advisory Committee, 2011 - 41 p.
  1. biseksualiteit
samenvatting: Invisibility isn?t just about bisexuals wanting to feel welcome at the table, it has serious effects on people?s lives, is what this report communicates. Bisexuals experience high rates of being ignored, discriminated against, demonized, or rendered invisible by both the heterosexual world and the lesbian and gay communities. Often, the entire sexual orientation is branded as invalid, immoral, or irrelevant. Despite years of activism and the largest population within the LGBT community, the needs of bisexuals still go unaddressed and their very existence is still called into question. This erasure has serious consequences on bisexuals? health, economic well-being, and funding for bi organizations and programs.

signatuur: cat. (ulrich/bis)

dgb grijs

Bisexual Invisibility : Impacts and Recommendations
cat. (ulrich/bis)dgb grijs

Complicated? : Bisexual people's experiences of and ideas for improving services  / Sam Rankin, James Morton and Mattew Bell.

Edinburgh: Equality Network, 2015 - 71 p.
uitgave: Edinburgh : Equality Network, 2015 - 71 p.
  1. zorg/hulpverlening
  2. biseksualiteit
samenvatting: This report details the findings of the largest UK survey to date that specifically explores bisexual people's experiences of services. Various writers have noted that there is very little bisexual specific research at present. This report aims to assist in part with addressing this research gap. We hope that our findings will help organisations to better understand and implement improvements for bisexual people.

signatuur: cat. (ranki-s/mor)

dgb grijs

Complicated? : Bisexual people's experiences of and ideas for improving services
cat. (ranki-s/mor)dgb grijs

The Old, the New, and the Redefined: Identifying the Discourses in Contemporary Bisexual Activism  / Kathryn L. Nutter-Pridgen.

Journal of Bisexuality, 15 (2015) 3 (july-sep), p. 385-413
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 15 (2015) 3 (july-sep), p. 385-413
samenvatting: Activists working on behalf of any social movement utilize multiple discourses to communicate with other activists as well as movement outsiders. This research studies the discourses and frames present in contemporary bisexual activism using data from a variety of sources. The findings reveal that activists are continuing to use frames that respond to some discourses that have been present in the movement for a long time, whereas other frames are constructed to address discourses that have emerged more recently. Based on the old and new discourses found within and without the movement itself, bisexual activists are redefining frames about bisexuality to encourage coalition and inclusivity. Understanding the relationship between movement frames and discourses, as well as how they relate to discourses present in larger society and other movements, has implications for the political efficacy and success of the movement. (Copies available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15299716.2015.1033044)

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (nutte/old)

The Old, the New, and the Redefined: Identifying the Discourses in Contemporary Bisexual Activism
ts. dgb artikelen (nutte/old)
Kathryn L. Nutter-Pridgen.
Journal of Bisexuality

Biseksualiteit en internet  / Roselien Brondy.

Amsterdam: Hogeschool van Amsterdam [HVA], 2014 - 138 p.+ bijl.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Hogeschool van Amsterdam [HVA], 2014 - 138 p.+ bijl.
  1. internet
  2. biseksualiteit
samenvatting: Onderzoek naar de behoefte en het gebruik van internetmogelijkheden van biseksuelen om met elkaar in contact te komen.

signatuur: cat. (brond/bis) g

Biseksualiteit en internet
cat. (brond/bis) g

Verenigingen voor bi's : De enige plaats waar biseksuelen kunnen rekenen op acceptatie en erkenning?  / Peter De Vos.

Zizo, 22 (2015) 131 (jul/aug/sep), p. 14-17
bron: Zizo jaargang: 22 (2015) 131 (jul/aug/sep), p. 14-17
samenvatting: Van de meer 130 verenigingen voor holebi's en transgenders die in Vlaanderen en Brussel actief zijn, vallen de vereniging Dubbelzinnig en Ertussenin op. Ze richten zich namelijk exclusief op biseksuelen. Drie mannen vertellen hier over hun leven als biseksuelen, de vooroordelen en onbegrip die ze vaak krijgen, en over de bi-verenigingen waar ze lid van zijn.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Verenigingen voor bi's : De enige plaats waar biseksuelen kunnen rekenen op acceptatie en erkenning?
ts. dgb periodieken
Peter De Vos.

Van woord tot waardigheid: De geschiedenis van biseksualiteit  / Tine Weckhuyzen.

Zizo, 22 (2015) 131 (jul/aug/sep), p. 36-37
bron: Zizo jaargang: 22 (2015) 131 (jul/aug/sep), p. 36-37
samenvatting: Over hoe en wanneer biseksualiteit een begrip werd en hoe de beweging is gegroeid sinds 1800 tot heden.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Van woord tot waardigheid: De geschiedenis van biseksualiteit
ts. dgb periodieken
Tine Weckhuyzen.

Bisexuality : Identities, Politics, and Theories  / 

Surya Monro.Basingstoke [etc.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 - ix, 207 p.
uitgave: Basingstoke [etc.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 - ix, 207 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 180-196.
samenvatting: Bisexuality has been largely erased from studies of sexuality and gender, and people who desire others of more than one gender often remain invisible. This book sets a new agenda for considering sexualities and genders, by focusing on the lives of people who are bisexual or who have other identities that are not heterosexual, lesbian or gay, in an international context. What are bisexual people's lived experiences? How can these be understood using social and political theories? What are the implications of bisexuality for future theorising and research? In addressing these and other questions, this book maps out under-explored territory. It does so by looking at topical themes, including sex and relationships, community, the commodification of bisexuality, and activism. The book also shows how understandings of bisexuality can usefully inform the social sciences in areas such as identity construction, social inequalities, postcolonial relations, and citizenship.

signatuur: cat. (monro-s/bis) b


Bisexuality : Identities, Politics, and Theories
cat. (monro-s/bis) b ODE3
Surya Monro.

'I Am Bisexual' : Can coming out serve as a form of activism for the bisexual community?  / Tiffany Gwee.

[Bristol]: University of Bristol, 2017 - 45 p.+ bijl.
uitgave: [Bristol] : University of Bristol, 2017 - 45 p.+ bijl.
  1. biseksualiteit
samenvatting: The paper set out to gain a holistic understanding regarding the bisexual coming out narrative and explore the extent to which such acts of coming out can serve as a form of activism for the bisexual community.

signatuur: cat. (gwee/iam)

dgb grijs

'I Am Bisexual' : Can coming out serve as a form of activism for the bisexual community?
cat. (gwee/iam)dgb grijs

De bi-beweging in Nederland : Ontwikkelingen en ervaringen van vooraanstaande bi-activisten sinds de jaren '90  / Emiel Maliepaard.

Amsterdam: Atria, 2019 - 37 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Atria, 2019 - 37 p.
  1. biseksualiteit
samenvatting: In deze rapportage wordt de Nederlandse biseksuele beweging besproken waarbij de nadruk ligt op: de vraag in hoeverre er sprake is (geweest) van een biseksuele gemeenschap; de omvang van de bi-beweging; activiteiten georganiseerd door bi-organisaties; politieke representatie en biseksuele zichtbaarheid; normen en waarden van de bi-beweging en organisaties. Een opmerkelijke conclusie is dat de nadruk van de Nederlandse bi-beweging verschoven is van het ondersteunen en empoweren van biseksuelen naar de politieke representatie van biseksualiteit. Dit is te zien in de activiteiten van het Landelijk Netwerk Biseksualiteit: van community organisatie naar een belangenorganisatie. Er wordt verder op de overeenkomsten en verschillen met andere LHBT+-organisaties en bewegingen, en overlap met de BDSM, swingers, kink, en polyamorie scenes. Hoe moeten we de Nederlandse bi-beweging zien ten opzichte van andere LHBT+ organisaties? En zijn er wellicht niet juist meer overeenkomsten met bijvoorbeeld de BDSM of polyamorie wereld?

signatuur: cat. (malie/bib)

dgb grijs

De bi-beweging in Nederland : Ontwikkelingen en ervaringen van vooraanstaande bi-activisten sinds de jaren '90
cat. (malie/bib)dgb grijs

The Promotion and Protection of the Human Rights of Bisexual Persons : challenges and opportunities.

Geneva: ILGA Bisexual Secretariat, 2018 - [19] p.
uitgave: Geneva : ILGA Bisexual Secretariat, 2018 - [19] p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. biseksualiteit
samenvatting: A document looking at both the global and regional situation for the bisexual community in America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Oceania.

signatuur: cat. (promo/pro/hum)

dgb grijs

The Promotion and Protection of the Human Rights of Bisexual Persons : challenges and opportunities.
cat. (promo/pro/hum)dgb grijs


( DE:"bi-beweging" )

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