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Aantal resultaten: 16( DE:"archivarissen" )


Tape-by-tape: digital practices and cataloguing rituals at the Lesbian Herstory Archives  / Shawn(ta) D. Smith-Cruz.

samenvatting: Through consistent volunteer participation from lesbian communities, and an uncompromising grassroots approach, the structure and heritage of the Lesbian Herstory Archives has developed a useable formula for archiving lesbian life. This essay outlines the digital collections of the archives. It describes the efforts put forth by the all-volunteer collective, and their dedication toward making materials accessible through the use of digital technology to preserve, catalog and exhibit lesbian herstory. It contains interviews with the "Archivettes" Saskia Scheffer, Rachel Corbmann and Maxime Wolfe who are responsible for the Photos, Online Public Catalogue and the Audio and provides examples of LHA digital practices in the creation and maintenance of the photocollection, OPAC and Audio Tape Digitization project.

signatuur: cat. art. (queers/onl) b

Tape-by-tape: digital practices and cataloguing rituals at the Lesbian Herstory Archives
cat. art. (queers/onl) b
Shawn(ta) D. Smith-Cruz.
In: Queers online : LGBT digital practices in libraries, archives and museums / ed. by R. Wexelbaum. - Sacramento : Litwin Books, 2015. - p. 85-110.

Archivist talks documenting leather, S&M and fetishism history  / Charlsie Dewey ; Gayle Rubin.

Windy City Times 19-04-2016
bron: Windy City Times 19-04-2016
samenvatting: Interview with Gayle Rubin, who has been uncovering documents and artifacts pertaining to leather, S&M and fetishism culture for more than four decades, ensuring this important piece of history isn't lost to time. Rubin - who is an archivist and associate professor of anthropology and women's studies at the University of Michigan - didn't set out to become one of the country's top archivists of these materials. Instead, her work led her down that path. In 1978, while working on her dissertation on gay male leather subculture in San Francisco she found the source material necessary for her work substantially lacking.

signatuur: full_text

Archivist talks documenting leather, S&M and fetishism history
Charlsie Dewey ; Gayle Rubin.
Windy City Times

An Archive for All : How the Transgender Archives work to create community connections  / Lara Wilson.

American Libraries 02-01-2018
bron: American Libraries 02-01-2018
samenvatting: University of Victoria (B.C.) Libraries in Canada is home to the largest physical collection of transgender-related material worldwide. Lara Wilson, university archivist and director of special collections, explains how the Transgender Archives has evolved from cataloged items to community outreach in its seven years.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (wilso-l/arc)

An Archive for All : How the Transgender Archives work to create community connections
dgb artikelen (wilso-l/arc)
Lara Wilson.
American Libraries

Jack met pensioen

Amsterdam: Ihlia lhbt erfgoed, 2019 - [ongep.]: ill.
uitgave: Amsterdam: Ihlia lhbt erfgoed, 2019 - [ongep.]: ill.
samenvatting: Fotoboek gemaakt ter gelegenheid van de pensionering van Jack van der Wel, een van de medeoprichters van het Homodok, dat aan de basis lag van het latere IHLIA. Hij is lange tijd Hoofd Collectie geweest. Na zijn pensionering in 2019 blijft hij nog als adviseur betrokken bij IHLIA.

signatuur: cat. (jack/met) bb

Jack met pensioen
cat. (jack/met) bb

Hulde voor de man van de roze kast : Koninklijke onderscheiding voor verzamelaar onderzoek homoseksualiteit  / Joy Leering.

Parool 08-11-2019
bron: Parool 08-11-2019
samenvatting: Jack van der Wel is als drijvende kracht achter een van de grootste documentatiecentra voor onderzoek naar homoseksualiteit koninklijk onderscheiden. Als Ridder in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau gaat hij na 41 jaar met pensioen.

signatuur: full_text

knipsel (bb/ba)

Hulde voor de man van de roze kast : Koninklijke onderscheiding voor verzamelaar onderzoek homoseksualiteit
full_text knipsel (bb/ba)
Joy Leering.

Een naakte man in het archief: de geschiedenis van representatie van het naakte htq mannenlichaam : Symposium en receptie ter gelegenheid van pensionering Jack van der Wel.

Amsterdam: IHLIA LGBT Heritage, 2019 - [8] p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : IHLIA LGBT Heritage, 2019 - [8] p.
  1. geschiedenis
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Programmaboekje van een symposium ter gelegenheid van de pensionering Jack van der Wel.

signatuur: cat. (naakt/man) k

Een naakte man in het archief: de geschiedenis van representatie van het naakte htq mannenlichaam : Symposium en receptie ter gelegenheid van pensionering Jack van der Wel.
cat. (naakt/man) k

"Met alleen verzamelen kom je er niet"  / Liza van den Dijssel ; Jack van der Wel.

Hello Gorgeous (2020) 30 (lente), p. 60-63
bron: Hello Gorgeous (2020) 30 (lente), p. 60-63
samenvatting: Interview met Jack van der Wel over het ontstaan en de geschiedenis van IHLIA LGBT Heritage (voorheen Homodok), zijn studententijd, de rol van Homodok toen de aidsepidemie in de jaren tachtig uitbrak, hoe de aids-voorlichting en -campagne zijn gegaan, de strijdbaarheid en de zichtbaarheid van de homogemeenschap. Ook vertelt hij over de ontwikkeling van IHLIA in de laatste decennia en zijn hoop voor de toekomst.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

"Met alleen verzamelen kom je er niet"
ts. dgb periodieken
Liza van den Dijssel ; Jack van der Wel.
Hello Gorgeous

The Emergence, Development and Survival of Four Lesbian and Gay Archives  / by Rebecka Taves Sheffield.

Toronto: University of Toronto, Faculty of Information, 2015 - xviii, 357 p.
uitgave: Toronto : University of Toronto, Faculty of Information, 2015 - xviii, 357 p.
  1. archieven/bibliotheken/musea
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Abstract: This project was designed to expand on research in the fields of archival studies, social movement studies, and sexuality studies to better understand the experiences of lesbian and gay archives. A multiple case study was conducted at four community grown archives: The Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, the ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives, The June L. Mazer Lesbian Archives, and the Lesbian Herstory Archives. Site visits took place over six months in 2013 and 2014, during which time interviews were conducted with 33 community archivists, volunteers, and community partners. In addition, more than 20,000 pages of organizational records related to the founding and development of these archives were reviewed. By tracing the emergence, development, and resource struggles of four lesbian and gay archives, this dissertation shows how these organizations have been shaped by broader movement goals, local geographies, socio-political structures, and the particular interests and energies of those who have nurtured their collections over the years. The dissertation tells a history of each archives and comments on the common challenges that they have faced over the past forty-plus years. Engagements between these archives and their local academic institutions are also explored, as are their continuing relationships with the communities they serve.

signatuur: cat. (sheff/eme)

dgb grijs

The Emergence, Development and Survival of Four Lesbian and Gay Archives
cat. (sheff/eme)dgb grijs

A Queer/ed Archival methodology : Theorizing Practice Through Radical Interrogations of The Archival Body  / Jamie Ann Lee.

Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona, 2015 - 233 p.
uitgave: Tucson, AZ : University of Arizona, 2015 - 233 p.
  1. archieven/bibliotheken/musea
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: This project uses the body as a framework to understand and re-imagine the archives (here referring to the professionally managed repository). It argues that the archives as a body of knowledge, like the human body, does not and cannot fit into normative stable categories. Tracing the shift in archival paradigms from modern to postmodern, I employ the posthuman to argue for a concomitant shift in understanding of the archival body, which I conceive of as comprising both human and non-human corpora of knowledge and knowledge-making practices. These corpora are simultaneously becoming and unbecoming as multiply-situated identities, technologies, representations, and timescapes. Using temporality as a key element in analyzing archival productions, I consider how this body might sediment. This research, written from my insider perspective as an archivist, implements a transdisciplinary approach that draws from the disciplines of archival and queer studies as well as from somatechnics, embodiment and affect studies, and decolonizing methodologies to advocate for a proposed Queer/ed Archival Methodology, Q/M, that is designed to trouble the concepts of archival theory and production. It also employed on-site observation and interviews at the Transgender Archives in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, observation and narrative analysis of recordings held by the Arizona Queer Archives and the Arizona LGBTQ Storytelling Project, and online interviews with the developer of the Skeivt Arkiv, Norway's first state-sanctioned queer archives. Three overarching questions guided the research: 1) How can archives simultaneously hold normative and non-normative stories, materials and practices together as both complementary and also contradictory without subordinating or otherwise invalidating either and so that each can still be considered worthy of archival attention? 2) How might a Q/M be a radical intervention into normative archival practices and structures and to what ends? 3) What might it mean and look like for a queer/ed archives to be a radically open space? For whom? As we encounter multiply-situated subjects in the postmodern approach and follow traces in order to interrogate the force and function of respectability politics within the archival body, the modern and anthropocentric Cartesian statement 'Je pense, donc je suis' (I think, therefore I am) can no longer support the human and records as the central theme of archival endeavors. The posthuman approach offers many possibilities. Through the understanding that human bodies are relational and contingent in complex ways to non-human bodies and each to bodies of knowledges, human and non-human bodies come together in complex relations and assemblages within the archives. Archival productions can thus represent new and emerging thoughts on lived experiences as these are situated in various structures and systems. The Q/M offers a way of thinking and acting with, about, through, among, and at times in spite of traditional as well as emerging archival practices and processes in order to facilitate new, imaginative, irrational, and unpredictable re-configurations of bodies and archives and the many histories and records therein. Its flexible foundation in the theories employed in the research support Q/M?s seven key approaches: 1) Participatory Ethos, 2) Connectivity, 3) Storytelling, 4) Intervention, 5) Re-framing, 6) Re-imagining, and 7) Flexibility & Dynamism.

signatuur: cat. (lee-j/que)

dgb grijs

A Queer/ed Archival methodology : Theorizing Practice Through Radical Interrogations of The Archival Body
cat. (lee-j/que)dgb grijs

Lesbian Networks of (Cat) Care During the Sex Wars  / Rachel Corbman.

Notches 11-08-2020
bron: Notches 11-08-2020
samenvatting: On Thursday afternoon, August 12, 1982, Amber Hollibaugh called Dorothy Allison to finalize catsitting arrangements for Alice B. Toklas, the cat. At the time, Amber and Dorothy were relatively recent transplants to New York City. First, in 1979, Dorothy and her "off and on" lover Morgan Gwenwald moved to New York by way of Washington DC and Tallahassee before that. According to lore that still floats around the Lesbian Herstory Archives, Dorothy and Morgan came to New York to visit the growing lesbian historical collection housed in Joan Nestle and Deb Edel's apartment. Away for the summer, Joan and Deb promised to leave a key for the visitors. At the end of the summer, Joan and Deb returned home to find Dorothy and Morgan still in their apartment. Nearly forty years later, Deb laughed at this memory as she recounted this story to me. Eventually, Dorothy and Morgan rented their own apartment in Brooklyn, which Dorothy kept after the relationship "blew up." Once settled, Dorothy enrolled in a graduate program at the New School and found a job at Poets & Writers.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (corbm/les)

Lesbian Networks of (Cat) Care During the Sex Wars
dgb artikelen (corbm/les)
Rachel Corbman.


( DE:"archivarissen" )

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