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Niet quexen in Sotsji!  / Sidney Smeets.

Gay Krant (2013) 680 (nov), p. 29-33
bron: Gay Krant (2013) 680 (nov), p. 29-33
samenvatting: Advocaat, historicus en schrijver Sidney Smeets gaat in op de situatie in Duitsland in de jaren dertig waar anti-Joodse wetgeving werd ingevoerd om Joden onzichtbaar te maken en trekt een vergelijking met de huidige situatie in Rusland, waar de anti-homopropagandawet is ingegeven door een vergelijkbaar 'wij/zij' denken en een angst voor afwijkende seksualiteit. Onder het mom van een wettelijke regeling en ter bescherming van het volk wordt discriminatie geïnstitutionaliseerd, of het nu om Joden of om homo's gaat.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Niet quexen in Sotsji!
ts. dgb periodieken
Sidney Smeets.
Gay Krant

Worms, Ants, and Greek Love: Benedict Friedländer's "Homosexual Instinct"  / Ofri Ilany.

Journal of the History of Sexuality, 31 (2022) 2 (may), p. 192-217
bron: Journal of the History of Sexuality jaargang: 31 (2022) 2 (may), p. 192-217
samenvatting: The ocean's water was clear and still. It was the early morning of 28 October 1897, and Pacific spring skies stretched over the island of Samoa. Around 4:00 a.m., the Samoan men sitting in va'as (canoes) over the coral reef sprang into frantic motion. The water also began swirling: long, wispy tendrils began moving to the surface in circuitous motion. Within minutes, countless numbers of these creatures appeared, some dark blue and some light brown. Soon they covered the face of the water, and the Samoan men leaned over quickly, pulled them out, and stored them in special containers. The bearded German man who was sitting in one of these va'as looked on in restrained awe. His name was Doctor Benedict Friedländer (1866-1908), a zoologist and sociologist from Berlin who had arrived alone in Samoa several weeks earlier. As occurred every year during the Pacific spring, the residents of Samoa gorged themselves on these sea worms, which they called palolo (Palola viridis). Friedländer himself also tried the dish, claiming its taste was reminiscent of caviar - especially when raw. He wasn't the first European to witness the "palolo dance"; the phenomenon had been reported on by several British and German researchers. But in the following days, he began investigating the worms' bodies and was surprised to discover that they in fact had no heads. It soon became apparent to Friedländer that the creatures who made such a sudden appearance were not the worms at all but rather their genitalia Friedländer put great stock into what he termed the "palolo question"; within half a decade, he had penned eight different papers on the subject. He took great pride in the fact that until his arrival in Samoa, very little was known about the palolo: "There seemed to be an almost impenetrable veil of mystery over the whole thing," he wrote in his dramatic style. However, Friedländer believed that his zoological training gave him the ability to remove the veil of mysticism over sexual phenomena - and not only of worms in Samoa but also of humans in Europe. In his conception, just as the worm's sex organs float to the surface, so too should human sexuality become visible to the naked eye and be investigated as a natural phenomenon like any other social behavior. The origin of this conception was in a biologistic view of human society and sexuality focused on understanding human behavior based on simple chemical reactions. In Friedländer's case it was also tied to racist and anti-Semitic conceptions: those who limit the human animal's powers of erotic attraction in the name of an artificial asceticism were committing "crimes against nature." Friedländer envisioned an unusual kind of renewal: a heroic ultramasculine society founded on the biological instinct of homosexuality. Upon his return to Berlin in 1899, he transformed his intuitions into an elaborate theory that formed the basis of an influential sociological-sexological doctrine: the Männerbund theory of erotic masculine brotherhood.

signatuur: ts.

Worms, Ants, and Greek Love: Benedict Friedländer's "Homosexual Instinct"
Ofri Ilany.
Journal of the History of Sexuality

'Eindelijk zijn ons de ogen geopend': Discriminatie en racisme : Eerste nationaal congres  / Tonny van der Mee.

Parool 28-09-2023
bron: Parool 28-09-2023
samenvatting: Rabin Baldewsingh, Nationaal Coördinator tegen Discriminatie en Racisme (NCDR) verklaarde in het Congres dat racisme en discriminatie deel uitmaken van de samenleving. Rabin gaf voorbeelden als: racisme bij het ministerie van buitenlandse zaken, islamofobie, uitsluiting van mensen met een beperking, vrouwen en lhbti'ers, etnisch profileren en discriminerende algoritmes in computersystemen.

signatuur: knipsel (geweld)

'Eindelijk zijn ons de ogen geopend': Discriminatie en racisme : Eerste nationaal congres
knipsel (geweld)
Tonny van der Mee.

Jewish lesbian culture and anti-semitism in the lesbian community  / Radical Rose Recordings, Minneapolis

    Type materiaal: cdMaker: Radical Rose Recordings, MinneapolisLand: USADatum: 27/02/1983

Genre: documentaires

samenvatting: Autobiografische ervaringen van verschillende joods-Amerikaanse lesbische vrouwen, afgewisseld met muzikale intermezzo's.

signatuur: GC1165 1-2

Jewish lesbian culture and anti-semitism in the lesbian community
GC1165 1-2


( DE:"anti-semitisme" )

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